Devenir entrepreneur du changement This Guy Offends Everyone But Makes A Great Point This Guy Offends Everyone But Makes A Great Point As a society, do we really care about the less fortunate? Have you given a blanket, food or money to every single homeless person you've encountered? British charity The Pilion Trust decided to see just how caring and compassionate Londoner's were about the plight of their fellow countrymen. They hire a brave actor to walk around the cold wintery streets of the UK's captial, with large sign that read "F**K THE POOR" As you can imagine, he was rightfully harassed, challenged and quizzed by just about everyone who walked past him - each damning his lack of understanding for those in need. A day later he went to the same area with an entirely different sign what happened next was a major reality check. Point made.
Kindness in the Classroom Lesson Plans | Random Acts of Kindness Our FREE lesson plans can make a difference in your classroom. Research shows that students who learn in a positive environment have a better school experience—they enjoy higher test scores, learn new skills at a faster rate, and are overall happier at school. We're in our fourth year of researching the implementation, and we’ve measured positive results showing that practicing kindness in the classroom transforms not only students, but teachers and entire school cultures as well. We encourage you to use these plans in your classroom and provide feedback so we can fine tune them for use by others. All of the materials are absolutely free of charge; we just ask in exchange that you provide us with information about yourself, how you intend to use the lesson plans, and how we might improve them. Please Login or Register to download these lesson plans from our website. Program Introduction Video Watch our new intro video to see how easy it is to get started. Essential Strategies and Resources The