Fun Programming Creative Coding with Processing.js for Windows 8 JavaScript applications 21 minutes, 48 seconds 39 minutes, 19 seconds 35 minutes, 47 seconds 27 minutes, 16 seconds 50 minutes, 41 seconds 35 minutes, 8 seconds 54 minutes, 58 seconds 36 minutes, 32 seconds 39 minutes, 21 seconds 4 minutes, 21 seconds H 2112: DEC 6-9:CHICAGO ++ GLI.TC/H is an event that celebrates the glitch! Artists, thinkers, performers, makers && breakers gather to intentionally Fâ–²C▄▀SH.*UP↓ ⟁ Alerts! ⟁ GLI.TC/H NEEDS YOUR HELP! ✍ Style this site! this year GLI.TC/H is styled by YOU! ✍ GLI.TC/H/ WORKINGGROUPS [ participate now! ✍ GLI.TC/H/WIKI [ linx + resources ] You want to show your glitch art? In previous years, the have exhibited/curated works from an open call.
The Abyss by @andreasgysin [Tutorial] - Graphics, animation and interaction with #Processing Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. To find out how to become a member see here. 5 Comments Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Revoke Consent 30+ Places To Find Creative Commons Media This article was written in 2009 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about online tools, you may find this recent article on Google Analytics apps of great interest. In this day and age, it seems everything online has a price associated with it. Whether you’re subscribing to a pay site for full articles or clicking on ads in a blog, everything online seems to have money associated with it. Luckily there is still a large, and very healthy, movement online for media files listed under the Creative Commons licenses. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, these are files you can use in the creation of web sites and other media, free of charge. SitePoint has gathered up over 30 of the best resources online for audio, video, images and more for finding just the perfect Creative Commons licensed item for use in your next project. Audio Over 7,000 free audio files as of this writing, all well categorized and easy to navigate. Images
A sequence of Circles... : clementvalla ← Older posts Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment Although many open source projects are driven to build alternatives for existing applications, there are numerous projects that represent new and innovative works. Processing is one of those programs. Processing began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT's) Media Lab in 2001, created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, though it has contributions from Carnegie Mellon; the University of California, Los Angeles; Miami University; and others. The original goal for Processing was the development of a graphical sketchbook and environment that could be used to teach (graphically) the fundamentals of computer science. Processing runs on GNU/Linux®, as well as Mac OS X and Windows®, and it supports the ability to export images to a variety of formats. This first article begins with an exploration of the Processing IDE, then reviews some of the first aspects of the Processing language. Processing environment The first step is to install the Processing environment. Figure 1. Back to top
Freeframe plugin from Processing Sketch - Eric Medine Eric Medine Processing for Resolume is a walkthru, from download to install to finished project, of how to build a Freeframe Plugin from a Processing sketch with custom Processing controls spawning from inside the Resolume environment itself! About Processing from Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. Initially developed to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing also has evolved into a tool for generating finished professional work. About Spout Spout is a realtime video sharing framework for Windows. The team behind Spout does not charge for their work, and there’s a lot of time, effort, and licensing that goes into keeping the project running. About this Processing for Resolume tutorial Use this tutorial however you want, feel free to add to it, be sure to forward it to whomever and give it away for free. NOTE!
The Message Fun Programming Interactive Comic - NAWLZ - SEASON 1 : DISTORTION REIGNS SUPREME PHP - Les fonctions Avril 2014 La notion de fonction On appelle fonction un sous-programme qui permet d'effectuer un ensemble d'instructions par simple appel de la fonction dans le corps du programme principal. Les fonctions permettent d'exécuter dans plusieurs parties du programme une série d'instructions, cela permet une simplicité du code et donc une taille de programme minimale. D'autre part, une fonction peut faire appel à elle-même, on parle alors de fonction récursive (il ne faut pas oublier de mettre une condition de sortie au risque sinon de ne pas pouvoir arrêter le programme...). La déclaration d'une fonction PHP recèle de nombreuses fonctions intégrées permettant d'effectuer des actions courantes. afin de simplifier l'exécution de séries d'instructions répétitives. function Nom_De_La_Fonction(argument1, argument2, ...) { liste d'instructions } Remarques: Une fois cette étape franchie, votre fonction ne s'exécutera pas tant que l'on ne fait pas appel à elle quelque part dans la page! Appel de fonction
Les fonctions Liens sponsorisés : Une fonction est un bloc de code PHP destiné généralement à être réutilisé plusieurs fois. Plutôt que d'écrire X fois le morceau de code, on le met dans une fonction, et c'est cette fonction que l'on appellera dès qu'on l'aura décidé. <? On constate que le premier mot est le mot function, il est obligatoire et signifie que le bloc traité par PHP sera une fonction. Une fonction comporte toujours des parenthèses. Il existe deux grands types de fonctions : les fonctions qui retournent une valeur, et celles qui n'en retournent pas (on appelle ces fonctions des procédures). Exemple de procédure affichant "bonjour tout le monde !" Pour afficher Bonjour tout le monde ! Nous venons de voir l'exemple d'une procédure qui ne contenait aucun paramètre. Exemple d'une fonction calculant le produit de deux nombres et retournant le résultat : Ici la fonction retournera le produit des deux nombres. Si vous souhaitez afficher le produit de 10 et 2 par exemple, vous pouvez faire ceci : <? <?