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Satellite Eyes Raging Menace - MenuMeters Introduction MenuMeters is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for Mac OS X. Although there are numerous other programs which do the same thing, none had quite the feature set I was looking for. The MenuMeters monitors are true SystemUIServer plugins (also known as Menu Extras). The CPU Meter can display system load both as a total percentage, or broken out as user and system time. MenuMeters comes without warranty or support. Screenshots License MenuMeters is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the "GNU General Public License.rtf" file for full license terms. Donations Although distributed as open-source freeware, a great deal of effort has gone into the creation and maintenance of MenuMeters. System Requirements Mac OS X 10.4 or later (10.8 supported) PowerPC or Intel based Macintosh (Universal Binary) Download

Mac Gems: Byte breakdown One of the questions I’m frequently asked as a Mac writer—and a question we see quite often in the Macworld forums —is, “My hard drive is getting full; how can I see which files are taking up all that space?” It’s an understandable question: Your hard drive started out with 50GB or so of free space, but now it’s down to 10GB and you have no clue as to why. (OK, so you’ve installed a few sizable software packages, and then there are all those MP3 files you ripped from your CDs and media you purchased from iTunes, and...) Although you could manually browse your drive, using the Finder’s “Calculate all sizes” view option, to see which folders are taking up the most space, then delve down into the biggest ones to search for large files and folders hidden inside, and so on, an easier approach is to use a utility that shows how your hard drive space is being used. WhatSize One of my favorite such utilities is ID-Design’s free WhatSize 10.3.9 ( ). But my favorite option is Table View.

MeshLab - Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Windows Update GrandPerspective Control media using hand gestures with Flutter Smartphones and tablets are spoiling us for our other devices. It's so easy to swipe, tap, and gesture our way through our mobile lives that we sometimes get frustrated with more traditional tech like laptops. Flutter aims to help solve one small problem in a fun way -- playing and pausing music quickly -- and it works great. Install Flutter here for Windows 7 and here for Mac. That's it, for now. Thanks to The Red Ferret for the tip!

Remote scripting first steps -- Managing Windows networks using scripts, Part 6 In previous articles in this series we explored what we could do with the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class and getting over the "hump" that many Windows administrators face when learning how to script. Now let's go back to the script ChangeIPAddress.vbs that we developed to change the IP address of a network adapter: {*style:<i>Option Explicit Dim objWMIService Dim objNetAdapter Dim strComputer Dim strAddress Dim arrIPAddress Dim arrSubnetMask Dim colNetAdapters Dim errEnableStatic </i>*} {*style:<i>If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "Usage: ChangeIPAddress.vbs new_IP_address" WScript.Quit End If </i>*} {*style:<i>strComputer = "." strAddress = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) arrIPAddress = Array(strAddress) arrSubnetMask = Array("") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE") For Each objNetAdapter in colNetAdapters Next </i>*}

Wooden Brain Concepts Featured Software Wooden Brain Concepts: Agitprop Marketing for Our Sensuous Times™ Please Note: Wooden Brain Concepts has a new domain! Please bookmark: You will be automatically re-directed in 10 seconds... Finally, no more popups! If popups persist, go to that address directly, or open the frame of the page in a new window. Thank you to Kevin Wojniak of Kainjow Software for providing WBC with web hosting. If you use WBC software please consider making a donation. donate some $$ for freeware products via KAGI A note and apology about the popup: Back before May 2006, when Kainjow software was so kind as to donate some web space, we used this free redirect system. Splashtop XDisplay for iPad on the iTunes App Store
