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Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

Bre Pettis | I Make Things - Bre Pettis Blog - The Cult of Done Manifesto Dear Members of the Cult of Done, I present to you a manifesto of done. This was written in collaboration with Kio Stark in 20 minutes because we only had 20 minutes to get it done. The Cult of Done Manifesto There are three states of being. Update: James Provost made the awesome poster for the Cult of Done Manifesto. And Joshua Rothaas made this poster. Rule of Life - The Spirit of Life If you find life offers too many daily struggles, without much focus or feeling of accomplishment, a Rule (sometimes known as a ‘Rhythm’) of Life, or a ‘Pathway’, could help you put things in perspective. A Rule can be anything: it can be adopted from a particular religious order (Franciscans, Northumbria Community) or it can be one you have constructed yourself, possibly with the help of a Spiritual Companion. Central to a Rule, or Pathway, is the understanding that it is there to help our everyday lives. Like a trellis helps a vine or rose to grow, a Rule is there simply to offer the strength and support we may find we need in our lives to help us grow as individuals. Help like giving ourselves time for a break! But a Rule can also include those actions many find as add-ons to their lives but which you could find fulfilment: charity, for example. Rules aren’t designed to be burdensome. What about a Rule that sets you a challenge: to read something new or do something different.

Copy, Adapt, Reproduce (AKA solving problems without creativity) « Mindflip Evolution has allowed life to adapt and survive in the harshest of environments. The copy, paste, randomly change model allows for life to continue evolve and succeed in incredibly hostile conditions. Survival of the Best Adapted. Yet with our own culture, rather than emulate the success of this model, we have pursued the God Model. A hierarchical system of control that could only possibly work if you were omnipotent and omniscient. Furthermore, should we achieve such a model, we will have created the ultimate dystopia. Our environment is changing more rapidly than this traditional model can possibly keep up. If we can’t understand these systems, how can we possibly design for them? We can’t and we shouldn’t. Instead we should adopt what has proven to be successful – Life. Copy, Adapt, Reproduce Copy: When we find a problem we should first look to find a solution that has already worked (you know how to google don’t you?) Let’s not let old paradigms stand in the way of a sustainable future.

10 Insanely Awesome Inspirational Manifestos There are certain messages that serve to get you “back to one” when you find you’re going off course. Whether you use tools such as a manifesto, a personal mission statement, a vision board or a list similar to Benjamin Franklin’s “13 Virtues”, taking the time to identify with one and then keeping it handy is worthwhile – and perhaps even imperative. But in a lot of cases you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”; there are some awesome inspirational manifestos that have already put out there for you to look at and use as a means to set you back on course. Some come in the form of an image, some as a video, and some as nothing more than a blog post. 1. This is one of the best known ones on the web. 2. Baz Luhrman, best known as the director of films like “Strictly Ballroom” and “Moulin Rouge!” 3. the lululemon manifesto The corporate manifesto for thsi athletic wear company may very well be a bellwether for a shift in the culture of the new enterprising set. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. focus 10.

The Rule - briefly ‘The Rule we embrace and keep will be that of AVAILABILITY and VULNERABILITY.’ We are called to be AVAILABLE to God and to others: Firstly to be available to God in the cell of our own heart when we can be turned towards Him, and seek His face; then to be available to others in a call to exercise hospitality, recognising that in welcoming others we honour and welcome the Christ Himself; then to be available to others through participation in His care and concern for them, by praying and interceding for their situations in the power of the Holy Spirit; then to be available for participation in mission of various kinds according to the calling and initiatives of the Spirit. We are called to intentional, deliberate VULNERABILITY: We embrace the vulnerability of being teachable expressed in: a discipline of prayer; in exposure to Scripture; a willingness to be accountable to others in ordering our ways and our heart in order to effect change.

What True Love Has To Do With Great Innovation If there’s one thing we know about great innovations, it’s that they always break from the status quo. The best creative thinking occurs outside of the usual systems at work. The problem is, most of us live and work inside the system. So you have to purposely jam the controls. Create blips in the patterns. 1. The long days of summer offer two crucial things: time and freedom. 2. Who’s paying for this date? 3. You need to go make out. 4. When it comes down to it, when you’re in love, you feel like the best version of yourself. What Do You Think? Scott McDowell takes the risk out of hiring your management team.

Community of Aidan and Hilda – USA - Ten Elements of the Aidan Way The Ten Elements of the Aidan Way of Life In common with many communities within Christianity we have three vows. These are SIMPLICITY, CHASTITY, and OBEDIENCE which we understand as principles, not rules. SIMPLICITY means the willingness to be poor or rich for God according to his direction. We resist the temptations to be greedy or possessive, and we will not manipulate people or creation for our own ends. We are bold to use all we have for God without fear of possible poverty. 1. Daily Bible reading is at the heart of this Way of life. 2. We meet with our Soul Friend at least twice a year. 3. Prayer: We commit ourselves to a regular discipline of prayer. Work: We welcome work as a gift from God. Rest: The hours of rest and recreation are as valuable as the hours of prayer and work. 4. The Order affirms a world view that recognizes the reality of the supernatural and of spiritual warfare. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Art of Insight and Action St Columba (521- 577) The Rule of St Columba 1. Be alone in a separate place near a chief city, if thy conscience is not prepared to be in common with the crowd. 2. Be always naked in imitation of Christ and the Evangelists. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. From A. This text is part of the Internet Medieval Source Book. Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley Crafting a Rule of Life - Stephen Macchia [Review] A Review of Crafting a Rule of Life: An Invitation to the Well-Ordered Way Stephen A. Macchia. Paperback: IVP Books, 2012 Buy now: [ Amazon ] [ Kindle ] Reviewed by Jennifer Burns Lewis I am devouring books on Benedictine practices like they’re ice cream flavors at my local store. Crafting a Rule of Life is a very orderly work. Part One, which comprises the first five sessions for study, invites us to frame our personal rule of life. Part two is entitled “Forming Your Personal Rule of Life.” Part three is a two chapter section called “Fulfilling Your Personal Rule of Life” and invited the reader or student to commit oneself (or recommit) to a local congregation. The final section of the book offers four examples of individuals who have crafted personal rules of life. Macchia’s book will be very helpful to individuals and groups who are looking for a study that accomplishes several things in a very balanced way.
