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Jacques Derrida Jacques Derrida (/ʒɑːk ˈdɛrɨdə/; French: [ʒak dɛʁida]; born Jackie Élie Derrida;[1] July 15, 1930 – October 9, 2004) was a French philosopher, born in French Algeria. Derrida is best known for developing a form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction. He is one of the major figures associated with post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy.[3][4][5] During his career Derrida published more than 40 books, together with hundreds of essays and public presentations. He had a significant influence upon the humanities and social sciences, including—in addition to philosophy and literature—law[6][7][8] anthropology,[9] historiography,[10] linguistics,[11] sociolinguistics,[12] psychoanalysis, political theory, feminism, and queer studies. Particularly in his later writings, he frequently addressed ethical and political themes present in his work. Life[edit] Derrida was the third of five children. Derrida traveled widely and held a series of visiting and permanent positions.

Crowdfunding Bible: Top Book on Crowd Funding, Kickstarter John Dewey John Dewey (/ˈduːi/; FAA October 20, 1859 – June 1, 1952) was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Dewey is one of the primary figures associated with philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the founders of functional psychology. A well-known public intellectual, he was also a major voice of progressive education and liberalism.[2][3] Although Dewey is known best for his publications concerning education, he also wrote about many other topics, including epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, art, logic, social theory, and ethics. Known for his advocacy of democracy, Dewey considered two fundamental elements—schools and civil society—as being major topics needing attention and reconstruction to encourage experimental intelligence and plurality. Life and works[edit] Along with the historians Charles A. Dewey was first married to Alice Chipman. Visits to China and Japan[edit]

Mapas Mentales y su relación con el marcador Pearltrees Un mapa mental es un diagrama usado para representar las palabras, ideas, tareas, u otros conceptos ligados y dispuestos radialmente alrededor de una palabra clave o de una idea central. Se utiliza para la generación, visualización, estructura, y clasificación taxonómica de las ideas, y como ayuda interna para el estudio, planificación, organización, resolución de problemas, toma de decisiones y escritura. Es un diagrama de representación semántica de las conexiones entre las porciones de información. ¿Alguna vez has estudiado un tema o has tenido una lluvia de ideas sobre algún tema, sólo para encontrarse con páginas de información, pero sin una postura clara de cómo se encajan? Aquí es donde los mapas mentales pueden ayudar. Mind Mapping es una técnica útil que le ayuda a aprender con mayor eficacia, mejora la forma en que se graba la información, y apoya y mejora la solución creativa de problemas. Los Mapas Mentales se popularizaron por el escritor y consultor, Tony Buzan. Usos Figura 3

Aristotle Aristotle's views on physical science profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. Their influence extended into the Renaissance and were not replaced systematically until the Enlightenment and theories such as classical mechanics. Some of Aristotle's zoological observations, such as on the hectocotyl (reproductive) arm of the octopus, were not confirmed or refuted until the 19th century. His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, which was incorporated in the late 19th century into modern formal logic. His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics. The sum of his work's influence often ranks him among the world's top personalities of all time with the greatest influence, along with his teacher Plato, and his pupil Alexander the Great.[9][10] Life At about the age of eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy. Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. Logic

La Creatividad, algo más necesario cada día La creatividad, denominada también ingenio, inventiva, pensamiento original, imaginación constructiva, pensamiento divergente o pensamiento creativo, es la generación de nuevas ideas o conceptos, o de nuevas asociaciones entre ideas y conceptos conocidos, que habitualmente producen soluciones originales. Yo añadiría algo más, la creatividad es algo que nos hace únicos, es un elemento diferenciador y que muchas veces puede marcar la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso. Y visto como está el mundo hoy, cada día que pasa más me doy cuenta de que la única forma de sobrevivir en este mundo es ‘ser creativo’. Y es que además de unir creatividad a inventiva, considero que lo que que distingue a una persona creativa de la que no lo es, es la voluntad de modificar o transformar el mundo. Hoy por hoy es lo que necesitamos, ‘cambiadores del mundo’. La creatividad siempre ha ido ligada al mundo emprendedor.

Carl Rogers Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to psychology. Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1956. The person-centered approach, his own unique approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling (client-centered therapy), education (student-centered learning), organizations, and other group settings. For his professional work he was bestowed the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Psychology by the APA in 1972. Biography[edit] Rogers was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Theory[edit] Nineteen propositions[edit]

Del caos al orden: encontrar, filtrar y coleccionar contenido educativo En mi experiencia una de las mejores maneras de aprender un tema específico es investigando, organizando y construyendo tu propio marco personal de información con recursos, herramientas y experiencias alrededor del tema. Cuando pasamos de memorizar un contenido que se nos da predeterminado a coleccionar nuestro propio temario según nuestros intereses, nos sumergimos en una actividad de exploración personal, descubrimiento y comprensión desde el inicio, que sin duda resulta en un aprendizaje muy efectivo. Un buen libro de texto (en papel, digital o interactivo) puede seguir siendo el punto de partida para aprender un tema en el aula, pero en ningún caso la exploración de información debería quedar limitada aquí. Los estudiantes deben aprender a aprender. Para aprender a separar el grano de la paja, los estudiantes deberían participar activamente en un proceso de curación digital junto con el profesor. ¿Eres un buen curador de una materia educativa? Foto por Marina Noordegraaf

Harry Beck Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal September 2, 2012 UPDATE: A prettier version of this comic is now available as a poster! Come see me at the WorldCon dealer's room tomorrow! September 1, 2012 Why hello there, Worldcon. Rudolf Arnheim Rudolf Arnheim (July 15, 1904 – June 9, 2007) was a German-born author, art and film theorist, and perceptual psychologist. He learned Gestalt psychology from studying under Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Köhler at the University of Berlin and applied it to art.[1] His magnum opus was his book Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye (1954). Other major books by Arnheim have included Visual Thinking (1969), and The Power of the Center: A Study of Composition in the Visual Arts (1982). Art and Visual Perception was revised, enlarged and published as a new version in 1974, and it has been translated into fourteen languages. He lived in Germany, Italy, England, and America.[1] Most notably, Arnheim taught at Sarah Lawrence College, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan.[1] He has greatly influenced art history and psychology in America.[1] Early Years[edit] University of Berlin[edit] Professional Contributions[edit] Career in the United States[edit] Works[edit]
