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The Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange Fund General criteria Country The Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange Fund is open to applicants from the United States. Study levels The scholarship is intended for professional enrichment and is thus not applicable to studies or work related to academic degrees. Fields of study The scholarship programme especially supports fields which the Fund prioritises, i.e. politics, public administration, working life, human environment, mass media, business and industry, education and culture. Programme description Objective The Swedish Bicentennial Fund for the exchange of qualified persons from the United States and Sweden was established by an Act of the Swedish Parliament in 1976 as a tribute to the United States Bicentennial and began operations in 1978 with grants to Americans and Swedes. The purpose of the Fund is to provide opportunity for those in a position to influence public opinion and contribute to the development of their society to make a two to four week study trip to Sweden.

Un CV de alto impacto Roberto Debayle nos explica cómo hacer un curriculum que impacte al reclutador. Roberto Debayle Especialista en coaching laboral Consulta a nuestro especialista ¿Qué es un CV? Esto te puede interesar: Convénceme que sabes venderte según lo que busca un reclutador La limitante del CV – no es suficiente para atraer la atención, mira aquí las 4 cartas laboralesSer concretos, concisos y directos.Descríbete de manera concreta y directa en un resumen profesional en tres a cuatro líneas – elementos del resumen profesional.Uso de letra, tipografía y colores.Hacer énfasis en logros en lugar de responsabilidades. Esto te interesa: Errores clave en una entrevista

Draw Length & Draw Weight Draw Length Draw Length is the distance from the nock point to the throat of the grip plus 1 3/4". Typically, this length will also be about the same length of arrow needed by the compound archer. To measure your draw length, stand with your back to a wall stretching your arms out against the wall. Measure the distance from the end of your middle finger to the end of your other middle finger, basically the length of both arms, hands and chest. This measurement, minus 15 then divided by 2, is your draw length. Resist the temptation to make your draw length longer than it should be, as this will affect your accuracy. Your wingspan typically is the same as your height in inches. Will a string loop change my draw length? Draw Weight Draw Weight is the peak amount of weight an archer will pull while drawing the bow. Compound bows are adjustable over a 10 to 15 # range. Use this chart to see typical draw weights: Resist the temptation to pull too much draw weight.

Vakita Capital Orange Tulip Scholarship sponsors — Nuffic Neso Mexico Mexico-specific information The information on this page is for Mexican students. For more general information please return to the homepage. Visa requirements When you come to Holland for study or research you might need a visa or work permit. Scholarships Neso Mexico provides support for scholarships specifically for Mexican students: NL alumni network Mexico The NL alumni network is a platform for international alumni, students, and interns, as well as Dutch education institutions, embassies and organisations. Through the network you can exchange knowledge, information, and contacts. Join the NL alumni network Mexico Contact details Av.

Cinco herramientas para crear murales digitales La creación de murales es una estrategia didáctica que favorece y refuerza el aprendizaje de tus alumnos. Desarrolla su capacidad para analizar y sintetizar la información, fomenta el trabajo colaborativo y estimula su creatividad. Gracias a las TIC, los típicos murales en cartulina se hacen ahora interactivos al admitir distintos tipos de archivos y formatos, como audio, video, texto etc. Te recomendamos cinco herramientas online para crear murales digitales de manera sencilla. ¿Qué te parecen estas herramientas?

The Traditional Bowyer's Bible - Jim Hamm Many archers and bowhunters will be surprised to learn that a wooden bow, whose ancestry stretches back thousands of years, will shoot an arrow as fast and as effectively as the most modern fiberglass-laminated bows. Never before have such detailed instructions been available for the home craftsman, with information on how to make fine bows and arrows from natural materials. The authors thoroughly explain every facet of the process, from choosing wood to applying finishes, making construction easy even for the first-time bowyer. These fascinating books open the door to the enjoyment and personal satisfaction of understanding and making traditional wooden weapons, which currently enjoy an explosive resurgence of popularity as archers rediscover their magic and turn away from the complexity of assembly-line bows. With combined experience totalling over a century, the authors have constructed thousands of bows.

Scholarship for foreign university students | JCMM - Jihomoravské centrum pro mezinárodní mobilitu The programme Scholarship for foreign students supports foreign students from the third countries out of European Union who want to study at one of the universities in the South Moravian region in the Czech republic, in the Czech study programmes. Knowledge of Czech language is required. Scholarship (monthly 6000 Czech crown - approx. 220EUR) for the first study year - to cover basic living costs (if students achieves good study results during the first study year, they obtain scholarship straight from the university in the following years). Foreign students from the third countries out of European Union, who wish to study a follow-up master or Ph.D. study programs in Czech language, at partner universities in the South Moravian region of the Czech republic. Detailed information to be found in the section How to apply. Applications for the academic year 2015/2016 can be submitted on-line from 1st December 2014. Applications for scholarship for academic year 2013/2014:

10 características que debe tener un buen Community Manager Internacional.- La de Community Manager se ha convertido en una de las profesiones más demandadas actualmente por las empresas y es que se han convertido en el principal agente de comunicación entre una firma y sus consumidores o clientes en redes sociales. Y es que los profesionales de este sector, asimismo, según datos ofrecidos por el portal web Statista, se han convertido en los mejores pagados durante el año pasado, llegando, en Estados Unidos, a tener un salario anual de unos 68.240 dólares, siendo este mayor al de los Food Service Managar (53.640 dólares) y los legisladors (42.530 dólares). Pues bien, si te quieres convertir en un buen Community Manager, son varias las características que deberías presentar para así poder ejercer esta profesión de la mejor manera posible. Desde AltoNivel, han señalado que algunas de las 10 características que debería presentar un buen Community Manager deberían ser las siguientes:

3D of Aircraft Concept - Every Cool Concepts on EnConcepts Friday, January 10, 2014 ORIENS, Cradle to Cradle MotorGlider Concept by Roland Cernat 3D of Aircraft Concept ORIENS, Cradle to Cradle MotorGlider Concept by Roland Cernat Photo Gallery Every Cool Concepts@EnConcepts The New Zealand Aid Programme is the New Zealand Government's international aid and development programme managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. | New Zealand Aid Programme

4 casos que demuestran el por qué es bueno para las marcas hacer content marketing El content marketing es un elemento clave en las estrategias de mercadotecnia de las marcas que se vuelcan a construir piezas que comuniquen contenidos que les permitan llegar a su público meta enfocados a reforzar su engagement. Algunos datos que constatan su relevancia es que tan sólo durante 2015, el 25 por ciento del presupuesto destinado a publicidad se orientó a iniciativas de marketing de contenidos, revela un informe de MarketingProfs. Una tendencia que parece crecer, ya que de acuerdo con proyecciones de Genwords, se estima que para el presente año el 62 por ciento de las empresas y responsables del marketing incrementarán recursos y acciones relacionadas con este tipo estrategias. ¿Por qué esta tendencia? 1. 2. 3. 4.
