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How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking
In the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed. First my Google account was taken over, then deleted. Next my Twitter account was compromised, and used as a platform to broadcast racist and homophobic messages. In many ways, this was all my fault. Had I been regularly backing up the data on my MacBook, I wouldn’t have had to worry about losing more than a year’s worth of photos, covering the entire lifespan of my daughter, or documents and e-mails that I had stored in no other location. Those security lapses are my fault, and I deeply, deeply regret them. But what happened to me exposes vital security flaws in several customer service systems, most notably Apple’s and Amazon’s. This isn’t just my problem. ‬The very four digits that Amazon considers unimportant enough to display in the clear on the Web are precisely the same ones that Apple considers secure enough to perform identity verification.‪ I realized something was wrong at about 5 p.m. on Friday. Lulz. “Wait. “Mr.

The RFID Ecosystem Project - University of Washington, CSE Campaign 2012 » Defense Update: Congress Drops Cybersecurity Ball U.S. Air Force personnel monitor cybersecurity threats from the Air Force Space Command Network Operations & Security Center at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado July 20, 2010 (Rick Wilking/Courtesy Reuters). Congress left Capitol Hill for its summer vacation without passing a measure that would protect U.S. infrastructure from foreign attacks via the Internet despite concerns expressed from the presidential campaign trail. A bill that would have established security standards to prevent large-scale cyber attacks (WashPost) on the U.S. critical infrastructure failed to draw enough votes in the Senate to overcome a GOP filibuster last week, in spite of support from current and former homeland security, intelligence, and defense leaders from both sides of the aisle. The White House is now said to be considering an executive order (TheHill) to enact some of the protections without help from Congress. Suggested Other Reading: – Gayle S.

Most Sensitive Microphone: Identifies Direction of Gun Shot, Make/Model in Battles How intelligent and sensitive can a Microphone (Mic) can get? Apart from its ability to hear the slightest sounds, can it filter out and identify a peculiar one? Between the yelling of sergeants, the growling sounds of choppers, and the blasts of bullet, an obvious thing is soldier’s sense of hearing rapidly deteriorates. This device is so accurate that it can measure the mechanical movement of individual air particles (in addition to sound waves), which makes the device capable of not only pinpoint the origin (in sense of direction in 3d space) of sniper fire or approaching aircraft, but detail-out their make and model, as well. What makes is so Sensitive? Most microphones use air vibrations to detect sound to a diaphragm, but microflown’s mic uses platinum strips only 600 atoms wide. Despite all the power, the mic is very small, of the order of match head which makes it possible for every soldier to carry it, giving them personal autonomy, or turning individual into a 3d radar.

OFSAD - Office Français pour la Sécurité et l'Archivage des documents Tiers de Confiance depuis + 10 ans Spécialisée dans les solutions d'archivage en ligne à valeur probatoire des documents d'origine papier et numériques, l'OFSAD s'est vite positionnée dans la conception et la gestion de produits d'assistance et de fidélisation comme une véritable source d'enrichissement de l'offre client. Depuis sa création en 2003, l'Ofsad a consolidé son expertise technique et intégré dans son équipe des hommes et des femmes possédant une grande expérience dans la gestion de ce type de projet. L'OFSAD - Office Français pour la Sécurité et l'Archivage des Documents - est une société anonyme simplifiée, SAS au capital de 186.640 euros fondée en 2003 pour préserver les intérêts et les droits du citoyen, des assurés, des épargnants, des consommateurs et des professionnels par l’archivage numérique en ligne et à valeur probante de tous leurs documents papier et numériques, dans les meilleures conditions de sécurité, d’ergonomie et de coût possibles.

SecureUDID | a Crashlytics Innovation Cyber war games on tap for Wright-Patt - Dayton Business Journal iStockphoto The U.S. military’s latest batch of cyber defenders will test its talent in war games at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The U.S. military’s latest batch of cyber defenders will test its talent in war games at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. On Wednesday, more than three dozen cadets and midshipmen from Air Force, Army and Navy ROTC detachments will be split into two teams competing in a “Hackfest” exercise. During the large-scale cyber warfare event, which runs through the end of this week, the future military officers will use defense tactics they learned this summer at the Air Force Institute of Technology. Participants in this year’s Cyber Security Boot Camp at AFIT come from 30 different schools and 22 states. AFIT touts it cyber security program as the nation’s only one for ROTC cadets that combines cyber warfare education, hands-on training, research internships with Air Force scientist and engineers, and leadership development activities.

A-CFN Facebook reveals its evil plans | Cringely Remember how everyone said that after Facebook went public, it would one day begin to reveal its evil plans for turning your personal data into money? It's heeeeeerrre. There are two bits of news that herald the new dawn of Facebook, or as I like to call it, The Social Network That Never Met a Data Point It Didn't Want to Own (TSNTNMADPIDWTO for short). [ Want to cash in on your IT experiences? InfoWorld is looking for stories of an amazing or amusing IT adventure, lesson learned, or tales from the trenches. First: Facebook has begun to archive your search histories. As with Google, you have the option of deleting your searches from your Timeline or making them visible only to you (once you find out where they're kept -- it's not obvious). Second: The Financial Times reports (via CNN) that Facebook has partnered with a company that will allow it to track which users bought products after seeing ads for them on Facebook. Who the heck is Datalogix?

Blogs Posted by: Arunachalam Sam, Group IT/IS Manager, Mulitex Group Every day I see stories on the benefits the cloud brings to businesses. From improved flexibility and scalability to resource savings, the cloud’s business value is clear. Yet, all that promise is irrelevant if a cloud provider’s promises aren’t backed up with a commitment to security and privacy and an adherence to internationally recognized standards. Fortunately for my company, Mulitex Group, we found the security and privacy commitment we needed in Microsoft Office 365 and are now reaping the benefits. We are headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in the U.S., South America, Bangladesh, Vietnam and India. With our company facing rapid growth we needed a cloud solution that could help our workers access data securely from a variety of devices in multiple locations. Thanks to Office 365, we’ve been able to save valuable time on security maintenance and refocus on our core business objectives.

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