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Channel 4 Learning - DVDs, CD-Roms and free online education resources and activities for schools

Channel 4 Learning - DVDs, CD-Roms and free online education resources and activities for schools
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abcteach: Printable Worksheets, Common Core Activities, Smart Board Interactive Kunskapsbanken, Övningar på engelska - Unga Fakta Övningar på engelska Material Vi har fått många förfrågningar av lärare om Unga Fakta kan producera material på engelska och vi har därför satt ihop några roliga övningar på för användning i skolan. Siffror Lär dig räkna och skriva till tio på engelska. Djur Lär dig namn på djur med hjälp av bilder. Korsord Enkla korsord på engelska som passar bra för nybörjare. Nursery rhymes I Storbritannien och USA är det väldigt populärt med ”Nursery rhymes”. Klassiker För de som läst engelska lite längre har vi plockat ut några korta stycken ur kända klassiker att läsa själva eller i grupp. Åsikter Vi på Unga Fakta är tacksamma om du vill dela med dig av dina erfarenheter om hur du upplever Kunskapsbanken och att arbeta med den.

Technology Resources for The Polar Express I am in love with the book, The Polar Express. To be honest, the movie didn't quite do it for me, but every.single.time I read the book, I get teary-eyed at the end. In fact, one of my most prized Christmas items is an autographed copy of the book from when I was living in NYC and met Chris Van Allsburg himself! So many of you do special celebrations with this book (I'm envious!), but because it's so specifically Christmas, we're a bit limited at my school. I *love* Liam Neeson, so this find was an instant favorite! Find this narration HERE. This is probably my most favorite find, since it follows the book exactly and incorporates scenes from the movie to align with the narration... perfect! To watch this book/movie combo, click HERE. If you are able to show the movie, you will *love* this Webquest that was developed by Amy Johns! Find this Webquest HERE. Find this game HERE. Hopefully you're able to use some of these resources in the last few days before break!

Lekarkivet © 1999 - 2014 Din lekplats på nätet! - Roligt glosförhör - The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Activities Ambleside Online AmblesideOnline is a free homeschool curriculum that uses Charlotte Mason's classically-based principles to prepare children for a life of rich relationships with everything around them: God, humanity, and the natural world. AO's detailed schedules, time-tested methods, and extensive teacher resources allow parents to focus effectively on the unique needs of each child. The AmblesideOnline library hosts a large collection of original Charlotte Mason materials, which have been digitized by our volunteers. In addition, our community offers a wide variety of resources for homeschooling parents and Charlotte Mason educators: a support forum, an archive of wisdom from experienced Charlotte Mason educators, as well as original and current books and articles about Charlotte Mason's living ideas. · ☺ ·The Advisory has a Blog!

ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets
