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Would You Live In A Shipping Container? | Cannell | Fast Compan Adam Kalkin isn't the only architect to make homes out of shipping containers. A handful of architects, including Jennifer Siegal and Lot-Ek, began using them ten years ago as a gritty reaction against the tidy white surfaces of modernism. But nobody has employed shipping containers more inventively than Kalkin, a New Jersey architect and artist who has used them to design luxurious homes, museum additions, and refugee housing. In architectural circles, Kalkin is regarded as something of an oddball. He began his talk at the Urban Center in New York Tuesday night by playing the first five minutes of a Jerry Lewis movie, followed by the actor's acceptance speech at the Academy Awards last month. "Adam continues to be subversive, and subvert what architecture is supposed to be," design historian Alastair Gordon said by way of introduction in the panel discussion that followed Kalkin's presentation. For all his artsy provocations, Kalkin's strategy makes some practical sense.

Her kan du skide og ro i fred Dette er ikke en meget lille husbåd. Det er både et flydende toilet og et selvforsynende kloak- og vandrensningsanlæg. 'Poop and Paddle', som den blandt andet kaldes, er bygget af opfinderen Adam Katzman, der fik idéen efter at have konverteret en husbåd, der skulle have sit eget vandrensningsanlæg. Han begyndte at læse en masse om, hvordan man bygger systemer, som kan rense vand og samtidig drage nytte af det affald, der skilles fra. Resultatet blev dette flydende toilet, som renser og genbruger regnvand og menneske-afføring ved hjælp af et 'konstrueret vådområde'. Men selvom 'Poop and Paddle' er fuldt funktionelt (og foreløbig lugtfrit!) Musik af Apocalypse Five and Dime Filmet af Katherine Wells og Flora Lichtman Redigeret af Annette Heist Produceret af Flora Lichtman for Science Friday

architecture and hygiene - home rctc industrial zombie llc movie making machine department of mechanized architecture emergency house eco-orphanage moma deitch yahoo ding-dong cnn contact copyright © 2014 adam kalkin all images and materials are the properties of their respective owners

Grundplaner Shipping Container Home Floor Plan Examples. One Bedroom, One Bath Shipping Container Home Floor Plan Total Square Footage: 320 sf One 40' Shipping Container Total Square Footage: 160 sf One 20' Shipping Container Commercial Office Container Floor Plan Total Square Footage: 640 sf Two 40' Shipping Containers Selection of one, two, and three Bedroom Shipping Container Home Floor Plans Total Square Footage: 160 - 320 sf One and Two 40' Shipping Containers Five Bedroom, Three Bath Shipping Container Home Floor Plan Total Square Footage: 1600 sf Five 40' Shipping Container Two Bedroom, One Bath Shipping Container Home Floor Plan Total Square Footage: 640 sf Two 40' Shipping Container One Bedroom, One Bath Shipping Container Home Floor Plan Total Square Footage: 320 sf Two 20' Shipping Containers Three Bedroom, One Bath Shipping Container Home Floor Plan Two Bedroom, Two Bath Shipping Container Home Floor Plan

containerbay There is growing interest in the use of shipping containers as the basis for habitable structures. These "icons of globalization" are relatively inexpensive, structurally sound and in abundant supply. Although, in raw form, containers are dark windowless boxes (which might place them at odds with some of the tenets of modernist design...) they can be highly customizable modular elements of a larger structure. The projects below are sorted alphabetically (by company or designer's name). Selected projects utilizing shipping containers. Info credits: Zack Smith, Kevin Tze King Ho. Back to top of page Useful linksIf you have any relevant links let us know Container Sources Shipping containers are widely available - here are just a few of the many sources: Allied Container Products Antioch, California Seabox East Riverton, New Jersey Factory Containers Direct - Inventory available in multiple locations- see web site. Technical Resources Books

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Shipping Container Office and Guest Bedroom in an Industrial Loft Jeff Wardell and Claudia Sagan are a pair of travel-loving art collectors who needed a bigger space to show off their massive 120+ piece art collection. In 2007 they purchased a 3,200-square-foot and 127-foot-long open-air loft. Instead of sectioning off the large space into smaller rooms, they decided to maintain the size and use of daylight by keeping the floor plan open. They pushed the master bedroom to the back, positioned the kitchen and living space in the center and situated a den at the street-facing front windows. To achieve the industrial yet warm look throughout the space, they had the interior walls sandblasted to expose board-formed concrete walls and replaced carpet with long and knotty Georgia hickory pecan planks, further lengthening the loft. The couple faced one major issue: how to add a guest bedroom / office without disrupting the flow of the space. Some other hand-picked posts you might enjoy on our Design Blog: Via Dwell shipping container homes Affordable Shipping Container Homes Curbly | DIY Design Community Keywords: shipping_containers, leed, dwelling How many shipping container homes have we seen on the intertubes? Lots. But have you noticed most seem out of reach to the general ogling public? For more information about LEED Cabins, visit their website. Thanks Daniel!! Tagged : shipping_containers, leed, dwelling Container Home Green Roof and Framing | Residential Shipping Container Primer (RSCP) Shipping Container Home Green Roof The main factor for designing your shipping container home's roof is expected loading. Loads are categorized as dead or live. Dead loads are things like wall, equipment, and furniture weight, live loads are people walking. For comparison, a typical interior floor live load is 40 psf and dead load is 70 psf (110 psf combined), uniform roof loads for a home in a severe winter climate (lots of snow) is 25 psf dead load and 40 psf snow load (65 psf combined). The roofs of unmodified 20' shipping containers are capable of withstanding 330 psf per ISO requirements. Below is an example of a 1000 sf (3 40' container) roof framing layout for a shipping container home green roof application. Below is a shipping container home green roof detail composed (from top down) of planting medium (in this case "roofrug"), waterproof membrane, insulation, and plywood.

Flynns Container House in TRON: Legacy Readers noticed the omission of one particular project in our year-end compilation of 15 shipping container projects from 2010. If you’ve seen TRON: Legacy, you know Sam Flynn (played by Garrett Hedlund) has a cool shipping container house in the movie. After some investigation, it turns out that a temporary container structure was built as a set on the shore of South Vancouver and later torn down. Justin Springer, co-producer of TRON: Legacy, explained to Jetson Green in an email: “The shipping container house style was chosen because [director Joseph Kosinski] and our production designer, Darren Gilford, couldn’t find a house for Sam Flynn in Vancouver with suitable architecture and as designers both were interested in retro-fitted shipping containers as living spaces.” Disney Enterprises, Inc. was kind enough to provide the concept art shown in this article and a film frame showing Garrett Hedlund and Bruce Boxleitner in the container house. Credits: © Disney Enterprises, Inc.

