Punchcard: VideoTrace Cambridge University Engineering Department - Qi Pan ProFORMA: Probabilistic Feature-based On-line Rapid Model Acquisition Qi Pan, Gerhard Reitmayr and Tom Drummond Proc. BMVC'09, September 2009, London, UK The generation of 3D models is very useful for many computer vision applications. This paper introduces ProFORMA, a system designed to enable on-line reconstruction of textured 3D objects rotated by a user's hand. Winner of ISMAR 2009 Best Demo Prize [2009 BMVC Paper (6.3MB)] [BibTeX] Real-time system video (Xvid) [High Quality (42MB)] Article about ProFORMA in Futura-Sciences Printed article about ProFORMA in November 2009 issue of Sciences et Avenir, page 30 In Latin, "pro forma" means "for shape", which is the inspiration behind the system name.
Dynamic Surface Motion Capture (4D) Optics and Lasers in Engineering - Holovideo: Real-time 3D range video encoding and decoding on GPU 1. Introduction 2. 3. 4. 5. Acknowledgments Appendix A. References Abstract We present a 3D video-encoding technique called Holovideo that is capable of encoding high-resolution 3D videos into standard 2D videos, and then decoding the 2D videos back into 3D rapidly without significant loss of quality. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. www.grasp3d.com