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Filabot: Plastic Filament Maker by Tyler McNaney

Filabot: Plastic Filament Maker by Tyler McNaney
Filabot is a 3D plastic extrusion system. For example mostly any type of recyclable plastic, such as milk jugs, detergent bottles, soda bottles, shampoo bottles, product packaging, and many more, can be processed through the Filabot to make usable 3D printing filament. This will allow for users to remake filament from an old print that is bad or not needed. Plastic recycling and extrusion have been around since plastic was invented. The Size of Filabot and Operation: Going along with the desktop theme, The Filabot will be designed to fit on a desktop. The grinding unit of the Filabot will process plastic up to the diameter of 4in, larger pieces will have to be broken down before feed into the grinder. After grinding the plastic will be a uniform size and will be automatically feed into the hopper. The molten plastic will be extruded out of interchangeable nozzles. After extrusion the filament passes through a sizing roller so that it will be the correct diameter for printing. Related:  umalfero

in italiano - RepRap in Italian/Costruire una reprap Questa pagina non è stata verificata e potrebbe contenere informazioni non corrette Ci sono diversi modi per costruire una RepRap o una Repstrap; il metodo scelto per queste istruzioni è stato scelto per minimizzare le conoscenze e gli strumenti necessari. Per esplorare altre opzioni cliccare su: Build a RepRap-Advanced ("Costruire una RepRap - Avanzato"). Il Design Classico RepRap è "Darwin" nell'immagine a destra. La RepRap è stata attentamente studiata per utilizzare solo componenti che possono essere costruiti con una RepRap ed altri componenti economici. I Cloni RepStrap Darwin sono copie abbastanza accurate del tipo Darwin ma i componenti RepRap sono sostituiti da componenti creati in un modo diverso, magari in plastica stampata, in acrilico o compensato tagliato al laser. Altre RepStrap, queste sono altre stampanti 3D in grado di fabbricare componenti di RepRap (Darwin) ma che non sono strutturalmente simili alla Darwin. Software per la creazione di oggetti dalla linea di comando.

Bukobot 3D Printer - Affordable 3D with No Compromises! by Diego Porqueras Affordable Desktop 3D Object Printing for EveryoneGreat First Printer..or Second..or Third! Easy to BuildEasy to Expand or UpgradeHigh Quality ComponentsFaster than most printersDual Extruder OptionGreat DocumentationOpen Source Environmentally Friendly Options You can create almost anything you can dream up with a Bukobot 3D printer, right on your desk! The Buko framework is the next generation of Open Source 3D Printers. 3D printers using this new framework are called Bukobots. With many months in development, I have combined the best ideas from the open source community and some new ideas of my own into an extremely flexible open source 3D printer design. 3D printing is the process of creating solid objects from digital files. Here's a timelapse video of a Bukobot making the CrashSpace Pyramid logo by theron ( Note: I have no association with, I just love the site! All kits will include a 1lb of plastic filament to get you started!

Options This page attempts to make some sense, in general, of how all the pieces fit together to create a RepRap. However, if you want to skip all this stuff and get straight to getting your hands dirty then your best bet is to take a look at The incomplete reprap beginner's guide and the build instructions category. In addition to those guides, you may also want to take a look at the links under the Models section below. RepRap Component Structure. That being said, to get a higher-level overview, we must start with discussing the different models of repraps, then go on to the four main components of a reprap: The software toolchain. Models These days there are a growing number of many great and detailed build instructions for repraps! Software Toolchain The software toolchain can be roughly broken down into 3 parts: CAD tools. CAD Tools Computer Aided Design, or CAD, tools are used to design 3D parts for printing. Software Files There are very few interchangeable CAD file formats. CAM Tools Part Files

gTar: The First Guitar That Anybody Can Play by Incident Thanks to your overwhelming support, our Kickstarter is now over! Don't worry though, you can still get a gTar. Head over to for more information or to place an order. What people are saying about the gTar: "If you're ever picked up a guitar for the first time and tried to play a favorite song, you know how discouraging it can be. The gTar completely changes that." "The gTar by Incident is disruption defined." - TechCrunch "The proof is in the pudding. "欲しい! We've also been featured on: CNN, Rolling Stone, Wired, Mashable, PC Mag, Create Digital Music, and out of the six finalists at TechCrunch Disrupt NYC 2012, we were selected as the runner-up. If you're a fan, please take a second to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or on our blog! Update #8: Last Call + T-Shirt Designs (!!) Update #7: New Video Update + Demo Update #6: New Color/Pick Guard Option at $350k! Update #5: Shipping We've added international shipping options - thanks for for patience. United States: Free Specs

Galileo/it RepRap Galileo Release status: working La RepRap Galileo è una stampante 3D opensource ideata da un team italiano-Team Kent's Strapper-. Il team Kent's Strapper ha aperto nella città di Firenze il primo centro italiano RepRap in cui si localizza sia il negozio sia il centro espositivo: vengono esposte Reprap Huxley,Prusa,Mendel e Rapman oltre al modello di loro realizzazione Archimede.Partendo dall'analisi delle strutture delle stampanti precedenti RepRap e derivate, sono state ricercate le condizioni per poter sviluppare un nuovo modello denominato Galileo in onore del grande sienziato Stampante 3d Galileo by Kent's Strapper Stampante 3d Galileo by Kent's Strapper Oggetti Stampati Occorre in breve spiegare ciò che ha spinto il team Kent's Strapper a sviluppare una nuova stampante e le premesse Le Premesse Dimensioni Ingrandite Struttura a risparmio Open Design Le parti plastiche possono essere scaricate qui : LINK Elettronica vista di fronte vista dall' alto vista di lato Dove acquistare Meccanica 1.

15-Year-Old Maker Astronomically Improves Pancreatic Cancer Test Maryland young maker Jack Andraka isn’t old enough to drive yet, but he’s just pioneered a new, improved test for diagnosing pancreatic cancer that is 90% accurate, 400 times more sensitive, and 26,000 times less expensive than existing methods. Andraka had gotten interested in pancreatic cancer, and knew that early detection is a challenge. He gleaned information on the topic from his “good friend Google,” and began his research. Yes, he even got in trouble in his science class for reading articles on carbon nanotubes instead of doing his classwork. Watch Andraka talk about his improved test: Goli Mohammadi I’m senior editor at MAKE and have worked on MAKE magazine since the first issue. The maker movement provides me with endless inspiration, and I love shining light on the incredible makers in our community. Contact me at goli (at) makermedia (dot) com. Related

corso di serigrafia | elemento di disturbo ecco il mini corso per stamparsi le proprie magliette attraverso un processo serigrafico casalingo si comincia con il prendere un telaio si controlla che la matrice (una fotocopia su acetato), ci stia dentro si mette dello scotch attorno ai bordi, in modo da rendere più facile l’operazione di pulizia dall’inchiostro a termine dei lavori (nel caso vogliate riutilizzare il telaio) da questo momento, il serigrafo si muoverà sapientemente nel buio, prendendo il gel fotosensibile e versandolo nella racla a conca si cerca di renderlo omogeneamente distribuito e ancor più omogeneamente, si cerca di stenderlo sul telaio (basta far aderire bene la racla a conca) lo si tira bene facendo attenzione a non sgocciolare quando ci si stacca, con la racla, dal telaio e ci si da giù di racla anche dall’altra parte lo si fa essiccare, anche solo con il phone della sbarbie e si recupera il gel rimanente nella racla a conca poi, repentinamente, come comete nella notte, togliete tutto lo si riasciuga delicatamente

OUYA: A New Kind of Video Game Console by OUYA We just added game streaming through OnLive! Final Fantasy will be on OUYA...and we have an exclusive game! And VEVO has agreed to put their music videos on OUYA, XBMC adds a streaming media app, with TuneIn and iHeartRadio adding music! We're honored by all of you who are backing us -- THANK YOU. We are focused on delivering for you, first come first served. Engadget! There's something about a big HD TV and digital surround sound that fills up a living room. We get it – smartphones and tablets are getting all the new titles – they're "what's hot.” You busted your ass just to find out the princess was "in another castle." Let’s open this sucker up! We're handing the reins over to the developer with only one condition: at least some gameplay has to be free. OUYA is a new game console for the TV, powered by Android. We've packed this little box full of power. Best of all, OUYA's world-class controller, console, and interface come in one beautiful, inexpensive package. And developers agree:

Ouya: La consola de Kickstarter ya lleva recaudado 5 millones de dólares El proyecto de financiamiento público para la nueva consola de juegos de código abierto ha resultado un éxito rotundo, ya que en menos de siete días ha reunido más de cinco millones de dólares, superando ampliamente la meta de 950 mil dólares propuesta en un comienzo. “Estamos avanzando hacia 40.000 partidarios y eso es emocionante para ver. Me siento abrumada por el apoyo. La idea está resonando en los desarrolladores y los jugadores”, dijo Julie Uhrman, directora ejecutiva y fundadora de Ouya. La idea de Kickstarter es que Ouya sea lanzada en 2013 a un valor de 99 dólares y cuente con el sistema operativo Android de Google. Desde su anuncio la semana pasada, 39.171 patrocinadores han donado 5.002.705 dólares, a un promedio de 127 dólares por donación. Uhrman dijo que los donantes son los desarrolladores de juegos que gustan de la naturaleza abierta de la consola, que va a ser hackeable para los aficionados. Más detalles en: Venture Beat CMeza

New Project :: (Fluid UI) uses cookies and saves data on our servers in order to provide the Fluid UI service. This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. Your email address is used to create a unique identifier for your account when you sign up. Third party services providers Fluid UI also uses a number of third party services providers in order to provide the Fluid UI service: Google Google Analytics is used to anonymously track who is visiting our site, how long they are staying and where they are coming from in order to allow us to improve how we sell the Fluid UI service. Accessing or deleting your data

German Scientists Create Aerographite, the Lightest Material in the World A network of porous carbon tubes that is three-dimensionally interwoven at the nano and micro level is the lightest material in the world. The substance weighs just 0.2 milligrams per cubic centimeter. It is 75 times lighter than Styrofoam. Scientists of Kiel University (KU) and Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) named their joint creation aerographite. The researchers describe aerographite as "jet black, remains stable, is electrically conductive, ductile and non-transparent." Matthias Mecklenburg, co-author and Ph.D. student at the TUHH says, "Think of the Aerographite as an ivy-web, which winds itself around a tree. To create the material, researchers started with a zinc oxide in powder form and heated it up to 900 degrees Celsius, which transformed it into a crystalline form. Hamburg's Professor Karl Schulte says, "In a streaming gas atmosphere that is enriched with carbon, the zinc oxide is being equipped with a graphite coating of only a few atomic layers.

The missing switch: High-performance monolithic graphene transistors created Hardly a day goes by without a top-level research group announcing some kind of graphene-related breakthrough, but this one’s a biggy: Researchers at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany have created high-performance monolithic graphene transistors using a simple lithographic etching process. This could be the missing step that finally paves the way to post-silicon electronics. As you probably know by now, graphene has a long and wonderful list of desirable properties, including being the most conductive material yet discovered. In theory, according to early demos from the likes of IBM and UCLA, graphene transistors should be capable of switching at speeds between 100GHz and a few terahertz. The problem is, graphene doesn’t have a bandgap — an innate ability to switch on and off, depending on the voltage; it isn’t a natural semiconductor, like silicon — and so it is proving very hard to build transistors out of the stuff.
