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Semana santa, the Spanish Easter - Learn Spanish Culture

Semana santa, the Spanish Easter - Learn Spanish Culture

Popol Vuh THE BOOK OF THE PEOPLE: Popol Vuh Preamble THIS IS THE BEGINNING of the old traditions of this place called Quiché. Here we shall write and we shall begin the old stories, 2 the beginning and the origin of all that was done in the town of the Quiché, by the tribes of the Quiché nation. And here we shall set forth the revelation, the declaration, and the narration of all that was hidden, the revelation by Tzacol, Bitol, Alom, Qaholom 3, who are called Hunahpú-Vuch, Hunahpú-Utiú, Zaqui-Nimá-Tziís, Tepeu, Gucumatz, p. 2 u Qux cho, u Qux Paló, Ali Raxá Lac, Ah Raxá Tzel, as they were called. 3 And [at the same time] the declaration, the combined narration of the Grandmother and the Grandfather, whose names are Xpiyacoc, and Xmucané, 4 helpers and protectors, twice grandmother, twice grandfather, so called in the Quiché chronicles. THIS IS THE ACCOUNT OF HOW ALL WAS in suspense, all calm, in silence; all motionless, still, and the expanse of the sky was empty. p. 4 in the night. p. 5 p. 6 p. 8 p. 9

Spanish Language and Culture Home Activities: Adjectives & Nouns Adverbs Articles Command Forms Comparisons Conditional Tense Demonstrative Adjectives Future Tense Gustar Verbs like Gustar Interrogative Words Negative/Affirmative Words Numbers Past Participle Perfect Tenses Por vs Para Prepositions with qtvr movie Present Participle (gerund) Present Progressive Tense Present Tense Preterite Tense Preterites w/ Irregular Meanings Preterite vs Imperfect Pronouns DO Pronouns IO Pronunciation Reflexive Verbs Relative Pronouns Saber vs Conocer Ser vs Estar Sequence of Tenses Si Clauses Subjunctive Mood (present) Subjunctive mood (past) Time-¿Qué hora es? Tener-idiomatic expressions Unplanned events with SE Verb conjugation charts: Present tense Preterite tense Present subjunctive Imperfect subjunctive

Contenido cortos día de los muertos Pan de muerto: el bollo mexicano del más allá Pocos países honran mejor a sus muertos que México. Y dudo de que haya alguno que cocine cosas tan deliciosas para sus difuntos como el pan de muerto. Este bollaco maravilloso, hermano del brioche y primo del roscón de reyes, se ofrece el Día de Muertos a los familiares que ya habitan en el más allá, pero siempre se hace alguno más para que los vivos lo disfruten. En México suelen tomar el pan de muerto los días 1 y 2 de noviembre, pero nosotros, que somos muy previsores, te adelantamos ya la receta para que la puedas preparar este puente. Dificultad Hay que estar vivo. Ingredientes Infusión de leche 120 g de leche entera20 g de ron14 g de agua de azahar1 rama de canela1 vaina de vainillaLa piel de media naranjaLa piel de medio limón Premasa (o masa madre de levadura) 90 g de harina de trigo50 g de leche2 g de levadura fresca Masa final Toda la premasa340 g de harina de fuerza5 g de sal15 g de levadura fresca110 g de huevo120 g de leche infusionada80 g de azúcar60 g de mantequilla Sirope
