100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "A beginner’s guide to focal lengths and how they affect photographs" "Ever wonder what it is that actually makes a camera work?
3-part portraits - Wall to Watch - StumbleUpon Photography Germany-based street photographer Adde Adesokan asked strangers to portray them in these 3-part portraits. Their personalities seem to be captured well in these stunning images. Imagebase: Free Stock Photography nader-toothpaste.gif (GIF Image, 359x500 pixels) everystockphoto - searching free photos 21 Creative Examples of Reflective Photography If you look hard enough you can find creative inspiration almost anywhere, but one of my favorite places to draw inspiration from is photography. We’ve posted a number of photography showcases here on WDL, so I hope you find them as inspiring as I do. For this post, I’ve collected 21 amazing photos that focus on reflections. Reflections are normally overlooked and sometimes go unnoticed, but these talented photographers have made them the center of attention. rahmat mulyono Colmar Wocke nikki.jane Ursula I Abresch Timothy Toole Pensiero latoday latoday shotbart Omer Gencal Adrian Donoghue Georges Beaugeard Bror Johansson Andrew Parker Andrew Parker Jody Art J. J. Richard0 Semir Catovic Amnon Eichelberg About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 353 shares Inspiring Architecture and City Photography I believe that architecture and general city landscapes are pretty inspiring. Read More 625 shares
Aaron Ruell Aaron Ruell darf sich viele Berufe auf die Visitenkarte schreiben. Der Amerikaner ist Fotograf, Regisseur, Werber, Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler – dazu in jedem Gebiet ungemein erfolgreich. 2004 debütierte er als Kip Dynamite in dem erfolgreichen Indiemovie „Napoleon Dynamite“ und begann daraufhin mit dem Fotografieren. Seine Werke wurden nur wenig später in Galerien von Paris bis New York ausgestellt und 2008 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Buch Namens „Some Photos“. Als Werbefilmmacher arbeitete er schon für Kunden wie Nintendo, Coca Cola und Burger King und mit seinen Filmen „“Everything’s Gone Green“ und „Mary“ war er im Jahr 2005 einziger Teilnehmer des renommierten Sundance Film Festivals der gleich mit zwei Werken an den Start ging. Beide Filme schrieb er dabei nicht nur selbst, sondern führte auch noch Regie. All images © Aaron Ruell
Area 51 Front Gate Local anchors: White Bus Cameras The road to the front gate is long and dusty, but good enough to travel at the rated speed (45 MPH) most of its length. This view is from route 375 looking down Groom Road. The puffs of smoke are the dust trails from vehicles going down the road. After collecting a quarter inch of dust on your rear bumper, you will eventually arrive at the front gate of Area 51. You can read about the Internal Security Act at and the restrictions against photography at . Warning Signs January 2010 Note the paved (sealed) road at the right side of the photograph. Older winter photograph This photo at the front gate shows that some people can head straight past the warning signs, and some people have to make a U-turn. January 2010 photograph. Animal tracks in the snow (January 2010) OK, OK, just maybe I'm starting to believe those space alien rumors.... Snow on cactus White Bus Cameras
Public domain image resources Public domain image resources is a copy of the master Wikipedia page at Meta, which lists a number of sources of public domain images on the Web. Public Domain images should be marked with the Public Domain Mark 1.0. Public Domain Mark enables works that are no longer restricted by copyright to be marked as such in a standard and simple way, making them easily discoverable and available to others. The Public Domain Mark is recommended for works that are free of known copyright around the world. These will typically be very old works.[1] For a creator to release his/her works into the public domain legally they must use the creative commons CC0 license which gives creators a way to waive all their copyright and related rights in their works to the fullest extent allowed by law.[2] The presence of a resource on this list does not guarantee that all or any of the images in it are in the public domain. Please read the policy on image use and etiquette at: Wikipedia:Image use policy.
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