Journalism Needs Data in 21st Century Journalism has always been about reporting facts and assertions and making sense of world affairs. No news there. But as we move further into the 21st century, we will have to increasingly rely on "data" to feed our stories, to the point that "data-driven reporting" becomes second nature to journalists. The shift from facts to data is subtle and makes perfect sense. With this mindset, finding mainstream data-driven stories doesn't take long at all. There is nothing new about pointing out the importance of public data being made available. Thus far, this has made a lot of sense to me, and I have been tracking the publication of linked data and increasing access to public knowledge as emerging trends over at Talis. First, there was data.gov and President Obama's call for more access to government data. Then about a month ago, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown made it part of his digital strategy to prioritize the publication of government information.
[datavisualisation] « Je sais ce que vous faites sur Internet » Hey ! De nombreux sites que vous fréquentez quotidiennement sont toujours très heureux de recueillir des informations vous concernant. Bon, pas sur Graphism.fr évidemment ;-). La montée en puissance des sites de partage sociaux comme Facebook, Pinterest, Google, Pandora, ou encore Twitter sont basés sur la collecte d’informations et offrent de nouvelles problématiques intéressantes dans la façon dont nos données sont utilisées. Voici donc une visualisation de données qui présente les grands sites sociaux et les types de données qui sont collectées. [voir l'image en grand] Au passage, on appréciera aussi le style graphique de cette visualisation de données, un style qui a su rester simple et élégant avec, comme souvent, une approche vintage tant au niveau des couleurs, que des formes graphiques ou de la composition source Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:
Data science We’ve all heard it: according to Hal Varian, statistics is the next sexy job. Five years ago, in What is Web 2.0, Tim O’Reilly said that “data is the next Intel Inside.” But what does that statement mean? Why do we suddenly care about statistics and about data? In this post, I examine the many sides of data science — the technologies, the companies and the unique skill sets. The web is full of “data-driven apps.” One of the earlier data products on the Web was the CDDB database. Google is a master at creating data products. Google’s breakthrough was realizing that a search engine could use input other than the text on the page. Flu trends Google was able to spot trends in the Swine Flu epidemic roughly two weeks before the Center for Disease Control by analyzing searches that people were making in different regions of the country. Google isn’t the only company that knows how to use data. In the last few years, there has been an explosion in the amount of data that’s available.
Une autre visualisation pour Google Analytics… Vous le savez sûrement, j’apprécie terriblement toutes les formes que prennent la visualisation de données. Alors ce matin, je vous présente un travail une série de concepts de visualisation des données de Google. Ces images sont toutes des interfaces basées sur le concept d’agrégation et de visualisation en ligne dans différents médias sociaux… Développé en tandem avec Google Analytics, ces outils interactifs permettent aux utilisateurs d’explorer les statistiques et les médias sociaux sur la durée. > Pour infos le client est Google et l’agence qui a développé ça est l’agence Instrument Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:
How to be a data journalist Data journalism is huge. I don't mean 'huge' as in fashionable - although it has become that in recent months - but 'huge' as in 'incomprehensibly enormous'. It represents the convergence of a number of fields which are significant in their own right - from investigative research and statistics to design and programming. The idea of combining those skills to tell important stories is powerful - but also intimidating. Who can do all that? The reality is that almost no one is doing all of that, but there are enough different parts of the puzzle for people to easily get involved in, and go from there. 1. 'Finding data' can involve anything from having expert knowledge and contacts to being able to use computer assisted reporting skills or, for some, specific technical skills such as MySQL or Python to gather the data for you. 2. 3. 4. Tools such as ManyEyes for visualisation, and Yahoo! How to begin? So where does a budding data journalist start? Play around. And you know what?
Manuel Lima His first book Visual Complexity: Mapping patterns of information has been translated into French, Chinese, and Japanese. His latest The Book of Trees: Visualizing Branches of Knowledge, published in April 2014 by Princeton Architectural Press, covers over 800 years of human culture through the lens of the tree figure, from its entrenched roots in religious medieval exegesis to its contemporary, secular digital themes. With more than twelve years of experience designing digital products, Manuel has worked for Codecademy, Microsoft, Nokia, R/GA, and Kontrapunkt. Immersive games beats classroom in maths Well designed studyThe tested a hypothesis; that interactive maths games are more effective than classroom instruction. This was a well constructed study; The Effects of Modern Math Computer Games on Learners' Math Achievement and Math Course Motivation in a Public High School Setting, MansurehKebritchi, Ph.D., AtsusiHirumi, Ph.D. and HaiyanBai, Ph.D. They took 193 algebra students, control groups and then did evaluation through pre- and post-study assessments, surveys, classroom observations and interviews. They used an immersive video game world that engages students in the instruction and learning of mathematics. Gamers do better at mathsStudents who played the math video games scored significantly higher on the district-wide math benchmark exam, F (1, 188) = 6.93, p < .05, and on the math performance test generated by the publisher, F (1, 188) = 8.37, p <.05, than students who did not play the games.
Visualisation de données des rumeurs sur Twitter ! Pendant les émeutes à Londres l’été dernier, beaucoup d’informations se sont propagées rapidement via Twitter sur ??ce qui se passait. Une partie de cette information était vraie et, comme souvent, l’autre partie était constituée de rumeurs, de choses fausses, etc. Le site du Guardian a donc mis en place une façon interactive afin d’explorer cette diffusion de l’information sur Twitter, et pour mieux comprendre comment la réalité et la fiction se révèlent par elles-mêmes Cette analyse basée sur de 2,6 millions de tweets nous suggère que les utilisateurs de Twitter sont capables de corriger la désinformation… jusqu’à un certain point bien-sûr ! source Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:
Education Eye - Mapping Innovations About Education Eye Futurelab's Education Eye brings you a wide range of exciting, relevant and useful innovations which are selected from the best of the web and updated daily. The Eye provides a way to discover, explore and share new ideas. It maps hundreds of the top educational websites, blogs, forums and practitioner case studies. Visit the links below to find out more about Education Eye: Many thanks to Becta and Futurelab's design and development team for supporting and working hard on the Eye. Tour of features The Education Eye key features include A searchable, browsable space which leads you to discover new and exciting innovations tailored to the education industry and brought together in one easy-to-use location. Try the 'More like this' suggestions to discover similar innovations that you will likely find interesting. View Futurelab's favourites to see what we like, or see what other people are interested in using the 'most shared' search feature. Back to Top Back to top Terms of use