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19 top fonts in 19 top combinations

19 top fonts in 19 top combinations
Sign up and download immediately to take your typography to the next level! This classic contains some great stuff: An exceptional glossary of typography terms Killer tips on establishing typographic color Choosing and using the right typefaces 20 Action-packed info-dense pages!

40 Free Minimalist And High Quality Fonts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials You can meet a lot of minimalistic style fans all over the world. Minimalist style looks very clean, professional and easy to understand. You probably have heard about minimalism motto “Less is more” which means that work with less details shows much more than overdone work with too much stuff in it. If you are looking for some great free minimalist fonts you came to the right place. In this collection you will find many fonts you will want to download immediately, I assure you! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Further Free Fonts Resources: Do you know some more great minimalistic fonts? If you enjoyed this article, get email updates (it's free).

Ones to Watch Six LGBT acts you need to know about now. Vicci Martinez A reality-show refugee, Martinez was bumped from the first season of The Voice but landed a deal with Universal Republic due to her rendition of Florence and the Machine’s “Dog Days Are Over.” Her new, self-titled album arrives in June, and tour dates are soon to follow at Rachael Cantu This L.A. Khaos Da Rapper The self-proclaimed “femcee” is one of the creators behind Yo! Brilliant Color The name provides an apt metaphor for the scrappy, San Francisco–based all-lesbian trio’s noise-pop riffs. Katastrophe The swaggering trans rapper and producer Rocco Katastrophe turned his poetry slam success into a rap career marked by rapid-fire rhymes about the “alienating trip” of transformation. Melissa Li and the Barely Theirs

28 Inspirational Typographic Designs - Web Design Blog – Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Here at there have been plenty of examples of astonishing typography in design, and we are bringing you yet another batch. In the following post I will be sharing with you 28 inspirational typographic designs. Ampersand Food Groups Baroquen Computer Arts Elecktronisk Tirsdag Evolution of Type Fun in the Sun HYPE Art Book I Want Candy Illustration and Typography One More Time Summadayze ID The Person you Love Type Treatment 2010 Typography Projects 3 Typography and Type Treatments and Illustrations Wallpapers Write a Bike About Matthew Heidenreich Currently an Art Director in St.

Beautiful Web Types with Google Web Fonts As web designers were always limited to use selected typefaces for websites because of the limited availability of fonts for the web. We used to use alternatives as images & JS libraries to give some styles to websites and web applications. However, these alternatives resulted in an increase in the http request and loading time, as well as site efficiency. Google came up with a solution that I think all web designers are thankful for. Google Web Fonts are viewed more than 1 billion times every day across the web, on more than 100 million web pages. Why to use? Uniqueness – if you use fonts other than Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica – fonts from Google library give your website a unique look. Few Examples How to use? Standard – This is a standard stylesheet link that you will add in the head section of your HTML. Useful Links: Google Web Fonts Library Google Web Developer Examples

70 Typographic, Clean And Minimalist Color Scheme Web Designs Hello there! It’s time for little inspiration and this time I wanted to showcase something different. You may know that very popular designer slogan – “More is Less”, and yes it’s often so true – unexperienced people tend to overcrowd, use too much colors in their designs. I just love these designs – they are very light, clean and usually uses only monochrome color scheme and just one or two bright colors for links or headers. You may also notice for such designs it’s more about grid, harmonic distribution through whole page and very silent, elegant accents. 1. One of the best clean, light and elegant websites I came across in this research. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very clean, yet professional web design. 6 .Made By On 7. Hot Meteor specializes in web, print, and branding. 8. Excellent accents leading your eye through whole page in the way author wants it. 10. 11. Visit his homepage – starting from index page you’ll get amazed how effectively Vitor Lourenco uses white space. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Woody Allen’s typography — Kit·blog — Cristian 'Kit' Paul Here is how describes "EF Windsor family": Windsor is an unusual design cut by Stephenson Blake in 1905. Windsor is a bold face with heavy rounded serifs and strong diagonal stress. Capitals M and W are widely splayed, P and R have very large upper bowls. The Lowercase a h m and n of the Windsor font have angled right hand stems, e has an angled cross-stroke. The overall effect is one of friendliness and warmth. Ed Benguiat, the "printer" How did Woody Allen chose this typeface? Benguiat had an affinity for Windsor and suggested it to him that morning. I'm currently taking a typeface design course with Ed Benguiat, and just last night he described a time when he would have breakfast at the same New Jersey diner every morning. It is also interesting that after Annie Hall (1977) Woody Allen betrays Windsor—Interiors (1978) titles are set in a News Gothic-ish sans serif—only to return to it for Mahattan in 1979. Update: Mr. All very nicely worded and all technically correct. 1. 2.

Lesbian Bands Hear Them Roar Hear them roar. Many of today’s queer female bands are grappling with their riot grrrl legacy. The Shondes (from left) Temim Fruchter, Fureigh, Louisa Rachel Solomon, and Elijah Oberman When people hear the Shondes for the first time, they’re often struck by the Brooklyn-based punk band’s driving, Pat Benatar–reminiscent sound, and the violin, expertly wielded by one of the gender-tweaking foursome. And then there’s the name: the Shondes. That can leave some music fans scratching their heads. Their name might require some translation, but their hooks need no such interpretation. So Fruchter and her band mates take the adoration they’ve gotten from regional LGBT press across the country for what it is: “Wonderful.” (RELATED: Six LGBT Acts You Need to Know About Now) “It’s a good way for people in all parts of the queer community to connect to us,” she explains of the inevitability of being labeled that comes with media coverage. And yet they’d all have it no other way.

40 Examples of Beautiful Typography in Web Design Typography is certainly a very important aspect of web design. So choosing the proper typography for your site is for sure a huge step of the design process. You can have a simple and delicate typo, a huge and strong one, you can also go colorful and crazy or light and smooth. Amazee Labs Fixel Carsonified Tokyo Digital Private Grave Made by Water Rob Edwards LogicSource InfinVision Sikbox Dark Sky Magazine efingo Claire Coullon Javascript für Designer Stella McCartney MumMade TVLcorps Themes Kingdom Simon Foster Design Airside Not Pretty Neue served Eight Hour Day Prince Street Films Made by TJ Mooze Crafty Woodinville Whiskey Co They Creative Republic2 Ryan Scherf damn good OrangeYouGlad Yii Haunted Cathouse iconSweets2 Shelly Cooper So1o Doodle Pad Source: The Best DesignsunmatchedstyleThe CSS Awards About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 321 shares 11 Inspiring Examples of Textures and Patterns in Web Design Read More 435 shares

MyFonts: Webfonts & Desktop Fonts Choosing Type Combinations Layers Magazine | Layers Magazine One of the most challenging—but also one of the most satisfying—aspects of designing with type is choosing several typefaces that “look great together.” But who’s to say what looks great together? Often you choose several faces and after experimenting for a while, you instinctively know that a particular combination “works.” But since we’re all so busy and under such deadlines, we need to find type solutions quickly. To do that, it helps tremendously to be able to put into words exactly why a particular combination doesn’t work and what to look for when trying to find faces that complement each other. First, follow the Holy Font Guideline #1 when choosing different typefaces for a piece: Concord or contrast, but don’t conflict. That is, either stick with different styles in the same typeface family (concord), or choose completely different faces (contrast). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CONCORD For a concordant look, choose one type family from any category. CONFLICT OR CONTRAST? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The origins of abc Where does our alphabet come from? We see it every day on signs, billboards, packaging, in books and magazines; in fact, you are looking at it now — the Latin or Roman alphabet, the world’s most prolific, most widespread abc. Typography is a relatively recent invention, but to unearth the origins of alphabets, we will need to travel much farther back in time, to an era contemporaneous with the emergence of (agricultural) civilisation itself. Robert Bringhurst wrote that writing is the solid form of language, the precipitate.[1] But writing is also much more than that, and its origins, its evolution, and the way it is now woven into the fabric of civilisations makes it a truly wonderful story. That story spans some 5,000 years. Cuneiform The Sumerians began to experiment with writing at the close of the fourth millennium BC, in Mesopotamia between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates (roughly modern-day Iraq). 1.1 The pictographic origin of Cuneiform. 1.2 Proto-Cuneiform. The writing of the gods

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