Show hidden files Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion - The home of Mike Hudson So, prior to my upgrade to OS X 10.7 all of my OS related hacks where done using third party tools such as Secrets Prefpane. However, I have decided to try and avoid third party apps as much as possible, and actually try and keep my Lion install as slim as possible. Although this article was originally written for OS X Lion, the command has been tested and proved to work in Mountain Lion and Mavericks as well So here’s my first of what will soon be many OS X terminal commands to do what the third party apps do, without the bloat/overhead. To enable hidden files/folders in finder windows: Open Finder Open the Utilities folder Open a terminal window Copy and paste the following line in: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Press return Now hold ‘alt’ on the keyboard and right click on the Finder icon Click on Relaunch You should find you will now be able to see any hidden files or folders. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO Like this: Like Loading...
Assembly Language for x86 Processors (6th Edition): Kip R. Irvine: 9780136022121: QEMU Mac OS X… Success! - Mike Levin It’s time for for me to create an up-to-date QEMU on Mac OS X. I had wonderful success yesterday getting QEMU compiled and installed on my Commodore 64x running Linux Ubuntu beta 12.10 yesterday. I’m working from home today on my Macbook Air laptop, so I’ll today, I’m doing it for Mac. My goal is to make the best portable Linux for USB drives that works across Mac, Windows and Linux. I did this before in a proof-of-concept Levinux, cobbling together QEMU binaries from different sources, with inconsistent versions and unencapsulated dependencies. First, we look at the options for getting QEMU on a Mac, and inevitably you end up on the website for a project named “Q”, which has a lot of great characteristics in how it was made to look and work well with the Mac—except that it’s old, and the self-contained packages it creates are very difficult to follow and organize side-by-side with the files required for the other platforms. First thing is what compiler I’m going to use. …on Mac. . ==> .
The MacPorts Project -- Home PIOS: Parallel Instructional Operating System Introduction The time of uniprocessor machines working alone or in loosely coupled configurations is over. The time of massively parallel multicore machines working in tightly coupled data center clusters is here. It is time for undergraduate operating system courses to catch up to this reality, and expose students to the multicore and cluster OS concepts and programming practices they will need in today's and tomorrow's industry and research positions. PIOS is based on JOS from MIT, but its core kernel, user-space runtime, and programming assignments were redesigned and rewritten by Bryan Ford at Yale to emphasize parallel and distributed OS concepts and programming techniques. Since PIOS has been used only one year so far, it is still in an early, experimental state, and will continue to evolve in subsequent years. PIOS Design Overview Instructional Curriculum Availability
Homework: running and debugging xv6 This lecture is the introduction to xv6, an x86-based re-implementation of Unix v6. Read the source code in the assigned files; The assigned chapter for today provides a commentary on the assigned files. You won't have to understand the details yet; we will simply focus for now on getting xv6 up and running under QEMU and debugging it under GDB at the C source code level. Hand-In Procedure You are to turn in this homework during lecture. Since the associated lecture is during Yale's shopping period, we will accept this homework late with no penalty up through the end of shopping period, but to aid your understanding the lecture we strongly encourage you to complete the homework on time if possible. Fetch and un-tar the xv6 source: $ wget $ tar xzvf xv6-rev4.tar.gz xv6/ xv6/trap.c xv6/sysfile.c xv6/types.h Build xv6: $ cd xv6 $ make gcc -O -nostdinc -I. Running xv6 under QEMU Now type: QEMUOPTS = -hdb fs.img xv6.img -smp $(CPUS) with
Developer Technologies Overview Developer Tools The Xcode developer tools package provides you with a powerful, easy-to-use development environment that includes everything you need to create great apps. See what's new in Xcode 5 iOS iOS is the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, continually redefining what people can do with a mobile device. OS X is the world’s most advanced operating system, built on a proven UNIX foundation. iCloud iCloud Storage APIs enable your apps to store content in iCloud, keeping your apps up to date automatically. Safari With support for HTML5 video and audio tags, CSS animation, CSS web fonts, and HTML5 offline storage support, web developers can bring to life the next generation of rich, interactive web apps.
Xv6, a simple Unix-like teaching operating system Introduction Xv6 is a teaching operating system developed in the summer of 2006 for MIT's operating systems course, 6.828: operating systems Engineering. We hope that xv6 will be useful in other courses too. This page collects resources to aid the use of xv6 in other courses, including a commentary on the source code itself. History and Background For many years, MIT had no operating systems course. V6 presented pedagogic challenges from the start. Xv6 sources and text The latest xv6 source is available via git clone We also distribute the sources as a printed booklet with line numbers that keep everyone together during lectures. git checkout -b xv6-rev6 xv6-rev6 The xv6 source code is licensed under the traditional MIT license; see the LICENSE file in the source distribution. xv6 compiles using the GNU C compiler, targeted at the x86 using ELF binaries. Xv6 lecture material Unix Version 6 6.828's xv6 is inspired by Unix V6 and by: Feedback