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Better Than Free

Better Than Free
[Translations: Belarusian, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish] The internet is a copy machine. At its most foundational level, it copies every action, every character, every thought we make while we ride upon it. Our digital communication network has been engineered so that copies flow with as little friction as possible. This super-distribution system has become the foundation of our economy and wealth. Yet the previous round of wealth in this economy was built on selling precious copies, so the free flow of free copies tends to undermine the established order. I have an answer. When copies are super abundant, they become worthless. When copies are super abundant, stuff which can’t be copied becomes scarce and valuable. When copies are free, you need to sell things which can not be copied. Well, what can’t be copied? There are a number of qualities that can’t be copied. Eight Generatives Better Than Free But that’s another story.

Direct Democracy, 2.0 Angelika Warmuth/DPA, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Members of the Pirate Party attended a conference in Neumünster, Germany, last month. I FIRST took real notice of the Pirates last summer during the campaign for city elections in Berlin. German electioneering is quaint, even faintly musty by American standards. Political advertising mostly takes the form of full-color head shots of the candidates hung on light posts and telephone poles with interchangeable slogans about working for a brighter future. “Why am I hanging here anyway?” When the Pirates captured a surprising 9 percent of the vote, I ventured out to their election-night party at a scruffy club in the traditional counterculture neighborhood of Kreuzberg. Though the Pirates are mostly known as a one-issue party advocating Internet freedom, Mr. The Pirate Party was founded in Sweden by the former software entrepreneur Rick Falkvinge on Jan. 1, 2006, to reform copyright and patent law and to strengthen online privacy.

Access your Gmail at Work - Startpage Ireland Also having problems with your Gmail access being blocked at work? If you are one of the many people employed in one of the numerous call centres in Ireland there is a good chance that you have no access to your Webmail account. One of the most popular webmail providers at the moment is Gmail, I'll show you how to access it from your work. Most System and Network administrators block access to the Webmail servers at the Http level, that is, they block the address from being accessed via your browser. The first step you need to do is to setup your Gmail account to accept POP3 connections. Open up your Gmail account and got to 'Settings' and then 'Forwarding and POP'. Now you are going to need an e-mail client. Start off by downloading Portable Thunderbird, and save it to your hard drive somewhere. Now you can fire up the email client by opening the Portable Thunderbird folder that was just created and then Doubleclicking on 'PortableThunderbird.exe' Now follow the Wizard steps:

Xbox 360 system software Xbox 360 Dashboard (or System Updates), is the updatable software and operating system for the Xbox 360. It resides on a 16 MB file system and has access to a maximum of 32 MB of the system's memory.[1] While the system software updates may sometimes provide updates to the system's firmware, it is unlikely that this occurs with many, if any, updates. The updates can be downloaded from the Xbox Live service directly to the Xbox 360 and subsequently installed. Microsoft has also provided the ability to download system software updates from their respective official Xbox website to their PCs and then storage media, from which the update can be installed to the system. The Xbox 360 game system allows users download applications that add to the functionality of the dashboard. The current public version of the Xbox 360 system software is 2.0.16747.0, released April 1, 2014. History of updates[edit] Xbox Live Preview Program[edit] Downloadable applications[edit] Backwards compatibility[edit]

m+mi works : blog : on interaction architecture teaching interaction /13 8 June 2013, 14:13 At the end of March I was at the FH Vorarlberg, Austria to teach my course, interaction design for the real world. As always, things evolved further: last year I had written the product vision briefing for GIMP, the software project that supplies the course with real‐life interaction design challenges. This briefing started to play a major role this year. In a very natural manner, the value and traits of GIMP, as described in the briefing, became central to all evaluation and design work done during the course. I also had the pleasure of introducing another interaction design taboo phrase. I just can’t get enough The GIMP design challenge I picked this year was the align tool. While preparing the course, I checked out the tool. How quaint. scenarios + variants To flesh out the essential use of the align tool, we made a few user scenarios: just align keeping things together true distribution all together now hands‑off four team results team one team two

The Internet is not a Surveillance State… | Telekommunisten In his March 16, 2013 opinion column on, Bruce Schneier called the Internet a “surveillance state”. In the piece, Schneier complains that the Internet now serves as a platform which enables massive and pervasive surveillance by the State. State sponsored and ordained surveillance, however, is not synonymous with the Internet. Schneier’s use of the word ‘state’ is ill-advised, his goading conclusion thereby misses the mark. The Internet is not a State. States can do something to limit the invasiveness of web-based services used in the public and private sectors alike, but they don’t, because any vision of infinite prosperity based on digital-age intellectual property rights and patents relies on the current content-control model of value extraction (of which Internet use, more accurately web use, is the most prominent mass-culture manifestation) not only persisting but becoming ever more prevalent. Therefore, states are increasingly impotent to rule over the Internet.

E-Government Meets Web 2.0: Goodbye Portals, Hello Web Services Gartner recently released a couple of reports on how web 2.0 technologies are being used in e-Government. The reports are entitled The E-Government Hype Cycle Meets Web 2.0 and Government and Web 2.0: The Emerging Midoffice. Both are about how modern e-government efforts are moving away from the 'one stop shop' portal approach that characterized early efforts, and are turning more towards mashups and (to quote the first Gartner report) "a number of mostly adventurous initiatives with blogs, wikis or islands in Second Life." But it's the ecosystem of Web Services - and the reusability of content and services that Web Services enable - that really excites Gartner about web 2.0 in e-government. Control The 'Hype Cycle' Gartner report makes it plain that Gartner analysts do not consider all aspects of Web 2.0 to be useful in e-government. Don't all IT projects require focus? Note: this isn't an official government presence in SecondLife. Web Services to the Rescue! Conclusion

Det Missionerande Kopimistsamfundet | English The swedish Constitution Act, Chapter 2. § 1 states that every citizen is against the government guaranteed freedom of religion: freedom, either alone or with others to practice their religion.” A religion is a belief system with rituals. The missionary kopimistsamfundet is a religious group centered in Sweden who believe that copying and the sharing of information is the best and most beautiful that is. To have your information copied is a token of appreciation, that someone think you have done something good. * All knowledge to all * The search for knowledge is sacred * The circulation of knowledge is sacred * The act of copying is sacred. All people should have access to all information produced. Throughout history, various groups around the world have been persecuted by oppressors. In our belief, communication is sacred. The absolute secrecy is holy in the church of kopimism. - Copy. download, uplooad!

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