Why not go get washed up for the orgy? Shining cat - image #1506515 by aaron_s on Favim.com | We Heart It La Petite Madame | via Tumblr Add to collections You don't have any collections… Be creative and start beautiful collections to organize your hearts and share with friends. report this entry Reporting an entry If this image belongs to you or is your intellectual property, please submit a copyright notification instead of reporting it. We encourage users to report abusive images and help us moderate the content on We Heart It. If you want to un-heart an image to remove it from your gallery, don't report it. Why are you reporting this entry? Added by Private User Shining cat - image #1506515 by aaron_s on Favim.com You might like these too Log in and add tags to this image to see more things you might like! Whats up doc - image #1506607 by aaron_s on Favim.com
Give Your Photos a Retro Comic Book Effect Creating a old comic book effect for your photos is easy and the results are visually appealing. More fun is achieved when adding captions to your photos using comic book fonts and design elements. This tutorial will show you how to give a comic book look to your photos using a couple of filters and some additional decorations. Process preview Read tutorial at Creative Closeup… 6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Comics In the days of cold, hard newsprint, only people who could draw were successful comic strip authors. In some cases, this resulted in comic strips that had very nice pictures, but weren't all that funny (cough, Blondie). Thankfully, the Internet has taught us not to accept an inferior form of comic artistry, but a more flexible one. Comic strip enthusiasts who want funny but don't care about pretty drawing can have their strips, those who want artistry have theirs, and even those with very specific tastes can find something just right. The best part about these developments is that they allow you, regardless of any talent as an artist or comedian, to create your very own comic strip. 1. MakeBeliefsComix.com is easy enough for children to use, but there are enough options for adults to get a message across, too. One limiting factor is color. The pre-set options that make the site so easy to use can also be slightly limiting. 2. The site does have some rough patches. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Faces and Portraits 111 Free Filmmaking Tools Last week we brought you 588 Free Film Contracts and Forms. In a effort to continue our “indie stimulus plan,” this week we’ve gathered together 111 free filmmaking software programs. Keep an eye out of upcoming features highlighting even more free stuff. And yes, we promise to never raise you taxes. Also check out these great feature articles: Pre-production Software Celtx Pretty much everything you need for preproduction, Celtx is the world’s first all-in-one media pre-production software. Directors Boards Free 2.0a Based on the popular professional director’s tool Directors NoteBook. Scriptbuddy Web-based screenwriting Software StoryBoard Pro Atomic Learning’s FREE Video StoryBoard Pro is designed to give teachers, students, and home movie makers a tool to plan ahead when creating video projects. Audio Editors Ardour Ardour is a hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation application. Audacity Audacity A digital audio editor and recording application. Video Editing Plugins 3D Graphics
20 plateformes de curation à expérimenter Curator, curation... Néologisme, buzzword ou simple phénomène marketing, un constat est à faire : de plus en plus de plateformes dédiées à cette activité se développent sur le web. Outils qui, au-delà de leur utilité pour formaliser, classer et diffuser une veille, se révèlent aussi intéressant à observer dans une problématique de gestion de la réputation en ligne. Voici quelques unes de ces plateformes... Si le « curator » fait de la veille, et que de plus il sait/peut la médiatiser, alors les outils qu'il utilise peuvent (doivent ?) Et même si (nous sommes bien d'accord) ces plateformes rappellent étrangement certaines de bookmarking, qu'elles sont pour la plupart étroitement liées à Twitter et qu'elles surfent sur une terminologie nouvelle (mais des usages bien réels), leurs éditeurs les dénomment d'eux-même : plateformes de curation. Quel(s) intérêt(s) pour la gestion de la réputation en ligne ? ==> Tout d'abord formaliser et médiatiser une veille sur un sujet précis. Curated.by Newser
Jill Greenberg look Photoshop tutorial Today, most businesses want a website. Some already have one. Others want one. They don’t want to hire IT staff and probably can’t afford any. And in most cases, an in-house IT staff, especially for your typical small business, just isn’t necessary. But, that doesn’t mean that you have to go without or will be forced to use some cookie cutter website or a personal Frontpage experiment gone awry. What Do You Want? The first step is to decide exactly what you want on your website. * What kinds of information do you want to have on your site? * Will your site require regular updates? * Will you be engaging in e-commerce on this website? * Will you need a database? * How fast do you need the job done? * What is your budget? Start Your Search Doing a web search for someone that has the skills you will need for your website will still give you a humongous list of possible choices. Often, the web developers you are pondering are not located in your town. * Is it easy to navigate? Talk With Them
Twitter removes all search RSS links from its site, now users must resort to hacks to get feeds Twitter has eradicated RSS feeds from its web interface once and for all, following an update to the site’s search page today. When Twitter launched its redesign late last year it subtly removed RSS feeds for users’ tweets. And while RSS feeds are still available, you have to be willing to jump through some extra hoops to access them. Of course, there was some suggestion that their removal was accidental, but some 10 months later this seems not to be the case. Credit: Twitter When Twitter redesigned users’ profiles it left its search page, untouched. So, how do you access a Twitter search RSS feed? There are two ways to access Twitter search RSS feeds. The other option is to use Twitter’s native, but painfully difficult method below. For more information about finding Twitter RSS/Atom links; Since the redesign Twitter has left RSS/Atom links created using the previous search system active. For example, if you want to search for a specific #tag (e.g.
Sjá spjallþráð - Maskar fyrir byrjendur á auðveldan hátt :: www.ljosmyndakeppni.is Ég hef stundum séð hérna inni á L.M.K. fólk að velta því fyrir sér hvernig eigi að fara að því að skipta út himni (eða öðru) með maska en eins og þeir sem hafa einhverja þekkingu á Myndabúllunni vita eru maskar afar öflug tól. Eins og reyndar flest tólin í PS, þeir hjá Adobe hafa staðið sig ágætlega í að grisja gagnslausa fídusa út úr forritinu enda komin útgáfa 10 og það hefur margt breyst í téðu forriti síðan það kom fyrst fram. Maskar hafa þó alltaf verið til staðar og alltaf verið hægt að nota þá til að eyða hlutum myndar eða breyta en í sinni eiföldustu mynd má líkja maska við mynd sem maður hengir á vegg heima hjá sér til að fela síðustu sprunguna í húsinu sem kom akkúrat í skjálftanum um daginn. Þá förum við í Dodge og Burn tólið og veljum annaðhvort, Burn fyrir jörðina og Dodge fyrir himininn. Þegar við svo erum ánægð með útkomuna veljum við allt (Select All), gerum Copy og skiptum yfir á Layerspalettuna. Hei, kúl!
Beyond Usability and Design: The Narrative Web The web is currently torn by two strong forces, seemingly irresistible and irreconcilable. On the one hand, usability and interface engineering argue for simplicity, consistency, and clarity – for a starkly functional minimalism. On the other, emerging web standards and technologies nourish a continuing efflorescence of new approaches to web design. On the one hand, rigid hierarchical structure, branded as Information Architecture, promises clarity and coherence; on the other, the same rigidity seems to offer sterility and boredom. First one side darts ahead. The lead seems insurmountable. But this tumultuous race, with cheerleaders on either side, ignores a third force: the power of narrative. eNarrative everywhere#section1 We see narrative everywhere. We want to see narrative everywhere. The point is not that we should add stories to our sites to ensnare narrative-starved readers. Arcs of triumph#section2 Organic narrative#section3 The world abounds in stories. Show, don’t tell#section5
Créer une entreprise : quels frais les premières années ? - idee projet creation entreprise Attention, cette liste et les montants indiqués sont donnés uniquement à titre indicatif. Les besoins peuvent varier de manière importante selon votre situation personnelle. Les frais au moment de la création 1. Apport initial 1.1 Apport initial en numéraire Lors de la création d’une société, les associés doivent apporter une certaine somme qui va constituer le « capital social ». Le montant minimum du capital social est différent selon le type de société. Dans une SARL ou une EURL, ainsi que dans une SAS, aucun capital minimum n’est exigé. Dans une SA, le capital minimum est de 37.000 euros. Dans une entreprise individuelle, le concept de capital social n’existe pas. Montant à prévoir dans votre cas : 0 18 500 euros 37 000 euros Autre : _______________ 1.2 Apport initial en nature : honoraires du commissaire aux apports Si, en plus des apports en numéraire, vous souhaitez effectuer des apports en nature, il sera peut être nécessaire de procéder à la nomination d’un commissaire aux apports. 2.
Comparatif : quelle est la meilleure berline compacte ? - Page 7 Style Une allure dynamique avec une multitude de traits, la Mazda3 affiche une personnalité à part. La version la plus performante (MPS) se dote d’un becquet, de jantes de 18 pouces et d’une prise d’air sur le capot qui ajoutent encore plus de sportivité. Comportement/Performances Si la ligne est athlétique, le comportement est lui aussi très dynamique. Confort/Habitabilité Avec 4,46 m de long, on n’est pas surpris par l’espace à bord. Présentation/Finition Si ce n’est pas très gai à bord, on se console avec l’équipement complet dés la finition de base. Tarif Un bon rapport prix/équipement/prestations pour cette Japonaise qui vaut vraiment le détour. Total : 68/100 soit *Moyenne obtenue par la gamme du modèle La Mazda 3 en cinq lignes L x l x h (en m.) : 4,46 x 1,76 x 1,47 Volume de coffre : de 340 à 1360 litres