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rhino5live Upcoming webinars - See Rhino 5 live For more, check back soon!! More are being planned. Please email any suggestions to Mary Fugier. Or, watch prior webinars. See below…. Past Rhino 5 webinar videos PC-based attendees Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Mac®-based attendees Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer Mobile attendees Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet Read our Audio Checklist for tips on using your computer's microphone and speakers with GoToWebinar. grasshopper code . a collection of codes & grammars for Grasshopper, a generative modeling tool for Rhinoceros. 3D Hilbert Curve This definition generates a 3D Hilbert Curve, a continuous fractal space-filling curve. nGon mesh tessellation Starting from a closed surface it builds a nGon mesh tessellation Curves Sorter Starting from a list of curves it takes the first one then it looks for the closest curve and it eventually flips the direction to optimize the toolpath lenght. froGH A sparse collection of tools for Grasshopper. See the code, explanation and download here. Clusterizer This definition groups indexes of connected points into separate clusters. Spirograph This definition simulates a spirograph tool. 3D Differential mesh relaxation This definition explores the 3D relaxation of a mesh effected by an image gradient. Vorospace Math surfaces .

Surface Patterns With The ShopBot Writer for Grasshopper The file is meant to be used for academic, and other non-profit institutions for non-commercial, non-profit internal research purposes. This file was created (and tested) in Grasshopper version (0.7.0055). Results may vary if using a different version. Grasshopper Shop Bot Writer (369kb - right click and 'Save Link As') Disclaimer: This file is provided by Andrew Payne | Lift Architects and is furnished "as is".

i.M.A.D.E » Archive » Abstractions + Constructions The subject of this foundational, skill-building course – an assignment entitled: “Flat Fabrication” – represented a shift from the immaterial digital realm of three-dimensional modeling software into the world of flat-sheet materials. It involved an investigation of non-planar, complex (“fat”) geometric assemblies and their translation into the “flat” sheet material constructs to be produced using two-dimensional fabrication (laser cutting). Through iterative stages over four weeks, the students developed (and redeveloped) a tectonic, geometric, manufacturing and assembly logic for producing a final material construct for the end of the semester. The students began by devising an appropriate geometric description of the abstraction using developable, planar elements (polygons, triangles, ruled surfaces, circular/spherical approximations) and/or the object’s three-dimensional isoparametric representation, contouring, or some other rationalization.

Geometry Gym 9 content curation tools that better organise the web. Content curation is a huge deal on the web today. As content on the web grows exponentially, our ability to make sense of it is inversely proportional. In other words, we are fast sinking under the sheer amount of content pouring onto the web every day. The social web hasn’t made life any easier on content production either – in fact its lowered the barrier to entry. According to Facebook, 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news blogs etc) are shared each month on the social network, with no sign of slowing. Right now it seems that content curation, and curation platforms are going to be an area of growth on the web. URL: Redux has over the past year grown organically to become one of the web’s best places for finding great content. URL: A new startup still in Beta, again allows you to create topic centric information, and share with others. URL: URL: URL:

tobihaptik // #rhino #vray #grasshopper #architektur #fun #3d #books #architektur apps | DesignReform In this video, we cover the Spring Force within Kangaroo in a simple case. In this video, we give an introduction to the paneling tools within the LunchBox plugin for Grasshopper. In this video, we give an introduction of Kangaroo, a plugin for Grasshopper developed by Daniel Piker. Kangaroo can be downloaded at In this video, the Baking component in the LunchBox plugin is deomonstrated. The Baking component allows you to Bake geometry out of Grasshopper with attributes such as Object Name, Object Color,... In this video, an introduction is given to the free CASE monthly add-in.

Rhino Tech Tips » Archive » Hybrid* Hybrid is a design project for a new building for the School of Architecture of Washington University in St Louis. The main idea for the project was to fuse the limits between building and landscape. While many projects have dealt with that idea through buildings that emerge out of the ground, hybrid follows a different and maybe paradoxical approach.
