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The Visual Dictionary - a visual exploration of words in the real world.

The Visual Dictionary - a visual exploration of words in the real world.

Reverse Image Search Tool - Find an image source or Similar images Essentiel Plus - Translation Services Photo dictionary - photo/picture definition at Photo Dictionary in English In the beginning · Redewendungen mit In the beginning - Übersetzung auf ist ein Wörterbuch für englisch-deutsche,deutsch-englische Redewendungen (Redensarten, Floskeln, Sprichwörter, geflügelte Worte etc.). bietet aber auch Übersetzungsbeispiele ganzer Sätze ohne idiomatischen Bezug. Um Übersetzungen für eine bestimmte Redewendung nachzuschlagen und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern, können Sie entweder die Suchmaske mit Stichworten füttern oder die alphabetische Übersicht benutzen. Ausgewählte Themen Es gibt "wichtige Redewendungen", die Termine betreffen oder wichtige Informationen. Und es gibt "unwichtige Redewendungen", romantische Phrasen, Liebeserklärungen, Glückwünsche zur Goldenen Hochzeit, politische Statements. Fußballer-Zitate Viele Fußballersprüche sind bekannt für ihre Fußballer Beziehungsweise umgekehrt. Und dann gibt es noch Andi Möller. Geburtstagswünsche auf Englisch Die Phrase "Happy birthday!" Hat man den Geburtstag verpasst, kann man auch nachträglich die Glückwünsche loswerden, aber wie sagt man das auf Englisch?

bing Full text of "longman words" LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000 Longman Communication 3000 The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words contained in the Longman Corpus Network - a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and study in order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing. Analysis of the Longman Corpus Network shows that these 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English account for 86% of the language.

Visual Synonyms | Visual Antonyms | Thesaurus English Paralegal - encyclopedia article about Paralegal. Generally speaking, a paralegal is a paraprofessional who has the required education and experience to assist licensed lawyers in their legal work. In Ontario, Canada, paralegals are licensed by the Law Society of Upper Canada.[1] Ontario is the only jurisdiction in the western hemisphere where paralegals are licensed and the profession is regulated as officers of the court. Licensed paralegals operate within a defined scope of practice, representing clients in matters such as provincial offences (traffic tickets, etc.), immigration, landlord & tenant disputes, labor law, small claims court (under $25,000), and specific criminal matters. The definition of "paralegal" varies by country. The definition of a paralegal is a person trained in legal matters, who performs routine tasks requiring some knowledge of the law and procedures. In the United States, paralegals originated as assistants to lawyers at a time when only lawyers offered legal services. Official definitions United States

Commons Omnilexica - Search in all dictionaries at once! Visualize any Text as a Network - Textexture French-English dictionary - translation - Type in the word you would like to translate from French to English in the search field above. You can also look up a French translation for an English word as both sides of the French-English dictionary are searched. If a search returns an extensive list of results you can narrow your parameters with the use of helpful filters. Should you want to search another of our online dictionaries simply use the drop-down menu to select one. Search the French dictionary by letter If your search was unsuccessful or perhaps you don't know the exact French spelling, you can find it here. Verify French translation Below are the latest suggested translations which have been added to the French-English dictionary. jool [art] [Brit.] Suggest new French to English translation Are we missing a word in the French-English dictionary? Latest word suggestions by users: spork, jool, raise the eyebrows, résumé, supernal (more) Why participate?

80 Million Tiny Images You have submitted 0 labels. Visual dictionary: Visualization of 53,464 english nouns arranged by meaning. Each tile shows the average color of the images that correspond to each term. Visual dictionary Click on top of the map to visualize the images in that region of the visual dictionary. We present a visualization of all the nouns in the English language arranged by semantic meaning. Currently computers have difficult recognizing objects in images. Teaching computers to see When you visualize the images for each word, you can click on top of each image and select if they are correct examples of the associated word (a green frame will appear around the image) or if they are incorrect (a red cross will appear). Funding support came from NSF Career award (ISI 0747120), ISF and a Microsoft Research gift.
