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The Visual Dictionary - a visual exploration of words in the real world.

The Visual Dictionary - a visual exploration of words in the real world.

Reverse Image Search Tool - Find an image source or Similar images Visual Synonyms | Visual Antonyms | Thesaurus English bing 681 Cliches to Avoid in Your Creative Writing Cliches (properly spelled clichés, with the acute accent) are words and phrases, once interesting, which have lost their original effect from overuse. They are considered trite and should be avoided in writing unless used purposely for effect. We all use them without thinking, sometimes because they fit the bill or are just the ticket (both cliches), but usually because they're metaphors, idiom, or truisms that have become so common we no longer notice them. If we say better late than never or speak of someone being down in the dumps , we likely won't register that we just used a cliche. Speech is filled with shortcuts as we aim to make ourselves understood. Writing that relies heavily on cliches is considered poor or lazy writing. The list of cliches below is not meant to be comprehensive, but should help you catch some of the more common cliches in use. If some cliches slip by you and your editor, it's not the end of the world. Cliche list A-K:

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