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DIY Lighting Hacks for Digital Photographers

DIY Lighting Hacks for Digital Photographers
A Post By: Darren Rowse Lighting can be the difference between a good shot and a great one. Walk into most professional photographer’s studios and you’ll be confronted with truckloads of lighting equipment. To the average hobby photographer it’s enough to make your mind boggle – and for your stomach to turn as you think about the cost of it all. Most of us can’t afford a full lighting rig – however what if there was a way to experiment with the type of lighting gear that pro photographers use without spending too much money? What if you could make it yourself. In this post I’ve found 10 DIY Flash and Lighting Hacks that put some of these lighting techniques within the grasp of the rest of us. 1. What can you make with six speedlight flashes, a coffee can and a little spare time? You get a multi-super-sb-ring-light! You could probably also blind a small village if you’re not careful! Find out what it is, how to make one and what the results are like here. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

40+ Various High Quality Free Paper Patterns and Textures Resources September 2, 2010 Paper will never leave our lives, no matter how digitized we get. Its potential for beauty is celebrated in many designs today, whether in textures, layers, or other additional effects. These following paper textures and patterns range from the simple to the exquisite, from the crumpled and colored to the wrinkled, faded and nostalgic. Download as many of them as you wish, and we hope you are able to use them in some beautiful paper-inspired designs! Crumpled Paper Texture for Layers Download Source Dark Crumpled Paper Texture Download Source Schamka Download Source Old Paper Texture Download Source Paper II Download Source Brown Paper 10 Download Source Old paper 27 stock Download Source Untitled Texture CXXXXXXXXXVII Download Source Wheatfields Download Source Rainbow Paper Texture Download Source Squared Graph Paper Download Source Paper Texture 12 Download Source Brown Paper 04 Download Source Wrinkled Paper Texture 06 Download Source Cleanzor Texture 122 Download Source Download Source

MP #28 : Réaliser un bon Light Painting Le Light Painting est un peu à la mode en ce moment. Pourtant, cette pratique ne date pas d’hier, avec pour preuve cette photo de Pablo Picasso faisant du Light Painting (un Centaure pour être précis). Cette photo a été prise par Gjon Mili en 1949. Et peut être que cette technique remonte encore plus avant… Mais n’étant pas des historiens de la photographie, nous allons plutôt voir aujourd’hui comment réaliser une photographie de light painting. Vous l’aurez compris, Light Painting signifie « peinture de lumière », et la lumière est l’élément principal de cette technique. Avant de parler technique, parlons matériel. un trépied pour la pose longue (et si vous avez une télécommande pour déclencher à distance, c’est parfait)un appareil photo numérique qui permet d’avoir une pose longue (d’au moins 10 secondes). Maintenant parlons de l’environnement : il doit être sombre, voire totalement obscur, afin de pouvoir faire ressortir la lumière des lampes torches plus facilement.

The Canadian Nature Photographer Example of colour photo converted to BW then the colour in the train returned to its original colour. This technique can really add impact to some images and you will see how truly easy it is to do with your photos. Objectives: Convert a colour image to BW or colour tint like Sepia Convert a colour image to BW and then return selected areas to colour You will need the image files in the folder BW_colour to follow along with the video tutorial. Download - file with images (29 MB) Note some of the Lessons have more then one video clip and include varying amounts of text, links and additional utilities such as extra PDF files etc. [ Top ]

Make any digital image into a tattoo on a photo This is a quick and dirty way to superimpose just about any digital image so as to look like a tattoo on a photo. Aka- how to know that the tattoo you want to get won't look terrible in the spot you want to get it. I've personally done this for years for both friends and myself as a means for "previewing" tattoo ideas. You'd be surprised at the number of people who had never even considered it! It only takes a few minutes and is easily done by even the Photoshop novice! Tools:*Image editing software such as Photoshop or Gimp (I used Photoshop 7.0)*Have a digital camera or a photo of the subject you want to "tattoo"*Image to be superimposed as a tattoo MP #60 : Comment réussir un bokeh Dans ce Mercredi Pratique, nous allons vous parler d’un sujet qui avait été évoqué par Zeni en juin 2008, le bokeh. Nous en avons reparlé brièvement avec les Bokehs de Thao trouvés sur Flickr. Je vais vous représenter rapidement le concept, et surtout comment réussir un beau bokeh de fleur par exemple. Pour confirmer les derniers commentaires du billet, le bokeh se prononce ‘bôquet’ et non pas bouquet. Bokeh est une traduction d’un mot japonais qui signifie flou/cassé. Rappel Le plus souvent en photo les points lumineux en arrière plan sont gênants car ils distraient du sujet principal. Cet effet de bokeh créé habituellement une forme ronde sur la zone floue de la photo. Un trou mais de quelle taille ? Parce que nous créons une nouvelle ouverture, le trou doit être plus petit que celui de l’objectif, mais ne doit pas non plus avoir une taille maximale quelconque. Le plus simple à réaliser est de découper un morceau de carton opaque que l’on mettra devant l’objectif. Pour aller plus loin :

Tips for Texturing Photographs A Guest post by Mary Andrade from Pam Photography. Recently while I was processing an image, my husband, Peter, asked “Why take a perfectly good photograph and add texture?” I paused, fair question. Step 1: Pick an image that is a good candidate for texturing First and foremost, texturing is not a way to fix photographs with problems. Step 2: Pre-visualize your end result Texturing can be overwhelming, there are a lot of choices, ways to blend, and different ways to alter your image. Here are some things to consider before you begin: What style do you want the texture to help create in your final image? For example look at the difference between Paul’s image of a vineyard and Jill’s image of a vase of flowers. Below are my before and after images of sunset at a nearby pier. Thinking about what you want your final image to look like, before you consider which textures to use, will help you narrow down viable candidates. Step 3: Pick a texture and modify it if necessary This is the hard part.

How to Balloon Map Your Neighborhood, Google Maps Style The Bing bird's eye view is great. They take the images from low-flying airplanes. Wow, it's like you completely missed the point. No, I got the point, mate. In fact I said that it was a cool project. I know the article is not an attempt to create a publish-worthy aerial map of a neighborhood. You got the point about it being a home-built project but you missed another point. It is also worth mentioning that Google and Bing are hard at it to get their maps updated.

MP #43 : Photographier des gouttes d'eau Après le Mercredi pratique pour prendre prendre des photos sous la pluie, je vous propose pour mon premier article de continuer dans cette lignée et de vous expliquer les bases pour photographier des gouttes d’eau. Le matériel nécessaire L’idéal est d’avoir au moins un, voire deux flash cobra, et surtout qu’ils puissent être déportés. Ensuite, l’idéal est d’utiliser un diffuseur de lumière par flash (pas indispensable, mais vraiment préférable), un trépied pour l’appareil et un support pour chaque flash évidemment. Pour le diffuseur de lumière vous pouvez utiliser un assemblage fait maison (boîte à chaussure), ou un diffuseur de flash acheté dans le commerce. Troisième élément indispensable, un fond sombre (une pochette par exemple, ou une feuille cartonnée), pour que la goutte se détache du mieux possible du fond. La mise en scène Pour la mise en scène, libre cours à l’imagination, l’idéal étant évidemment le plus simple. Commençons par la solution du bac à eau. Pour finir

TiltShift for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store 10 Photography Apps for Android 10 Photography Apps for Android Giveaway Tuesdays has officially ended! But don't sweat it, WonderHowTo has another World that's taken its place. Submit your best shot to our weekly competition for a chance to win an awesome prize. I'll be the first to admit we owe Android a little love here on Giveaway Tuesdays. Once you've chosen, get shooting, and don't forget to submit to this week's challenge for a chance to get your photo framed in a Hatchcraft Boo Box. (P.S. 1. FxCamera is a basic, free app with the following available filters: ToyCam, Polandroid, Fisheye, SymmetriCam, Warhol and Normal. Cost: Free 2. A favorite among Android users, Vignette currently offers 84 effects and 59 frames. Cost: $4.07 (Free demo version available here) 3. AndroPan allows Android users to take and view panoramic pictures. Cost: (Appears to be) free 4. Don't let those Instagrammers tell you you can't do what they do—Meet Retro Camera, the Hipstamatic/Instagram copycat. 5. Cost: Free 6. Cost: Free 7. 8. 9.

Le Tilt Shift Effect: Transformer un paysage en maquette Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons créer un effet qui donne une impression de miniature avec Gimp. Cet effet (connu sous le nom de « tilt-shift effect« ) permet de donner l’impression qu’un objet est beaucoup plus petit qu’en réalité en jouant sur la profondeur de champ. Voici ce que l’on va obtenir: Et voici l’image de base: Le principe est de diminuer artificiellement la profondeur de champ. Manipulation On ouvre donc la photo avec The Gimp. Maintenant, on va rendre flou le calque que l’on vient de créer. Ajoutez un masque sur le calque « Copie de Arrière-Plan »: clic droit sur le calque puis « ajouter un masque de calque ». Il reste maintenant à travailler le masque de calque pour que la transition entre le calque net et le calque flou soit progressive. Dans les options de l’outil dégradé, on choisit le mode « différence ». Une partie de l’image devient nette: on dessine un deuxième dégradé comme sur l’image suivante: (la touche « Ctrl » pendant le tracé permet d’avoir un trait vertical)

Successful Travel Photography Travel photography is quite different from other photographic endeavors especially if you plan to make a living from it. Most successful travel photographers are writers as well. Actually in the print world, you can’t separate words from pictures. What the picture can’t show, the words explain in greater detail. “Dubai” captured by Hemant Buch (Click Image to See More From Hemant Buch) My biggest problem with travel photography is that a lot of the imagery you see have been so photographed that they’re the equivalent of visual clichés. As in most printed media, the pictures tend to be more important than the words. No matter how good and compelling the writing, if the pictures are just mediocre, readers will not be drawn to the story. Even if it can, there is the ethical question of are you allowed to? “Taj mahal sunrise” captured by Dean McGill (Click Image to See More From Dean McGill) Tips for a successful trip: 1. 2. Remember your recall will not be so good once you’re home. 3.

45 Must-See Incredible Resources And Inspirational Collection To Discover The Best Of The Web In January Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. We are always in search of great free resources, tips, tricks, etc. for our readers. Every day we work hard to find new resources and inspiration for designers like you. Today, we have another great post, “Discover the Best of the Web” on SmashingApps. In this, we made a list of 45 Must-See Incredible Resources And Inspirational Collection. You are welcome to share if you know more best of the web in the month of January which our readers/viewers may like. Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at just subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter as well. Design Tips, Tricks and Tutorial””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” 60 Photoshop Actions for Photo Touch-Ups and Enhancements How to Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation
