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Developer Network html - What are my "web font" choices for Arabic? Introduction to the CSS box model SummaryEdit In a document, each element is represented as a rectangular box. Determining the size, properties — like its color, background, borders aspect — and the position of these boxes is the goal of the rendering engine. In CSS, each of these rectangular boxes is described using the standard box model. The content area is the area containing the real content of the element. If the CSS box-sizing property is set to default, the CSS properties width, min-width, max-width, height, min-height and max-height control the content size. The padding area extends to the border surrounding the padding. The space between the padding and the content edge can be controlled using the padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left and the shorthand padding CSS properties. The border area extends the padding area to the area containing the borders. The margin area extends the border area with an empty area used to separate the element from its neighbors. SpecificationEdit See alsoEdit

How to Create a Simple Alert with Sass – Inspirational Pixels If you’re not already using Sass in your projects, you could be saving yourself a lot of time. I won’t go into the pros and cons of a preprocessor like Sass in this tutorial because I’ve already written an article on getting started with Sass. I’ve also posted a round-up of 8 handy extends and mixins for working with Sass. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of today’s tutorial, how to create a simple alert style with Sass. The HTML Structure Since we’re using an extend for the master styling, it saves us from having to use multiple classes on our HTML elements. Breakdown of the HTML To start off with we have a default alert style which is under the class of class="alert-success". The reason I’ve chosen this as the default instead of starting at the smallest and going up is because the medium-sized alert will usually be the one used most. Other than that the HTML is pretty straightforward. The CSS/Sass Structure The base of every alert is formed by an extend called %alert. Conclusion
