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Enduring Voices Project, Endangered Languages, Map, Facts, Photos, Videos

Enduring Voices Project, Endangered Languages, Map, Facts, Photos, Videos
Explore Talking Dictionaries The Enduring Voices team is pleased to present these Talking Dictionaries, giving listeners around the world a chance to hear some of the most little-known sounds of human speech. Several communities are now offering the online record of their language to be shared by any interested person around the world. While you probably won't walk away from these Talking Dictionaries knowing how to speak a new language, you will encounter fascinating and beautiful sounds--forms of human speech you've never heard before--and through them, get a further glimpse into the rich diversity of culture and experience that humans have created in every part of the globe. Explore the Talking Dictionaries for yourself. Losing Our World's Languages By 2100, more than half of the more than 7,000 languages spoken on Earth—many of them not yet recorded—may disappear, taking with them a wealth of knowledge about history, culture, the natural environment, and the human brain.

Endangered Languages ... SOAS Untranslatability Untranslatability is a property of a text, or of any utterance, in one language, for which no equivalent text or utterance can be found in another language when translated. Terms are, however, neither exclusively translatable nor exclusively untranslatable; rather, the degree of difficulty of translation depends on their nature, as well as on the translator's knowledge of the languages in question. Quite often, a text or utterance that is considered to be "untranslatable" is actually a lacuna, or lexical gap. That is, there is no one-to-one equivalence between the word, expression or turn of phrase in the source language and another word, expression or turn of phrase in the target language. A translator can, however, resort to a number of translation procedures to compensate for this. Translation procedures[edit] N.B.: The majority of examples and illustrations given below will involve translating to or from the English language. Adaptation[edit] Borrowing[edit] Calque[edit] Paraphrase[edit]

Développement durable et territoires - Économie, géographie, politique, droit, sociologie Living Tongues Institute For Endangered Languages Le classement des départements « durables » le classement des départements durables Voilà déjà 7 ans que l’hebdomadaire La Vie publie chaque année son palmarès de l’écologie. Objectif : passer au crible les politiques environnementales de chaque département, comparer ces critères identiques aux autres, et évidemment, établir un classement. Avant de passer à celui-ci, attardons-nous sur la méthode employée et les critères de sélection. L’hebdo les liste lui-même. Il y a d’abord la « consommation durable » qui consiste à rapporter le nombres de magasins durables (bio, équitable, AMAP) au nombre d’habitants de chenue zone étudiée.Il y a ensuite la protection de la biodiversité : quelle est la superficie d’espaces protégés dans les départements ? Evidemment, pour chacun de ces critères, l’hebdomadaire s’appuie sur des rapports provenant des ministères, des départements, des agences nationales ou d’associations spécialisées. Cette mesure est également valable pour les mal classés.

Respire - Association Nationale pour la Prévention et l\'Amélioration de la Qualité de l\'Air
