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UK GovTalk - GCL
The latest version of the ePims XML schema and web services specification is published today, 16 December 2010 for public consultation. The ePims XML schema (formerly the CECA XML schema) has been enhanced considerably to support new initiatives managed by the Office of Government Commerce as part of the ePims application portfolio. The specification now supports the exchange of government core civil estate, land, benchmarking and environmental data and provides additional structures supporting the exchange of related management data. The ePims XML Specification v5-1.zip file contains: ePims XML Specification v5-1.doc - the main specification document; ePims XML Schema updates v5-1 .xls - detailed list of all schema changes applied since the last publication of the specification; ePims XML Specification v5-1 GovTalk RFC notes - provides summary information about ePims. The ePims XML Schemas v5-1.zip file contains all related XML schemas and WSDL.
OS Developer Guide
Optionally add Google API keys: Secondly, decide whether you need to use features of Chromium that access Google APIs from the image you are building (translate web pages, geolocation, etc). If the answer is yes, you will need to have keys (see either in your include.gypi, or in a file in your home directory called ".googleapikeys". If either of these file are present for step 1 of building (below) they will be included automatically. If you want to build on a branch, pass the branch name to repo init (e.g: repo init -u <URL> [-g minilayout] -b 0.9.94.T). When you use repo init you will be asked to confirm your name, email address, and whether you want color in your terminal. Building Chromium OS Create a chroot To make sure everyone uses the same exact environment and tools to build Chromium OS, all building is done inside a chroot. This will download and setup a prebuilt chroot from Chromium OS mirrors (under 400M). Select a board . . . . .