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Worldwide university rankings, guides & events

Worldwide university rankings, guides & events

Admission Requirements Assessment of your qualifications Non-Danish citizens who do not have a Danish entrance examination are eligible for admission if they have qualifications recognised as being comparable to Danish entrance qualifications. For an official pre-assessment of your qualifications visit The assessment briefly states what your qualifications correspond to in Denmark and will improve your application. The institution in Denmark will require certified copies of your educational qualifications. Further information about entrance qualifications, additional tests and potential credit transfers can be obtained from the institutions' admissions offices. See a list of higher education institutions in Denmark. General admission requirements English language requirements All higher education programmes in Denmark require a high standard of English. To prove a satisfactory proficiency in English, the language tests TOEFL, IELTS and Cambridge ESOL examinations (CAE) are often used.

Utrecht University: Facts & Figures Though Utrecht University (formerly Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) is now one of the largest in Europe, when it was founded in 1636, there were only seven professors and four departments: philosophy, theology, medicine and law. Only a few dozen students were enrolled. Through the seventeenth century the school flourished, despite competition with Leiden, Groningen, and Amsterdam, among others. In fact, the competition spurred many improvements, including a botanical garden and astronomical observatory. In 1806, Utrecht University was downgraded to an école secondaire (high school) by the French occupants of the Netherlands, but after the Kingdom of the Netherlands was established in 1813 it regained its original status. Numbers: Total students enrolled (2011): 30,174 International students (2011): 1.786 (6% of student population) Foreign student breakdown: EU: 1,234 students Non-EU: 552 Read and listen to our interview with international student Kalina Dancheva. Alluring alumni: Contact:

Degree Programme in Sports Coaching and Management, Vierumäki campus, Bachelor education | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Profile of the Degree Programme in Sports Coaching and Management The Degree Programme in Sports Coaching and Management prepares the students with the knowledge and skills that are needed in today’s´ sports and leisure industry. Different learning objectives for the students have been set by the Degree Programme (DP) to be accomplished through the active participation in the process-oriented working methods (real-life working projects). Each student receives useful and detailed feedback on the progression in each stage of the process-oriented working methods. The studies are conducted in a professional working environment where initiatives on the part of the students on innovations and projects are highly appreciated and expected. Within the new and innovative educational concept of process-oriented working-methods the students are directly working in close-cooperation with companies on solving real-life problems by means of innovative and creative solutions. Professional Growth

University of Utrecht: Meet Kalina Dancheva Kalina Dancheva, 24, wanted to study new media and digital culture, but couldn’t find any interesting programmes in her home country of Bulgaria. So she looked abroad... and found two options in the Netherlands. As she says, she ended up at Utrecht University “a little bit by chance” because the programme happened to start in February, just as she completed her earlier studies. But Kalina doesn’t regret the decision to come to Utrecht University. “The spirit of the university is just everywhere. As with most international students, Kalina often compares her new school to her old one. “It’s different. Listen to the whole interview below: Teaching style But the location and atmosphere aren’t the only differences that Kalina has noticed – she says the teaching is also quite different. “Here [in the Netherlands] it’s much more egalitarian. “In Sofia I didn’t have the comfort to do my own research. Cycling Bulgarian So Kalina is happy with the Dutch education system. "Yes, but..."

The Worldwide Directory of Higher Education — moveonnet Document Actions World Atlas View here the location of all Institutions of Higher Education. From the world map you can zoom in and geographically view institutions by country or even individually. The dynamic map provides you with links to country and individual institution’s pages in moveonnet containing further information. Institutions of Higher Education Here you can find general information on institutions of higher education, contacts, list of partners, information for exchange students, ranking positions, location on a map, etc. Countries The country updates include general country information, a list of the different regions/states, links and explanations on the higher education systems and the different institution types as well as a list of the higher education institutions. Networks The network section includes general information, aims, contacts and members. International programmes For information on international programmes, e.g.

Euthanasia in the Netherlands In 2002, the Netherlands decriminalised euthanasia in cases where very strict criteria are met. This change in the law has been widely misreported abroad. Here are the essential facts about the Dutch policy on euthanasia. - What is the difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide? Assisted suicide is the process by which an individual, who may otherwise be incapable, is provided with the means (drugs or equipment) to commit suicide. In some cases, the terms ‘aid in dying’ or ‘death with dignity’ are preferred. The term ‘euthanasia’ refers to an act that ends a life in a painless manner, performed by someone other than the patient. - Is euthanasia legal in the Netherlands? Yes and no. - What are the criteria for decriminalisation? The due care criteria which must be met in order to obtain exemption from criminal liability require that the attending physician: Related articles:Euthanasia law five years old Assisted Suicide: The legal tightrope - How does the system work in practice? No.

Living and accommodation in Kajaani - Opiskelijan Kajaani It is fairly easy to find a place to live in Kajaani. The company Kiinteistö Oy Kajaanin Pietari offers affordable and modern shared accommodation and also bigger, so-called 'family apartments'. Some of the accommodation is located on campus and other housing is located 1 – 3 km from the campus area. Internet connection is available for all student apartments for a separate price. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) arranges accommodation to exchange students based on the exchange applications. Please note, that students coming to study for a full degree, should apply for accommodation on their own. Mainly international students live on campus, in Ketunpolku 5. Please note! Further information The rooms are furnished but there are no blankets, pillows, bed linen or towels available. An internet connection is available in student accommodation, the price depends on the type of connection. Of course you can also find other types of accommodation in Kajaani.

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor's Degree in Sports and Leisure Management Higher education in Finland is known for its high quality. Studying at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (in brief: KAMK) offers you the opportunity to study a bachelor degree in English in a multicultural environment. Our students appreciate the individual guidance from the teachers and supporting staff which is enabled by small study groups. All our activities are arranged on one compact campus area near the town centre, surrounded by excellent facilities for those eager to do sports or just to enjoy the beauty of the nature. Join our programme - surround yourself with sporty people! The objective of the Bachelor's Degree in Sports and Leisure Management is to provide both Finnish and international students with a high quality, academic yet practical education in the field of sports. The studies in this degree include topics such as sports and exercise instruction, coaching and training as well as activity tourism. The music exercise area is for different types of workouts (e.g.

Salidas Profesionales Salidas Profesionales Las oportunidades laborales que podrás encontrar en el mercado laboral estarán ligadas en gran medida por los estudios universitarios que realices. Por ello, es fundamental que te informes y asesores sobre las salidas profesionales del área y la carrera que piensas elegir. Asiste a presentaciones de orientación, habla con profesionales para que te describan las tareas y desafíos de sus trabajos, acude a algún evento o conferencia sectorial (¡hay muchísimos gratuitos!), etc. Al mismo tiempo, dedica tiempo a conocerte mejor (motivaciones, gustos, habilidades, valores,…) para poder proyectarte e imaginarte en el tipo de profesión, entorno, responsabilidades, etc. en el que te encontrarías más a gusto. Hoy en día existen numerosas titulaciones, que además cada Universidad personaliza, y que suelen agruparse en las siguientes áreas: El Proceso de Bolonia El Proceso de Boloniay la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) permitirán: Volver

Grado en Estudios Internacionales | UC3M El Grado en Estudios Internacionales forma profesionales capaces de comprender y analizar un mundo en constante cambio, en toda su complejidad con rigor y profundidad. También proporciona a los estudiantes las habilidades prácticas y las herramientas para investigar y mejorar el mundo actual así como para evaluar posibles escenarios futuros. Además, les dota de destrezas transferibles a varios entornos y situaciones al tiempo que incentiva su autonomía y fomenta sus capacidades analíticas y de comunicación. Este Grado se imparte íntegramente en inglés. Con un claro carácter multidisciplinar, el Grado en Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid va en línea con la filosofía que inspira a los títulos internacionales de mayor prestigio en International Studies. Prof.

Best Bachelor Degrees & Programs 2017- Over 7 600 Bachelors Degrees globally Notas de Acceso a la Universidad Las notas de entrada para todas las universidades públicas españolas Si quieres saber qué nota mínima pidieron el año pasado para la titulación y centro en el que estás interesado, selecciona una carrera, una universidad o ambos criterios. Pulsa en "buscar". Cuando la "nota mínima requerida" sea un 5, se puede deber a las siguientes razones: que el curso no haya cubierto todas sus plazas o que la enseñanza sea nueva en ese centro. El secreto de la carrera con la nota de corte más alta Tres universidades de Barcelona encabezan el último ‘ranking’ español Sports Management Degree Guide By Ashley Hunn With the value of the sports industry estimated between $500-600 billion and growing faster than the gross domestic product (GDP) in many nations, it’s no surprise that sports management is a highly competitive – and thriving – business. The growing popularity of sports management in academic programs and the field of sports as a career goal have resulted in greater competition for jobs in the workforce. This guide is intended to be a roadmap for those contemplating a career in sports management. Introduction Chapter 1: High School Programs Chapter 2: Colleges Chapter 3: Internships Chapter 4: Sports Conferences Chapter 5: Professional Development Courses/Specialized Training Chapter 6: Scholarships Chapter 7: Careers Chapter 8: News & Trends You don’t need to be a former athlete or have family ties to break into sports management. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Thinking about pursuing a sports management career? Temple University University of Texas University of North Carolina

El diario económico del negocio del deporte
