Гений фотографии Рене Мальтет Творчество классического французского фотографа René Maltête уже более полувека дает повод людям радоваться жизни. Рене Мальтет родился в 1930 году, а ровно 12 лет назад его не стало. Но творчество французского юмориста не забыто. Фото сюжеты Рене Мальтета уходят с молотка. А портфолио известного француза собирает, тщательно хранит и делится им в интернете сын знаменитого фотографа Робин Мальтет. Фотографировать Рене Мальтет начал в возрасте 16 лет, мечтая стать режиссером художественных фильмов. Рене Мальтет — яркий представитель французской жанровой фотографии, известный своими ироничными зарисовками с натуры. Смотрите также: Фоторозыгрыши Роберо Дуано Шедевры фотографии
100 ფოტო, რომელმაც შეძრა მსოფლიო 1. ფოტოგრაფიის პირველი პირმშო 1826 წელს ფრანგმა ჟოზეფ ნიკიფორ ნიეფსიმ – Joseph Niépce – მისი სტუდიის ფანჯრიდან შექმნა ხედის რეპროდუქცია, რომელზედაც წარმოდგენილი იყო ფარდულის დაქანებული სახურავი, მსხლის ხე, რომლის ტოტებს შორის ცის კამარა მოჩანდა და მტრედის სახლი. ეს უხეში და გაურკვეველი გამოსახულება კაცობრიობის ისტორიის განმავლობაში პირველ წარმატებულ ფოტოსურათს წარმოადგენდა. 2. ებრაულ-სლავური წარმოშოფის ფოტოგრაფის – ჰაინ ლუისის ტრიუმფად ნიუ-იორკის 443-მეტრიანი Empire State Building-ის მშენებლობის ამსახველი კადრები იქცა. 4. 72 წლის მხიარული გენიოსი 1951 წელი. ფოტოგრაფმა ფილიპ ჰალცმანმა სახელი გაითქვა ორიგინალურად გადაღებული ფოტოებით, რომლებზეც ჰაერში ამხტარ ადამიანებს იღებდა. 7. ჩრდილოეთ კაროლინა, 1950 წელი. პატრიკ ფარელის მიერ გადაღებული ფოტო ჰაიტის ტრაგედიაზე, 2008 წელს.9. აშშ–საფრანგეთი. 1992 წლის ნოემბერი. ს 11. 1985 წლის 13 ნოემბერი. ა. ფოტო გადაღებულია მსოფლიო რეპორტაჟული ფოტოგრაფიის ლეგენდად აღიარებული სტივ მაკკარის მიერ. ი 15. ი 17. 20. 23. s 25. 26. 27. 31. 37. 41. 43. 48. 49.
30 Magical Photos Of Children Playing Around The World No matter their cultural background, no matter their economic situation, kids will always find imaginative ways to have fun. Their wild imaginations and magical childhood moments, when captured on camera by talented photographers, can make for truly wonderful photos. These 33 images we collected will prove that childhood can be wonderful no matter where you go. Show Full Text Many in the Western world fear that technology is making today’s children lose touch with nature and with their own creativity, and while there are arguments to be made for the intellectual stimulation that apps and programs for children can bring, there’s also something to be said for simply playing with a stick in the mud or chasing dandelion seeds though an open meadow. For better or worse, the children in these photos seem entirely content making their own fun. Indonesia Thanks for sharing! 3x per week 30,000,000+ monthly readers Error sending email Image credits: Ipoenk Graphic Image credits: Agoes Antara Russia Peru
Эти Совершенно Разные Животные Любят Друг Друга И Это Прекрасно! | Лучшие истории со всего мира Понравилось? Поделитесь с друзьями! Самое интересное в интернете: Jeremy Koreski | f-stop Recent projects: Working with Patagonia, Raincoast Conservation, and Woodshed Films on a trip to the Great Bear Rainforest to bring awareness to the Northern Gateway Pipeline. The pipeline will bring oil to the BC coast, that will then be shipped across the Pacific to China. Do you remember when you realized photography was more than a point and shoot camera? When I was given my grandfathers Canon AE1 What was your first camera? And what is your current. What has photography done to your life? Through photography I've created a life I love with my wife and daughter. As a career photography has let you see much of the world. I've been all over the world, but Morocco was one of my first big surf trips / shoots and it was amazing. Being a photographer, one would generally assume you also participate in the activities you shoot. I love to fish! Who or what do you look to find inspiration in? I find inspiration everywhere. Life behind a lens means being witness to the best of times and the worst.
Jeremy Koreski: Peter Devries — Vancouver Island, British Columbia - TheImageStory.comTheImageStory.com The Image Photographer:Jeremy Koreski Surfer:Peter Devries Location:Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Time / Date:13:09 / January 26, 2012 The Technical Gear: Camera Body: Canon 5D Mark II Lens: Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L II Camera Settings: Shutter Speed: 1/800 Aperture: f/5.6 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 165mm The Story Background: I grew up shooting images of my friends snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing when I was in my teens, and after that long things become routine. The Scene: This particular spot only breaks well a few times a year and I really love shooting here. Gear: When I am shooting surf, I usually have a camera setup in a housing before I go to the beach incase the waves are really good and I don’t want to waste time messing around. Making the Shot: For this image it just came down to being ready and in the right spot. Editing & Processing: Looking Back: I guess I chose this image because to me is has all the elements of a good action surf photo. Advice: Inspiration:
Of Salt and Sea: Jeremy Koreski Growing up in the outdoors usually leads to a lifetime in the outdoors, and luckily for photographer Jeremy Koreski, this means a life spent on the shores of Tofino, British Columbia. Once a quiet logging and fishing town facing the Pacific Ocean, the district of just over 1800 people is now a popular summertime tourist destination. This quiet, seaside retreat is Koreski’s home. It’s where he spent his teenage years surfing and taking photographs, honing his craft. His work includes shooting for clients like Patagonia, SURFER, ESPN, National Geographic Adventure, Outside Magazine, and Google among others. The teenage years in anyone’s life are especially formative for creative passions and interests. “I started playing around with my grandfather’s Canon AE-1 when I was in high school, whether on a surf or snowboard trip, or just at the local skate park. That idea of observing the environment comes through loud and clear in Koreski’s photos. Images ©: Jeremy Koreski
The Year in Pictures, 2014 How close are you willing to get? That’s the question posed by the most potent photographs of 2014: How close? We founder in the shallows amid the constant nano-buzz of a modern culture. But with just one powerful still photograph — emphasis on still — you need to stop, stare, then drown in the image, tumble into its pure moment. And so many of those moments in 2014 where the ink seemed to bleed, where the pixels seemed to pulse with extra force, focused on the millions of people seeking some kind of refuge — in places like Myanmar, Syria and South Sudan, in Ukraine, Istanbul and Caracas. But for most of the displaced, for those on the run, those who had to bear too many funerals, there was little choice. And the Nike-wearing young man in Caracas hurling a Molotov cocktail appears to have little choice, either, consumed as he is by flames and his rage. Sometimes, there is simply no sanctuary. — Dana Jennings View Slide Show 100 Photographs
25 Of The Best Award-Winning Wedding Photographs Of 2014 EmailEmail The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographer (ISPWP) holds a members-only wedding photography contest four times a year. Each time, wedding photographers from all around the world submit their best shots out of 20 different categories, ending up with a total of 80 1st place winners at the end of the year. This compilation includes just a few of the most artistic, funny, or emotional wedding photos that have won the contest throughout 2014. More info: ispwp.com (h/t: mymodernmet) 1st Place in All About Light, Winter 2013, Taipei, Taiwan Photo credits: Chris Huang 1st Place in Pure Art, Fall 2014, New York City, New York Photo credits: Emin Kuliyev 1st Place in Framing The Subject, Summer 2014, Vigo, Spain Photo credits: Paula Boto 1st Place in The Decisive Moment, Summer 2014, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Photo credits: Dennis Berti 1st Place in Ceremony, Spring 2014, Zaragoza, Spain Photo credits: Nacho Mora 1st Place in Emotional Impact, Spring 2014, Phoenix, Arizona