A + Click: attività di matematica e logica online Sono oltre 6.000 i test di matematica presenti all'interno della piattaforma A + Click. Mirano tutti a sviluppare la logica e la capacità di risoluzione dei problemi, dal semplice al complesso. Potete muovervi all'interno di questo grande archivio di giochi matematici, scegliendo il grado e la tipologia di contenuti (aritmetica, geometria, algebra, ecc). Oltre a queste classiche, sono presenti altre sezioni come matematica divertente, olimpiadi della matematica, matematica e geografia, matematica e sport e molte altre. Le domande sono mirate a stimolare la capacità di comprensione, riflessione e risoluzione dei problemi piuttosto che all'applicazione di regole e teoremi matematici. I problemi includono una breve descrizione e un'illustrazione per aiutare gli studenti a rispondere esattamente.
3 calculatrices graphiques en ligne étonnantes pour l’enseignement des mathématiques Ce ne sont pas les recours en ligne pour enseigner les mathématiques qui manquent. C’est sans doute même une des matières parmi les plus présentes sur le web. Le plus difficile est de dénicher les perles rares dans cette avalanche d’outils pour créer des activités, des jeux, des exercices et autres simulations interactives. Voici pour ce qui est des simulations et calculatrices graphiques en ligne, trois outils incontournables. Trois calculatrices graphiques étonnantes et gratuites.
Money Teaching resources Using money and finances as an engaging context for learning, teachers can provide students with authentic learning experiences across all subject areas. ASIC's MoneySmart Teaching offers primary, secondary and VET resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum. Each unit of work and digital activity has a supporting curriculum mapping document featuring the relevant learning area, achievement standards, content descriptions and general capabilities. Power Searching with Google Thanks for visiting! For a short time, the course materials for Power Searching with Google will remain accessible below. Then they will be made permanently available at the Google Search Education site. For a handy reference of all search tips from the course, check out our printable Power Searching Quick Guide. To receive announcements about future search-related classes, add yourself to the Search Education Google Groups mailing list.
Rúbricas y evaluación formativa Català (Catalán) English (Inglés) Mucha gente todavía cree que evaluar con rúbricas es realizar evaluación formativa y, en muchos casos, no es así. I know it: giochi a quiz per la matematica Per chi è alla ricerca di strumenti per utilizzare la metodologia CLIL con la matematica nella scuola primaria (e io ne ho una in casa... ) vi propongo di esplorare il sito web I know it. Sono disponibili oltre 22.000 domande interattive dedicate alla matematica per la scuola primaria, suddivise per argomenti e proposte per gradualità. Si tratta di giochi a quiz ben strutturati e coinvolgenti, oltre a centinaia di lezioni contenenti animazioni dinamiche e funzioni di ricompensa che contribuiscono a mantenere i bambini ben immersi in ogni lezione. I suggerimenti e le spiegazioni favoriscono inoltre la comprensione dei vari contenuti.
10 Apps for Math Fluency There are so many ways to use mobile devices with students. You can create interactive textbooks for children to read, ask them to explain their thinking through screencasting or help them access informational text using QR codes. Mobile devices can also be used to help students practice foundational math skills and build their math fluency. In order for students to tackle the multi-step word problems they'll be asked to solve as early as elementary school, they need to have mastered their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.
10 Great Movies for the STEM Classroom If you're looking to get kids excited about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), show them the ways that popular media uses -- and misuses -- the concepts you teach daily. Used as part of a lesson, clips from movies can reinforce topics, spark discussion, and promote new perspectives. There's still a great need to introduce kids, and especially girls, to STEM fields like neurobiology, nanotechnology, and civil engineering. Whether it's a short clip from a Hollywood film to reinforce the concept of gravity or a feature-length documentary that highlights the work of engineers, incorporating movies into your lessons can help kids connect what they're learning in the classroom to the world at large.
Computer and Network Security by Avi Kak Note for instructors using these slides/notes: It is not uncommon for the instructors who use these notes/slides to want to know how exactly I use them in class since there is much more information on a typical slide than you will usually find in a powerpoint presentation. Here is the answer: When I teach the theoretical portions of this course, I actually work out the formulas on the chalkboard and, when I do so, I follow the derivations presented in these lecture notes. On the other hand, when I teach the systems portion of the course, I spend quite a bit of time demonstrating the issues on my Linux laptop, again in the manner described in these lecture notes.
I calcoli a mente non servono più. "La matematica a scuola va insegnata col pc" I calcoli matematici? Lasciamoli ai computer. Gravare ancora gli studenti con complesse divisioni, o con la soluzione di equazioni fatte a mente, è “un grave errore”, una perdita di tempo clamorosa. Lo sostiene da sempre l’esperto di tecnologie britannico Conrad Wolfram, 47 anni, fondatore di CBM (Computer-Based Maths) il cui scopo è la ‘rifondazione’ della didattica matematica, il quale rilancia oggi la sua tesi in una intervista pubblicata dal quotidiano spagnolo ‘El Pais’, in cui afferma che l’80% di quel che si apprende nei corsi di matematica non serve a niente. “I matematici mi odieranno perché dico questo, ma prima dei computer - osserva Wolfram - le matematiche non erano molto utili per la quotidianità, per la vita in generale.
Dragon Box, une application formidable pour découvrir le calcul littéral en jouant En bref DragonBox+ Algebra 5+ (WeWantToKnow) est un puzzle game inspiré d’une méthode norvégienne pour s’initier à la résolution d’équations mathématiques. Absolument excellent. Un Déclic ! Âge repère : de 5 à 119 ans – Niveaux scolaires : N/A Note : 5 étoiles Using Math Apps to Increase Understanding From content consumption to content creation, there are many ways to use mobile devices with students. They can create how-to videos for authentic audiences, explain their thinking through screencasting, or use scannable technology in the math classroom, for example. Mobile devices can also be used to help students practice foundational math skills and build their math fluency. You might decide to use an app on this list as part of an intervention plan or add it to a newsletter for families. In order for students to tackle the multistep word problems they’ll be asked to solve as early as elementary school, they need to have mastered addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. If they can answer 4 + 12, 15 - 5, 9 x 7, and 18 ÷ 3 quickly and accurately, students can focus on reading word problems to figure out what those questions are asking them to do and apply their knowledge to real-world situations.
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