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Booklet - jQuery Plugin

Booklet - jQuery Plugin
what is it? Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout. It was built using the jQuery library. Licensed under the MIT license. see it work jQuery Booklet This is a sample booklet! Content Variety You can place any sort of html elements inside of your booklet pages. Default Options The default options include: Manual Page TurningThis option requires jQuery UI, but will degrade and be usable if not included. Move to the next page by dragging or the arrow keys to see the animation in action!

Apprendre et comprendre jQuery – 1/3 • Tous les articles Tutoriels jQuery Introduction rapide et en douceur à l’utilisation d’une des bibliothèques JS à la mode. Ou comment ajouter une couche d’interactions simplement et proprement à vos pages. NB : ce billet sera divisé en trois parties. Publié il y a déjà trop longtemps… Introduction jQuery est une bibliothèque JS développée principalement par John Resig. Par bibliothèque on entend donc un ensemble cohérent de fonctions permettant de s’affranchir des tâches rébarbatives et répétitives de façon uniforme sur les navigateurs les plus courants. Elle est sous licence GPL et MIT, et donc complètement réutilisable sur des travaux professionnels. Les navigateurs supportés sont : Firefox 1.5+Internet Explorer 6+Safari 2.0.2+Opera 9+ La bibliothèque est utilisée par exemple sur des sites comme : DellGoogle CodeDiggNBCAmazonMozillaWordPressDrupalSPIPThe Zend Frameworketc Par ailleurs cette bibliothèque est compatible (elle n’entre pas en conflit) avec d’autres. Pré-requis Bases Appel <! Compression Une fonction etc.

Best jQuery Plugins of 2011 | Resources - Vimperator jQuery was first released in 2006. Nearly 5 years later, it’s still going strong – due largely in part to the community that’s been built up around it. This community of developers constantly releases plugins that allow web developers to easily add amazing functionality to their projects. Continuing our “Best of 2011″ series, the focus this week is on jQuery plugins. Isotope Isotype is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic and intelligent layouts. FitText FitText makes font-sizes flexible. FlexSlider FlexSlider is an awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin. Sausage Sausage is a jQuery UI widget for contextual pagination. arbor.js Arbor is a graph visualization library built with web workers and jQuery. Mosaic Mosaic automatically generates sliding boxes & captions, allows slide & fade animations with custom directions, and preloads images within boxes. Supersized Supersized is a fullscreen background slideshow built using the jQuery library. About the Author Related Posts shares Read More

cufón - fonts for the people Windows Service using Timer starting then immediately stopping I am creating a C# Windows service that extracts data once a day at a configured time. In the service code, for the OnStart, I am setting up a timer, adding an event handler to the timer, turning off AutoReset, and calculating the timer interval based on the amount of time to the next run. I am then enabling the timer, and Start() ing the timer. The problem I am having is that as soon as I start the service, it stops, saying that it Started then stopped, perhaps it had no work to do, etc. Here is the Service code: I have modified the properties of the service so that CanStop is set to False. 25 Free jQuery Photo Gallery / Albums with Tutorials | VisonwidGet 30 Free Photo Gallery / Albums with Tutorials Details Category: Webdev Hits: 20172 jQuery image galleries and albums are very common on portfolio sites and are also useful for any other type of site for displaying images and photos. Since they are already so popular I believe you don’t need me to tell you more about it. A Cool Instagram “Gravity” Gallery This will be a script that runs a search on Instagram, fetches and displays the photos in a grid, and then uses the Box2D library to simulate physical interactions between them. {ads1} Fresh Sliding Thumbnails Gallery with jQuery and PHP In this tutorial we are going to create another full page image gallery with a nice thumbnail area that scrolls automatically when moving the mouse. Thumbnail Grid With Expanding Preview The interesting part is to calculate the correct preview height and to scroll the page to the right position. Photo Booth Strips With Lightbox Free jQuery Photo Gallery ( Tutorial ) Polaroid Photobar Gallery with jQuery

jQuery effects, 150+ best for web developers and designers - Vimperator Since the arrival of the jQuery library, the life of JavaScript programmers have gotten a lot easier because now it’s simpler to develop web 2.0 applications. With jQuery, the programmers can keep their code organized and concise, which is the major slogan of the library, “write less, do more”. You can utilize jQuery to handle events, generate animations, and even add an Ajax support into your web applications in a very easy way. Certainly you can use JavaScript to execute all the jQuery functions, but if you use it, your programming times will reduce and your effectiveness will increase, and that’s the real magic of jQuery. On this roundup we will show you the most captivating and creative jQuery tools and effects to inspire you, from animations to slideshows, you will find plenty of effects on this article, hope you enjoy it. Transition effects Special Presentation: jQuery SliderShock 1. A standard transition effect that always works well when implemented on your designs. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9.

50 CMS Alternatives to WordPress Is WordPress a CMS? Many developers say “no” while countless others continue to use WordPress as a content management system regardless of its definition or intended use as a blogging platform. Regardless of which camp you fall into, you should know that there are a lot of robust and powerful alternative CMS options that have been built from the ground up to help you manage the content on your site. Below you’ll find 50 content management systems perfect for designers, end users, churches, media sites and more! 50 Powerful Content Management Systems Zotonic, The Erlang CMS — Zotonic Zotonic is a CMS. DeployCMS – effortless Web CMS and site management. Whether you’re a code guru, a designer, or both; DeployCMS can help you build a better website, every time. – Open Source CMS / Framework ur CMS is fast, flexible, and FREE. Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management Pods CMS Framework Pods is a CMS framework that lets you add and display your own content types. GetSimple CMS Unify

Dive Into HTML5 Converting jQuery Code to a Plugin Martin Angelov When it comes to efficiently organizing jQuery code, one of the best options is turning certain parts of it into a plugin. There are many benefits to this – your code becomes easier to modify and follow, and repetitive tasks are handled naturally. This also improves the speed with which you develop, as plugin organization promotes code reuse. This is why today we are going to demonstrate the process of converting code to a plugin. The Idea Writing a jQuery plugin is not at all difficult. Here are several problems that we need to solve when converting the tutorial code into a jQuery plugin: We need to give users the ability to control what markup is generated for the dropdown. The Code As you remember from the tutorial, our jQuery code scans the select’s option elements and builds an unordered list. This is, however, too specific for a plugin. Lets put this into code: jQuery & CSS3 Select Replacement Plugin $(document).ready(function(){ $('select').tzSelect(); }); script.js jQuery

Typography Effects with CSS3 and jQuery - Vimperator One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather.

10 Excellent Tools for Testing Your Site on Mobile Devices By John Pring With the ever-increasing sales of smartphones and the burgeoning tablet market starting to skyrocket, coupled with far greater access to more robust mobile data networks, the internet is now being accessed by our users in a multitude of new ways. The huge range of mobile devices used to browse the web now means you really have to consider making your site mobile-compatible. But how do you go about it? Testing your site on mobile devices can be time-consuming and expensive due to the vast number of different mobile devices. Fear not, because there are some handy tools available at your disposal for making sure that your website renders appropriately on the Mobile Web. 1. iPhoney An excellent free iPhone tester, iPhoney isn’t exactly an emulator, but allows developers to create 320x480px websites for use on the iPhone. 2. This checker is a web-based automated validation tool that checks to see how mobile-device-friendly your website is. 3. iPad Peek 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Windows Task Scheduler Tutorial with Screenshots 2. Using Task Scheduler: If the task scheduler is installed on your system, you will find it in the My Computer folder. (If not, scroll down on how to obtain & install it) To use the scheduling service on Windows 98, NT, 2000, click on the My Computer icon located on the Desktop. On Windows XP and Server 2003 you can access this from the Start Menu and clicking on Settings and then Control Panel to Scheduled Tasks. Double-click Add Scheduled Task. The following screenshots highlight some of the more critical steps: 1.
