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Here Are The Top 25 Cities You Should Visit In Your Lifetime. You’ll Never Guess #1!

Here Are The Top 25 Cities You Should Visit In Your Lifetime. You’ll Never Guess #1!

10 lieux abandonnés à travers le monde qui vont vous faire frissonner Lorsque nous étions petits, les maisons abandonnées étaient l'objet de tous les fantasmes ! Fantômes, monstres et sorcières y étaient forcément pour quelque chose ... Aujourd'hui, les lieux abandonnés me mettent carrément la chair de poule et je m'intéresse bien moins à ce que je vais pouvoir y trouver. A moins, bien entendu, que les clichés soient magnifiques et c'est le cas de ces photographies. Je vous entraîne donc avec moi à la découverte de lieux abandonnés à travers le monde. 1. Pripyat est une ville d'Ukraine crée en février 1970 à la frontière de la Biélorussie. 2. Cette ville sous l'eau est vieille de 1341 ans ! 3. Ce gros complexe fut fondé à la fin du XIXème siècle. 4. Ouvert en 1928 près des Chutes Tequendema, il hébergeait les touristes qui venaient admirer le spectacle. 5. Cette île Japonaise cumule les surnoms et les plus répandus sont "Gost Isalnd" ou "Battleship Island" (pour sa forme). Pour voir la suite, rendez-vous page 2 !

Nejednakost nije problem U svojoj čuvenoj knjizi Kapital u 21. veku, Tomas Piketi napominje da je Napoleon opravdavao koncentraciju bogatstva i visoku nejednakost u Francuskoj jer je, po njegovom mišljenju, Francuska bila meritokratska država. Ako ste bili vredni i nadareni, mogli ste da napredujete – čak i u to vreme. Takve preterane tvrdnje o pokretljivosti dugo su bile argument povlašćenih sa vrha lestvice bogatstva. Američki san je, naravno, izgrađen na ovoj osnovnoj tvrdnji. Međutim, od početka godine, značajni uvidi Piketija i drugih ekonomista postali su deo mejnstrim debate, osporavajući stare pretpostavke o tome da je Amerika meritokratsko društvo. Ekonomski konzervativci su ranije često tvrdili da je nejednakost u redu dokle god je prihodna pokretljivost velika. Prihodna pokretljivost se obično meri tako što se utvrdi da li deca roditelja iz jedne prihodne grupe – recimo, donjih 20 odsto – prelaze u narednu petinu, pa zatim dalje. Od Velike recesije, rast je još manji.

Reader Recs: Romantic Destinations Planning a trip with that special someone? We asked our Facebook fans to share their favorite romantic destinations, and they came through in a big way. Whether you’re looking for a tried-and-true classic or something more off the grid, our travel community has got you covered: Not surprisingly Venice, the quintessential capital of romance, topped the list for many of our readers. Cozy up in a horse-drawn carriage in Bruges (Photograph by fattytuna, Flickr) As Lali Fricke put it, Paris “just has that special charm.” If you’re wild about France but are looking for a more rustic locale, Faye Wilson suggests giving La Réole a try. Due north, in Belgium, Bruges received rave reviews from both Judy Wright and Vanessa Lascano Fierro. Dave Lucas rounds out the European suggestions with a trip to Cape Sounion, Greece, to see the Temple of Poseidon. Victoria Falls (Photograph by tripsfortravellers, Flickr) Romance, island-style: Ko Tao, Thailand (Photograph by danielfriedle, Flickr) Ian M.

Great Escapes On Planet Earth The suspension bridge that crosses the Capilano River in the District of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Source. Take a deep breath and prepare for a visually rich voyage to some of the most incredible destinations the world over. The pictures that make up the digital wanderlust include the work of famous photographers such as Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Steve McCurry as well as people who have uploaded and shared their travel images on their 500px and Flickr profiles. So whether you’re interested in discovering Easter Island’s Rapa Nui culture in the middle of the Pacific Ocean or literally breathing in the rejuvenating fresh air of the Iguazu Falls on the borders of Brazil and Argentina, these are some destinations which according to Yatzer should be visited at least once in a globetrotter's life! As you slowly scroll through them, let them reveal their beauty to you. Iguazú Falls, between Argentina and © comrade_leviathan. Easter Island, © Mark Zabala.

6 pueblos congelados en la Edad Media en Cataluña Dispersos por toda España, hay numerosos pueblos que conservan magníficos cascos y conjuntos medievales. En cambio los pueblos elegidos en éste caso en Cataluña, destacan por su increíble estado de conservación. Hablamos de pueblos congelados en el medioevo, con sus calles empedradas, arcos, balcones de piedra o ventanas ojivales. 1. Quizás, sea uno de los conjuntos medievales más intactos y completos de la zona. Jose Manuel Mota Ester Westerveld Neil Thompson Felipe Gabaldón Angela Llop 2. En realidad las fotos a continuación pertenecen sobre todo a Rupit, que junto a Pruit integran unmunicipio en la comarca de Osona. J. Josep Enric Lopez 3. Tal vez uno de los pueblos medievales más famosos de toda España, por su entorno, su magnífico aspecto y su grado de conservación. Jordi Cerdá Santi 4. Monells creció en torno al antiguo castillo, aunque hoy sólo queda de él la muralla. Jennifer Woodar Maderazo Jordi Clará Nuria 5. Noemí Galera Freebird Hugo Pardo Kuklinski 6. Ferran Cerdans Serra

Idées de randonnée avec Visorando Novo zlatno doba Prikaz knjige Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty, Belknap Press/Harvard University Press 2014 Tomas Piketi, profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta u Parizu, nije poznato ime, iako će se to možda promeniti objavljivanjem engleskog prevoda njegove veličanstvene, sveobuhvatne meditacije o nejednakosti, Kapital u dvadeset prvom veku. Međutim, njegov uticaj je dubok. Često se može čuti da živimo u drugom zlatnom dobu – ili, kako Piketi voli da kaže, drugom Bel epoku – definisanom neverovatnim usponom „jednog procenta“. Ali ovo je postalo opšte mesto samo zahvaljujući Piketijevom radu. Konkretno, on i nekoliko njegovih kolega (pre svega Entoni Atkinson sa Oksforda i Emanuel Saez sa Berklija) ustanovili su statističke tehnike koje nam omogućavaju da pratimo koncentraciju prihoda i bogatstva daleko u prošlost – do početka dvadesetog veka u Americi i Britaniji, i čak do kraja osamnaestog veka u Francuskoj. Međutim, današnja ekonomija je sasvim drugačija od one iz 19. veka, zar ne? Zašto?

33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die. I Can’t Believe These Actually Exist On Earth… So many other-worldly places exist right on our planet, and we never even knew about it. Here are 33 landmarks that look like paintings and scenes from science fiction movies. During the rainy season, the world’s largest salt flat becomes the world's largest mirror. The Salar was born when several prehistoric lakes joined into one. The salt flat is so reflective, it’s used to calibrate satellites. These unqiuely tall and thin mountains are so alien that they were used in James Cameron’s “Avatar.” These sentinels are actually giant trees covered in snow and ice. This 240-meter-long cave system has been one of Guilin, China’s most popular attractions for over 1200 years. Ice caves are temporary structures that form at the edge of glaciers when flowing water melts a hole into glaciers.
