How to Add Color with Photo Filters in Photoshop CS6
Photographers will appreciate the Photo Filter command in Photoshop CS6 and its ability to add color, which is reminiscent of the analog method of placing a colored filter in front of a camera lens to tweak the color balance and color temperature of the light coming through the lens. This is a great way to make an image appear cooler or warmer. To apply the Photo Filter adjustment, follow these steps: Open your image and choose Image→Adjustments→Photo Filter to apply the filter to the entire image.If you want to apply the filter to one or more layers, choose Layer→New Adjustment Layer→Photo Filter. Make sure you have the Preview option selected so you can view the results. In the Photo Filter dialog box, select the Filter radio button to choose a preset filter from the Filter pop-up menu or select the Color radio button to select a custom color for your filter.If you opt for the custom color, click the swatch to select a color from the Color Picker.
The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer
Fritz Ruehr, Willamette University Freshman Haskell programmer fac n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fac (n-1) Sophomore Haskell programmer, at MIT (studied Scheme as a freshman) fac = (\(n) -> (if ((==) n 0) then 1 else ((*) n (fac ((-) n 1))))) Junior Haskell programmer (beginning Peano player) fac 0 = 1 fac (n+1) = (n+1) * fac n Another junior Haskell programmer (read that n+k patterns are “a disgusting part of Haskell” [1] and joined the “Ban n+k patterns”-movement [2]) fac 0 = 1 fac n = n * fac (n-1) Senior Haskell programmer (voted for Nixon Buchanan Bush — “leans right”) fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n] Another senior Haskell programmer (voted for McGovern Biafra Nader — “leans left”) fac n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n] Yet another senior Haskell programmer (leaned so far right he came back left again!) -- using foldr to simulate foldl fac n = foldr (\x g n -> g (x*n)) id [1..n] 1 Memoizing Haskell programmer (takes Ginkgo Biloba daily) facs = scanl (*) 1 [1..] fac n = facs !! (studied at Oxford) Ph.D. Tenured professor
Fuck Off As A Service (FOAAS)
NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access): An Overview - ACM Queue
Christoph Lameter, Ph.D. NUMA (non-uniform memory access) is the phenomenon that memory at various points in the address space of a processor have different performance characteristics. At current processor speeds, the signal path length from the processor to memory plays a significant role. Today, processors are so fast that they usually require memory to be directly attached to the socket that they are on. As the trend toward improving system performance by bringing memory nearer to processor cores continues, NUMA will play an increasingly important role in system performance. NUMA systems today (2013) are mostly encountered on multisocket systems. Performance-sensitive applications can require complex logic to handle memory with diverging performance characteristics. A NUMA system classifies memory into NUMA nodes (which Solaris calls locality groups). The process of assigning memory from the NUMA nodes available in the system is called NUMA placement. Ignore The Difference Reclaim | Collecting all the cheat sheets
Remesh - Replacing Polls and Surveys with Conversation
Go for System Administrators - blog dot lusis
If I never directly touch a Go concurrency primitive, I’m convinced I’m going to write all my cli apps with it just for ease of deployment. This is something I said the other day. I figured it deserved a more detailed blog post. Most people who know me professionally know two things about me: I’m fairly pragmatic and somewhat conservative about technology decisionsI’m a language tourist This second one is something Bryan Berry attributed to me in an early FoodFight episode. I love learning new programming languages. So it’s weird that I find myself 18 years later having a working knowledge of ruby, python, perl, java and a few other languages to a lesser degree. This leads me to picking up Go. If you haven’t heard of Go, there are countless articles, blog posts and a shitload of new tooling written in it. Mind you I don’t pick up languages based on popularity. I actually attempted that route working on a PAM module for StormPath. So why Go now? On Pragmatism Tooling in Go The syntax is easy.
its-not-software - steveyegge2
You don't work in the software industry. The software industry has been around a lot longer than ours, and it continues to thrive in parallel to ours. There's some overlap, just as the hardware and software industries have some overlap. But it's a lot less than you probably realize. Not knowing that we're not in the software industry is hurting you every day. But it's also hurting us in that any competitor who does understand that it's a different industry is going to start coding circles around us, to whatever extent they've figured it out. Our Sister Industry So what's the software industry, and how do we differ from it? Well, the software industry is what you learn about in school, and it's what you probably did at your previous company. So it includes pretty much everything that Microsoft does: Windows and every application you download for it, including your browser. Servware Servware is stuff that lives on your own servers. Software Lifecycle Broken/Incomplete Models Documentation Yawn.
Cap'n Proto: Introduction
Cap’n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system. Think JSON, except binary. Or think Protocol Buffers, except faster. This benchmark is, of course, unfair. But doesn’t that mean the encoding is platform-specific? NO! Doesn’t that make backwards-compatibility hard? Not at all! Won’t fixed-width integers, unset optional fields, and padding waste space on the wire? Yes. When bandwidth really matters, you should apply general-purpose compression, like zlib or Snappy, regardless of your encoding format. Are there other advantages? Glad you asked! Incremental reads: It is easy to start processing a Cap’n Proto message before you have received all of it since outer objects appear entirely before inner objects (as opposed to most encodings, where outer objects encompass inner objects). Why do you pick on Protocol Buffers so much? I no longer work for Google. OK, how do I get started? To install Cap’n Proto, head over to the installation page.
Deconstructing Deferred
I apologize for the incomplete post. I pressed the wrong button and the first half of this post went out by accident, somewhat unreviewed. I'm happy enough about what got sent for ideas 1-3, although I had wanted to insert some more links into the Twisted docs and code for Deferred. Here is the rest, starting with the section on Chaining, which hadn't fully fleshed out when I accidentally posted. Idea 4: Chaining Deferreds This is a five-star idea! def sync_and_read_bookmarks(): sync_bookmarks() But how do we write this if all operations return Deferreds? d = sync_bookmarks() d.addCallback(lambda unused_result: read_bookmarks()) return d What is happening here? (A note about the ugly lambda: it is needed because all callbacks are called with a result value, but read_bookmarks() takes no arguments. Here's the code. def callback(self, result): for (cb, eb) in self.callbacks: if isinstance(result, Failure): cb = eb # Use errback try: result = cb(result) except: result = Failure() break break Dizzy?