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Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management

Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management

Good Startup Mentoring (1) I have been involved in many environments in which mentoring is a core part of the value proposition. Seedcamp or Techstars succeed almost exclusively on the quality of their mentoring. As a board member I try to be a good sounding board, a good partner and occasionally, when the situation warrants it, a good mentor. In any event, I have derived a clear conviction that good mentoring is a scarce resource that needs to be nurtured and developed in all of us. Below is my (evolving) philosophy on mentoring startups; it’s a personal one that fits my style and may not work for you, but I hope you enjoy it and find the time to share your mentoring tips too. Good mentoring is hard. Step 1: Establish a trusted connection Your mentee may be impressed by who you are and not want to disappoint you. Most projects start as poorly baked ideas that need a lot of work and refinement to achieve the appropriate form. Step 2: Open your brain and understand the context Step 4: Dig and deconstruct

Warum Sie noch nicht da sind, wo Sie gerne hinwollen » Start : Alle Artikel : Persönliches Wachstum : Warum Sie noch nicht da sind, wo Sie gerne hinwollen Manchmal hat man das Gefühl, festzustecken. Man will etwas im Leben erreichen. Wenn man an so einem Punkt angekommen ist, dann ist es am besten, die eigene Situation einmal ganz in Ruhe von oben zu betrachten. Denn was wir denken, hängt zu einem großen Teil von unserer Umgebung ab. Wollen Sie also andere und vielleicht bessere Gedanken denken, dann müssen Sie dazu manchmal erst Ihre gewohnte Umgebung verlassen. O. k. … nehmen wir an, Sie haben es geschafft, sich aus Ihrer gewohnten Umgebung zu lösen. Zu den Fragen: „Wollen Sie es vielleicht zu stark? Möglicherweise sind Sie noch nicht da, wo Sie hinwollen, weil Sie es übertreiben. Kennen Sie Menschen, die zu verbissen an eine Sache herangehen und durch ihren Übereifer alles kaputt machen? Es ist gut, sich zu engagieren. Es ist gut, etwas wirklich, wirklich, wirklich zu wollen. Die meiste Energie geht von einem aus, JA oder NEIN. Oder:

Games and your brain: how to use gamification to stop procrastinating 1.4K Flares 1.4K Flares × It is Thursday afternoon. Hump day. You are being humped. The one thing you wished to accomplish today remains unaccomplished, sitting there as a painful reminder of your failure, goading you to check Tumblr just one more time. You lack motivation, clearly. And there’s your answer! Turning repetitive tasks into games is the secret sauce to getting things done. Where did gamification come from in the first place? The idea behind gamification—challenge, motivation, reward— have been present in video games from the start, and it was gaming’s growth from niche to mainstream in the 2000s that helped push game mechanics into new industries and fields. The spark for the gamification boom is often traced to technology apps like Foursquare, which popularized ubiquitous badges for highly engaged users, and social games like Zynga’s FarmVille, which achieved huge commercial success on Facebook with its infinite reward system. Endorphins power our love for games

Prokrastination – wie kriege ich sie in den Griff? - Lernen - Schule & Studium Ich schreibe eine E-Mail an Hans Werner Rückert, den Leiter der Studien- und psychologischen Beratung der Freien Universität Berlin. Einer seiner Arbeitsschwerpunkte ist Prokrastination. Er hat auch das Buch „Schluss mit dem ewigen Aufschieben: Wie Sie umsetzen, was Sie sich vornehmen.“ geschrieben. Er möchte mit mir nicht darüber sprechen, wie ich meinen Schreibtisch für mehr Produktivität umräume oder meine To-Do Listen effizienter strukturiere: Solche Tipps gibt es genug im Internet und im Ratgeberegal. Das ist der Grund, warum sich unser Gehirn für eine Hausarbeit mindestens 20 Minuten „warmlaufen“ muss, Facebook aber aus dem Stegreif klappt und uns sofort in einen geradezu narkotischen Bahn zieht: Klick, schon hat sich etwas Neues geladen. Auch Hemingway hatte auf seiner To-Do Liste sicherlich nicht stehen: „Weltliteratur schreiben“. 400 Worte am Tag, mehr verlangte er von sich nicht. Wlada Kolosowa, 24, hat diesen Text pünktlich abgegeben - fünf Minuten vor Deadline. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Matteo Flora: LifeHacking For Hackers The Ultimate Sign Of Success: An Open Calendar "Busy" is the modern equivalent of "fine." Ask people how they’re doing and they’re highly likely to tell you they’re “keeping busy” or “we had a busy summer” or “you know, busy as usual!” We like to think of ourselves as industrious bees, buzzing around from one thing to the next, our sense of self-worth coming from being in high demand. I absorb this mind-set as much as anyone, and so when I call to interview people, I often say “I promise I won’t take much of your time.” Her point, I soon realized, was that she had decided to talk to me. Needless to say, most of us don’t have that luxury. Empty space means that you control your time, and that you do not have to bend to other people’s schedules and whims. That is power. [Image: Flickr user Liz West]

experience - Overcoming slow problem solving due to increased knowledge of what might go wrong I had the (likely) same problem many years ago, it lasted for a few years and I overcame it. So maybe it would be of some interest to you to know how I achieved that, even if I'm not sure my way will also apply to you. You should also have a look here : The Seven Stages of Expertise in Software Engineering It shows that productivity is in great part a side effect of skill level. It may be that you are still at some point between stage 3 and stage 4 on the technology you're currently using (skill proficiency depends on technology, you can be master of some technologies while still learning others). Now I start with biographic testimony. A bit of context. As a result when I turned 20, whenever starting any programming task I knew many ways to solve the given problems and was very conscious of the many parameters and pitfalls at hands, and drawbacks and limits of any method. At some points (say about 26 years old) it became really difficult for me to write any program at all.

Sherpa in azienda: nuovo paradigma di consulenza partecipativa - Blog Teamforce Non è solo questione di parole: lo sherpa accompagna e condivide il peso della strada, il consulente è più simile ad un mercenario, assoldato per combattere. Con la diminuzione di risorse derivante dalla contrazione economica, le aziende fanno fatica a sostenere costi ritenuti non indispensabili: tra questi, in particolare, quelli inerenti le consulenze esterne. Ma allora perché non cambiare il paradigma? Il mercenario Secondo l’enciclopedia Treccani, il mercenario è quella «persona che presta la propria opera dietro compenso, e al solo fine di essere pagata, senz’altro interesse che quello del guadagno», e purtroppo sempre più spesso l’attività del consulente in azienda viene accostata e sovrapposta a quella del soldato di ventura che presta le sue armi al miglior offerente, governo, gruppo ribelle o multinazionale che sia, ovunque richiesto, senza far conto di valori o ideali, in totale disprezzo degli strumenti di regolamentazione della guerra. Lo sherpa Il cambio di paradigma

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