Find OpenCourseWare with OCW Search Climate change will see parts of cities under water - Robinson Many people living along the coast of cities could find their homes under water with even a moderate sea-level change, former president Mary Robinson has warned. The United Nations special envoy for climate change said it was predicted 200 million people could be climate displaced people by the end of the century. “And, if we are not careful, by 2050,” she said. “We are talking about the fact that an awful lot of people live on the coast in parts of cities will be under water if sea levels rise by even a fairly moderate amount. And the prediction with the 4-degree world will be three times that.” The former president said although the global goal was stay below 2 degrees, scientists had told her the earth was on course for 4 degrees over this time frame. Ms Robinson said families in the Pacific Islands were faced with a “real threat to their existence” because of climate change. “I see communities faced every day with the erosions of their gardens, of their walls,” she said. - Braingenie Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations internationalpolicydigest In less than 200 days, the world is expected to agree upon a new climate protocol which will succeed the Kyoto protocol and govern the global climate regime post 2020. In investigating Africa’s stake in this global compact, the continents priorities within the context of available developmental and negotiating mechanisms should be considered given the vulnerability of this region to climate change impacts as attested by the latest scientific reports especially the 2nd Africa Adaptation Gap report. Aside INDCs, SDGs and Africa’s Agenda 2063 Aside from Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) which would form the basis of negotiating the new climate deal in Paris, the adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which hold much promise for Africa, as the global blue print for development post 2015 will constitute another key determinant of Africa’s policy priorities. Parity between Adaptation and Mitigation A framework for Defining Africa’s Priorities
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