Design Spartan : Art digital, digital painting, webdesign, illustration et inspiration… | Le blog sur l'art digital, le webdesign, l'illustration et le digital painting НЕДЕЛЬКА Общий тег - #artnest_week Каждую неделю мы выбираем одну тему, на которую каждый день выкладываем референсы, туториалы, статьи и другие полезные материалы. АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ НА НЫНЕШНЮЮ НЕДЕЛЮ РАБОТЫ УЧАСТНИКОВ 8.08 - 14.08 - "КАМНИ И МИНЕРАЛЫ" 22.08 - 28.08 - "ОВОЩИ И ФРУКТЫ" 29.08 - 4.09 - "МЕТАЛЛ" 5.09 - 11.09 "ДРАКОНЫ" 12.09 - 18.09 - "ЭФФЕКТЫ И СВЕТЯШКИ" 19.09 - 25.09 - "КОТИКИ" #week_cats 26.09 - 2.10 - "ПЕЙЗАЖ" #week_landscape 3.10 - 9.10 - "ДЕРЕВЬЯ И РАСТЕНИЯ" #week_tree 10.10 - 16.10 - "ЕДА" #week_food 17.10-23.10 - "ВОДНЫЕ ОБИТАТЕЛИ" #week_watercreatures 24.10-30.10 - "WITCHCRAFT" #week_witchcraft 31.10-6.11 "СТЕКЛО" #week_glass 7.11-4.12 - "ОРУЖИЕ" #week_weapon 5.12-11.12 - "КНИГИ" #week_book 13.12-.19.12 - "ПТИЦЫ" #week_birds 20.12-.2.01 - "ЦВЕТ" #week_colorscheme 3.01. - 9.01 - "СНЕГ" #week_snow 10.01. - 16.01 - "ВОДА" #week_water 17.01. - 23.01 - "ДЫМ И ТУМАН" #week_fog 24.01. - 30.01 - "ПЛАМЯ" #week_fire
Oeuvres d'art sur mesure Trouvez votre bonheur parmi nos 1212 oeuvres d'art authentiques et uniques ! Vous avez eu un coup de coeur pour l'un de nos artistes ? Faites lui une commande en un clic ! Vous avez une idée d'oeuvre qui vous trotte dans la tête ou une simple envie ? Passez un appel à projet à toute la communauté d'artistes, en leurs décrivant vos envies. 360° Aerial Panoramas, 360° Virtual Tours Around the World, Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth Quickposes: pose generator for figure & gesture drawing practice You can upload images that you would like to draw using quickposes ! Share your work at the official Quickposes thread on Procedure Grab something to draw! Note: Challenges are always 20 images each session. For a special list of types go to Challenges. Examples I believe Ryan Woodward is one the best artists when it comes to figurative gesture drawing. Tips First focus on the mass and flow.
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