Twitter Search 10 Tools for Measuring Your Social Media Influence Meaningful exchanges constantly take place all over the social Web on a variety of platforms, connecting people and enabling them to share, critique, and interact with content and with each other. The type of information we share reveals a lot about who we are, who we know, and what we know — people tend to talk about the things they care about/are most knowledgeable about with others who are interested in similar subjects. The impact of those relationships affects our Web authority. Social influence occurs when a person’s thoughts, feelings, or actions are affected by others. Essentially, influence is the art of persuasion — the ability to cause a change in mindset or actions so someone thinks or behaves in a certain way. Who are the influencers in my brand category and how do I find them? Measuring online influence is difficult at best. Klout Klout measures influence based on your ability to drive action. PostRank TwentyFeet PeerIndex Empire Avenue Sprout Social Crowdbooster Twylah Appinions
News360 Le référentiel de compétences des enseignants au BO du 25 juillet 2013 La liste des compétences que les professeurs, professeurs documentalistes et conseillers principaux d'éducation doivent maîtriser pour l'exercice de leur métier est publiée au Bulletin officiel du 25 juillet 2013. Ce référentiel de compétences a plusieurs objectifs : affirmer que tous les personnels concourent à des objectifs communs et peuvent se référer à la culture commune de leur professionreconnaître la spécificité des métiers du professorat et de l'éducation, dans leur contexte d'exerciceidentifier les compétences professionnelles attendues. Celles-ci s'acquièrent et s'approfondissent dès la formation initiale et se poursuivent tout au long de la carrière par l'expérience professionnelle et l'apport de la formation continue Les compétences professionnelles attendues des métiers du professorat et de l'éducation Compétences communes à tous les professeurs et personnels d'éducation Les professeurs et les personnels d'éducation, acteurs du service public d'éducation
Pando By Paul Carr On December 13, 2012 “You’ve gotta be tough, you’ve got to fight for what you believe in.” – Travis Kalanick Uber sent a rousing victory email to its users — “the Uber faithful” — today, announcing that NY Cab regulators are allowing Uber to trial its taxi hailing service. A cynic might note a slight change in CEO Travis Kalanick’s opinion of the NY Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) and regulators in general. But I’m no cynic. Here, without further comment, are a few quotes from Kalanick, and others… Then: “We did the best we could to get more yellows on the road but New York’s TLC (Taxi and Limousine Commission) put up obstacles and roadblocks in order to squash the effort around e-hail, which they privately have said is legal under the rules. Now: “Because of the shared vision of the Mayor and Commissioner Yassky, the efforts to use data and technology to improve transportation on the most crowded streets in the county took a huge step forward today….
Automated Submission to Social Media Sites | OnlyWire Lemon · A wallet that helps you spend smarter. That’s a new twist. All of Your important cards — ID, insurance, loyalty and payment cards — plus LifeLock identity theft protection, all on your smartphone With the acquisition of Lemon Inc. and its Lemon Wallet app, LifeLock brings you a powerful new app. LifeLock Wallet app, available for both iOS and Android devices, offers one-touch access to LifeLock identity theft protection and these free features: Digital copies of your important cards - payment, membership loyalty, IDs, receipts, coupons and more so they can be accessed from anywhereA backup of all cards and informationCredit card balance updatesTracking of credit card transactions so you can manage your spending by category and monitor for fraudCancellation of your credit cards if they're lost or stolen Plus, the LifeLock Wallet App gives you access to paid LifeLock identity protection services. Get the app today. To learn more about LifeLock's acquisition of Lemon, see the press release.
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