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17 Lies We Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex

17 Lies We Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex
Whether it's the constant fretting over Miley Cyrus' influence on school girls or the growing (and troubling) tradition of Purity Balls, it's clear that society has a fascination with young women's sexuality — especially when it comes to controlling it. But what are we actually teaching today's girls about sex? Fueled by outdated ideals of gender roles and the sense that female sexuality is somehow shameful, there seem to be certain pernicious myths about girls and sex that just won't die. That sex education in America has gaping holes in its curriculum hasn't helped much, either; in a recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report just 6 out of 10 girls said that their schools' sex ed program included information on how to say no to sex. Knowledge is power, and we can promote a healthier relationship with sex by encouraging a more open dialogue, teaching girls to feel comfortable with their sexuality and, most importantly, emphasizing that their bodies are theirs and theirs alone.

Sending and receiving sexually explicit messages a normal part of teenage relationships, survey finds Updated 2 hours 4 minutes ago A survey of Australian high school students has found that sending and receiving sexually explicit images and messages is a normal part of most teenage relationships. La Trobe university researchers interviewed more than 2,000 16 to 18-year-old students across the country as part of a study commissioned by the Federal Government. The National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health is conducted every five years to explore the sexual behaviour, knowledge and attitudes of young Australians. In the latest study researchers found that more than half of those surveyed had received a sexually explicit text message and 26 per cent reported sending a sexually explicit photo of themselves. The results showed 25 per cent of year 10 students, a third of year 11 students and 50 per cent of year 12 students surveyed reported having had sex. "Given that it’s against the law, I think we have thoroughly lost that battle for young people," she said.

When a Wife/Partner Succeeds, Men Lose Self-Esteem Not long ago a friend’s first book was published, so when I arrived at her home for a visit I eagerly voiced my enthusiasm and congratulations for her accomplishment. Moments into the interaction, her husband strode across the living room to a bookcase and returned with a copy of a book he authored 15 years ago. I thought it odd that he turned attention away from her achievement toward his long-past one, but now I understand why. A new study finds that men feel worse—deep down in the subconscious—when their romantic partners succeed. Published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the research shows this effect even when the pair are not competing in the same line of work . The authors of the study expected that “a man might feel threatened if his girlfriend outperforms him in something they’re doing together, such as trying to lose weight.” The researchers conducted five experiments with 896 people in heterosexual relationships.

I wanna sext you up: teens shun bedroom for online romance Sex and school students - the truth Lots of sexting, but less sex - Year 10 to 12 students surveyed on sexual behaviour. Producer - Tom McKendrick 2, 2014 A LANDMARK study of Australian high school students’ sexual habits has revealed "sexting" online and via mobile phone is so widespread, experts are urging parents to accept it as a form of "modern day courtship". The La Trobe University study shows more than 70 per cent of sexually active year 10 to 12 students have sent explicit text messages, 84 per cent have received them, and more than half have sent naked or semi-nude photos or videos of themselves. But despite fears the increasing use of technology is encouraging promiscuity and sex from an early age, the report reveals that the rate of intercourse is actually dropping as more teenagers choose to wait. Eighteen-year-old Erin Filan. Advertisement Illustration: Matt Golding.

So, what is postfeminism anyway? | Pondering Postfeminism Postfeminism is a bit of a funny term. It probably has almost as many meanings as feminism does… ie. a lot. Within the feminist literature I have read, definitions tend to fall into two categories: 1) “death of feminism”, “anti-feminism”, “feminism is irrelevant now” 2) the next stage in feminism, or feminism that intersects with other “post-” philosophies/theories, such as postmodernism, poststructuralism and postcolonialism. Very commonly, postfeminism is understood as meaning “after feminism”. Howard’s use of “post-feminist” is certainly *not* how I understand the term, nor how I intend to use it on this blog. But the “after feminism” idea doesn’t have to be seen as a negative. I use postfeminism in a positive sense. There is also a large body of writing and activism that calls itself the “third wave” of feminism. What I don’t like about the “wave” metaphor is that it tends to pit feminists against one another based on their age. So, this is where postfeminism comes in. Like this:

Meanwhile, in Maxim: "how to cure a Feminist in 4 easy steps." For more like this: Sexist Maxim Photo Spread? Hack it.Feminism has never been so Cute: Girls’ Prep in NYC. Image via Professor Yesi King: “So according to Maxim in order to “cure” a feminist and turn her into a “real girl”, you have to feminize and pornographize her…Yes this image was really in Maxim magazine and no thanks Maxim, I’ll pass.” Bonus: comment from a friend, Tessa: “I am laughing really loudly at this. …and from another comment by Tessa: “The hungry zombie look in the eyes of a girl on the right is a disservice to both men and women. After looking into this (it’s hot on Facebook, where Professor King’s share has 2300 comments), it’s a 10 year old article. My take: I’d rather go out with a bicycling, vegan, anti-war feminist (save the corporation-fueling, death-hurrying cigs, though) than a conventional, sitcom-watching woman. About Waylon Lewis If you liked this, you might like these:

How to spot a misogynist When you’re a feminist, you get used to misogynists trying to challenge the necessity of your politics. “Feminism’s finished! Women are equal now and there’s no use for all the hairy arm-pitted rubbish! Quit your yapping! Embrace your curves!” But misogynist isn’t a very fashionable kind of word – I mean, no one saunters into a room proudly pronouncing, ‘My name’s Don and I’m a misogynist!’ "If you’re not trained in the spotting of smug, self-satisfied misogynists, you might not know the general thrust of their shtick." Advertisement If you’re not trained in the spotting of smug, self-satisfied misogynists, you might not know the general thrust of their shtick. 1. The problems here are threefold. Second is the accusatory tone. Finally, liberation and change aren’t beholden to hierarchies of need. 2. When Sheik Al-Hilali compared scantily clad women to uncovered meat, we were rightly outraged. We’re not protecting women – we’re protecting our property. 3. 4. So goes the argument. 5.

An Ode to Women Who Are Difficult to Love | Sister of the Yam “…and you tried to change didn’t you? closed your mouth more tried to be softer prettier less volatile, less awake… [but] you are terrifying and strange and beautiful something not everyone knows how to love…” –Warsan Shire, “For Women Who Are Difficult to Love” (for more of her beautiful poetry, check out her blog!) If anything, I am an accidental lady and probably not even a lady at all. There are those scratches in every generational record (or whatever is the less anachronistic analogy) and for me, the collective reaction to Rihanna’s pummeled face one morning almost four years ago was all the glitch I needed to send my otherwise taken-for-granted politics spinning. She must have done something to make him hit her, folks concluded. Then, Rihanna had the nerve to commit the most cardinal of sins. Along different, but interrelated lines, I have always been frustrated by the critique of “video hoes” who have the audacity to air their sexual exploits.

Red Blood, Black Ink - An open letter to the ‘nice guy’ who tried to hit... Photographer Takes Portraits Of Men Moments After They Catcall Her; The Results Are Mesmerizing After moving to Philadelphia from Fort Collins, Colorado, artist Hannah Price started experiencing street harassment for the first time, and she came up with a novel way to respond to it: she turned her camera on the men who catcalled her. In a fascinating interview with The Morning News, Price describes how she takes the portraits: “Once a guy catcalls me, depending on the situation, I would either candidly take their photograph or walk up to them and ask if I can take their photograph. They usually agree and we talk about our lives as I make their portrait.” The resulting images are mesmerizing for a number of reasons. First of all, the pictures create a moment of genuine connection between Price and the men who openly harassed her. I was also struck by how vulnerable some of the men in the photos look. Hopefully, the interaction also reminded them that Price and every other woman they mistreat is a human too, deserving of kindness and respect.

The slippery slope of gender: why shaving and snacking are feminist issues It’s always the little things. In the midst of a welter of unutterably depressing news about welfare and political turmoil, the great controversy of the week has been, yet again, the stunning fact that women are human beings with bodies that grow hair, eat, sweat and shit. First, a spectacularly misogynist and homophobic (and now withdrawn) advert from Veet, manufacturers of hair-removing goo, claimed that failing to remove your leg-hair with the help of Veet products will turn you into an actual bloke. Now, in five years of feminist blogging I have avoided weighing in on the body hair debate, for two reasons, the first of which is political. The problem arises when any behaviour, however private and personal, is socially enforced. The second reason is a bit more personal. Gender policing is all about the little things. None of which is to say that girliness can’t be a good time. The little things turn out to be about the big things. How and where we choose to eat lunch.

5 Responses to Sexism That Just Make Everything Worse The worst response to sexism is of course to brush it off or cheer it on or suggest that it is somehow "over"; let that not be in doubt. But as good as it would feel to go off on a jeremiad about such things, it's likely going to be more productive to focus on what we the non-sociopaths are doing when faced with the depressingly ongoing issue of people treating others based on a few trivial anatomical differences. Like all problems, it persists because the majority of people are not doing enough to combat it, so what could we the majority be doing better? A lot, probably. #5. Sexism is everyone's problem, but many continue to ignore the fact that we are not two separate species and paint it as a women's issue, to the point where you can reliably predict that any given news article about sexism will inevitably talk about how "women are outraged." #4. Why aren't there more female investment bankers? #3.

Gender-flips are a simple and smart way to turn sexism on its head Sometimes the best way to make a point about sexism is also the simplest. Australian comedians the Bondi Hipsters parodied this month's British GQ by showing heavily bearded Dom Nader mimicking the naked poses struck by model Miranda Kerr. Their shoot went viral. Gender-flips used to challenge sexist stereotypes are having a moment. Last month, Jennifer Lopez's video for the single I Luh Ya Papi, began with one of her female dancers asking: "Why do men always objectify the women in every single video?" But the gender-flip certainly isn't a new way to make a political point. But it's with the recent rise of feminist campaigning and online debate that this approach has gone mainstream. In 2012, author Jim C Hines tried to pose like the women shown on the covers of urban fantasy novels, and concluded that while these characters were presumably supposed to be strong and sexy: "These are not poses that suggest strength.

If Men Could Menstuate by Gloria Steinem by Gloria Steinem Living in India made me understand that a white minority of the world has spent centuries conning us into thinking a white skin makes people superior, even though the only thing it really does is make them more subject to ultraviolet rays and wrinkles. Reading Freud made me just as skeptical about penis envy. The power of giving birth makes "womb envy" more logical, and an organ as external and unprotected as the penis makes men very vulnerable indeed. But listening recently to a woman describe the unexpected arrival of her menstrual period (a red stain had spread on her dress as she argued heatedly on the public stage) still made me cringe with embarrassment. Laughter. So what would happen if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not? Clearly, menstruation would become an enviable, worthy, masculine event: Men would brag about how long and how much. Young boys would talk about it as the envied beginning of manhood. "Yeah, man, I'm on the rag!"
