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How Tumblr is Changing Journalism

How Tumblr is Changing Journalism
Earlier this week we looked at the remarkable growth of Tumblr, a blogging and curation service that now gets over 12 billion page views per month. Tumblr is mostly used as a consumer curation tool - it's an easy way for people to re-post articles, images and videos. But Tumblr can also be used to power a news website. That's exactly what ShortFormBlog does. Launched in January 2009 by Ernie Smith from Washington D.C., the site publishes about 30 news soundbites a day. The concept behind ShortFormBlog is very simple: to publish really short posts throughout the day. The site publishes over 200 posts per week, an average of about 30 per day (higher on weekdays). The audience reaction and feedback - mostly via Tumblr, but also other social media such as Twitter - is a key part of the site. The Tumblr community is especially important. How Tumblr is Being Used ShortFormBlog uses a mix of Tumblr and Wordpress as its publishing platform. This is what their posting interface looks like:

Lady Gaga Joins Tumblr Lady Gaga must spend half of her time in front of the computer. Already a big presence on Facebook and Twitter (not to mention GagaVille), Mother Monster has joined the Tumbeasts. The New York Times reports that Gaga's Tumblr — titled Amen † Fashion — launched Monday night, and posts are already receiving "Likes" into the several thousands. The blog mostly features snapshots of clothing and quotes from Gaga herself. Tumblr is becoming a place for musicians to promote their music and interact with fans. Tumblr has been making it easier for artists to share new music. Musicians: Will you follow Gaga's lead?

yay Macs!(: L’infographie sert aussi à persuader contre la désinformation - NiemanLab At this point, we pretty much take for granted the power of graphics to help journalists explain — stories, concepts, context. What we pay less attention to is graphics’ power to persuade. But that could (and, maybe, should) be changing. The paper (full title: “Opening the Political Mind? Though the first finding is, wow, fascinating — “you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and, doggone it, global warming is scientific fact” — it’s the second that holds the most obvious and immediate implications for journalism. For journalism, that should also suggest that infographics deserve even more prominent placement in news narratives — particularly when those narratives involve information that is, for whatever reason, controversial. Image by Keith Ramsey used under a Creative Commons license.

All Quiet On The Tumblr Front, But Not The Back End: Here's What David Karp Has Brewing Bonjour, comment allez-vous? 8 règles simples pour un journalisme plus fiable - CJR It’s a cliché to say clichés exist for a reason. As journalists, we’re supposed to avoid them like the, um, plague. But it’s useful to have a catchy phrase that can stick in someone’s mind, particularly if you’re trying to spread knowledge or change behaviour. This week I began cataloguing some of my own sayings about accuracy — you can consider them aspiring clichés — and other phrases I find helpful or instructive in preparation for a workshop I’m giving with The Huffington Post’s Mandy Jenkins at next week’s Online News Association conference. So, with apologies to Bill Maher, I offer some new, some old, and some wonderfully clichéd rules for doing accurate journalism. The initial, mistaken information will be retweeted more than any subsequent correction — I’ve started calling this the Law of Incorrect Tweets. A journalist is only as good as her sources — We often encounter a source who spins a great story, only to later discover he or she was lying to us. Those are my maxims.

Tumblr Unveils Leader Board & Topic Navigation Tumblr, one of if not the largest blogging and curation platform on the web, today launched a new way to explore content by topic and discover the most popular Tumblr users on the hot topics of the day. Called Tumblr Explore, the feature is intended to make the huge quantity of content on the site easier to navigate and new content easier to discover. The company also framed the feature in its announcement as a way for users to get more readers on their own blogs. Who's the hottest Tumblr on the topic of food right now, for example? That would be Rachel Lauren Spence, author of SheSalty. In the contest to determine what the best recommendation and discovery method of a content-stuffed web is, score one vote here for recent media by popular topic, followed by content curators with the most popular history of curation or content creation. It appears there's no single human editor of Tumblr Explore, nor is there a way to surface the most popular content on a particular topic.

Verbal Vomit Comment les médias sociaux ont changé les rédactions - BBC
