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Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest in the Classroom

Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest in the Classroom
As I was walking my second graders to music last week, a fourth grade teacher’s bulletin board caught my attention. I couldn’t wait to pop in her room to ask her more about her teaching process regarding the student work I saw displayed. Luckily, on my way back from dropping my students off at their music class, Mrs. Tweed was available. Mrs. Social Media for Educators: Instagram and Pinterest and Twitter, Oh My! Several of our faculty members are active on a variety of social media sites on a professional level. Last week I saw several images posted to Instagram from one of our first grade teachers. Mrs. Developing the Idea for a Twitter Board When I walked into Mrs. Mrs. The Students' Challenge Each child was asked to compose a tweet to share about their independent reading book. Because this was Mrs. The students had to compose a tweet of 140 characters to try and hook their peers. Reflecting on Student Work When I asked Mrs. While Mrs. How About an Instagram or Pinterest Bulletin Board?

6 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2014 When the clocks flip and 2013 becomes 2014, some things may change. One that probably won’t is that you’ll still be using social media in your classroom. We know that technology and trends are changing all the time, so what will 2014 hold in store for social media? The handy infographic below takes a look at 6 trends and predictions for social media in the new year. While it is somewhat geared towards businesses, each one has implications in both the classroom and for personal use as well. Do any of these signal changes for your classroom? Social media is not an option – it is a must!

Check Out That Selfie: How to Use Social Media in the Classroom Although many teachers agree using social media in the classroom would be beneficial for students' academic engagement, most avoid using those tools for a fear of conflicts that could arise in confrontations with parents and students. A recent survey from the University of Phoenix College of Education that surveyed more than 1,000 teachers found 47 percent of all K-12 teachers said participation in social media platforms could help enhance their students' education, and about four out of five use social media for personal use. Still, a large majority (80 percent) say they're concerned about separating their personal and professional lives and worry that they haven't been properly trained to use social media in a professional setting. [READ: How Virtual Games Can Help Struggling Students Learn] Controversy has surrounded teachers’ use of social media and whether posts -- both about students and about their personal lives -- can be used as grounds for termination. More News:

Top 10 Social Media Competencies for Teachers Infographic Social Learning Infographics Online social networking is a game changer in the learning landscape. The potential of social media in education is huge and we need to capitalize on it to enhance our professional development and consequently improve the quality of our instruction. The Top 10 Social Media Competencies for Teachers Infographic presents ten crucial social learning and educational networking skills for 21st century teachers: Help students use educational networking tools to solve information problems and communicate digitally with experts, peers and instructors.Know the major Web 2.0 categories and tools that are useful in the K-12 setting. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

10 Social Media Skills for The 21st Century Teachers January 11, 2014 Digital social networking is a game changer in the learning landscape. It is an invention that amounts in its importance and usefulness to the big inventions that marked all mankind history. In ancient times, cultures, in the absence of any established sign language to encode its content, were orally based. Storytelling was the major vehicle to pass on the human legacy from one generation to the other. The potential of social networking sites in education is huge and we need to capitalize on it to enhance our professional development and consequently improve the quality of our instruction. I spent several hours working on this infograhic, If you like it and want to use it on your blog or website please credit Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

Social Media in Education: Resource Roundup Creating Social Media Guidelines A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom, by Vicki Davis (2014) Davis, in the first half of a pro-and-con discussion about social media in the classroom, positions it as a vital life skill and provides 12 positive examples of classroom use. For the second half of the discussion, read this post by Ben Johnson: "Too Much Technology and Not Enough Learning?" The Digital Lives of Teens: What Time Is It? Back to Top Student Engagement With Social Media Tweeting the Read-Aloud: Engaging and Motivating Readers, by Monica Burns (2014) Engage young readers by showing them the value of composing and sending tweets to authors whose books they've enjoyed during a read-aloud. Selecting Social-Media Tools Home, School, and Community Connections Social Media for Professional Development Taking Charge: 5 Key Strategies for DIY PD, by Michelle Manno (2015) Digital Citizenship and Online Safety

Children's Media Use in America 2013 Infographic from Common Sense Media October 28, 2013 Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America 2013 is the second in a series of surveys by Common Sense Media designed to document the media environments and behaviors of kids ages 8 and under. Replicating methods used two years ago, we're able to see what's changed. What's App: - Teenbeing Shutterstock Question-and-answer site has so far stayed under the radar of most adults, despite its estimated 65 million users worldwide. But given the heavy associations the site has with cyberbullying, and the fact that half of its users are under the age of 18, perhaps parents and teachers should be taking a closer look. follows a simple question-and-answer format, similiar to a game of Truth or Dare. Users join the site and then create a profile, on which other users can ask them questions or make statements. In just over a year, cyberbullying on has been named as a contributing factor in nine teenage suicides. Many adults are left asking why teens still use the site, with so many negative repercussions of becoming a part of the masses. In general, we at Choices/TeenBeing don’t encourage censorship as much as we encourage awareness. How do you talk to your teens about cyberbullying and sites like

22 Simple Examples Of Social Media In The Classroom Social media in the classroom, while not perfect, has its benefits. Though many teachers are (perhaps wisely) forbidden to “friend” students on facebook, that doesn’t mean that facebook, pinterest, social media at large are without merit in education. #Hashtags for learning? #Hashtags for storytelling? Pinterest for sharing? The following infographic includes 22 simple examples of what social media in the classroom might look like, from socializing thinking and publishing student work, to connecting with communities and offering reminders for important academic events. 22 Simple Examples Of Social Media In The Classroom Infographic courtesy

20 Social Networks for Lifelong Learners This is a guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. When most people think of social networks, they think of Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, or similar sites, but there are many other types of social networks popping up on the web. Some of the fastest growing networks are designed specifically for education. These sites allow people to learn in a social context through discussion, file sharing, and collaboration. LearnCentral – LearnCentral is an open environment that is half social network and half learning community. Udemy – Udemy encourages members to teach and learn online using the site’s many free tools and applications. Academici – This web-based site for academics and knowledge workers makes it easy to network, collaborate, and conduct commerce online. – is an online community that helps academics connect with colleagues and follow the latest research. wePapers – The goal of wePapers is to create the world’s largest online study group.

Engaging Without Restrictions Engaging Without Restrictions Restrictive approaches to social media in the classroom are hurting K-12 districts that expect their teachers to successfully guide students into the new media world, according to Steven Anderson. By Bridget McCrea11/28/12 Steven Anderson is shocked by some of the social media policies instituted by K-12 schools and districts nationwide. From there, Anderson said it's up to the district to figure out how those mistakes are going to be addressed. Anderson will share more of his insights on the use of social media and technology for learning at the FETC conference in 2013, where he will offer two different sessions on the topic. As his district's director of instructional technology, Anderson helps guide a technology program for over 53,000 students in Winston-Salem, NC. Bridget McCrea: How far has social media come in the K-12 classroom? At the time I was working in a rural district and trying to find an easy way to share resources with teachers.
