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Relax. let the music engulf you.

Relax. let the music engulf you.

1 - harmonics of 55hz A musical realization of the motion graphics of John Whitney as described in his book "digital harmony" Animation and music by Jim Bumgardner of and the wheel of lunch. Jim makes free puzzles, including sudoku, killer sudoku, kakuro, mazes, and thousands of other puzzles. Music box variations: var. 0 - chromatic - 48 tinesvar. 1 - harmonics of 55hzvar. 2 - harmonics of 20hzvar. 3 - harmonics of 48hz, reversedvar. 4 - harmonics of 48hz, palindromevar. 5 - chromatic - 88 tinesvar. 6 - microtonesvar. 7 - harmonics - 120 tines, reversedvar. 8 - chromatic - 88 organ pipes, rev.var. 9 - chromatic - 88 bars, rev.var. 10 - chromatic - 64 pipe cyrpto calliopevar. 11 - minute waltz - 60 keys, 60 secondsvar. 12 - chromatic - prime numbers onlyvar. 13 - chromatic - non-primes onlyvar. 14 - stereovar. 15 - stereo - 120var. 16 - stereo - 210var. 17 - hand crankedvar. 18 - stereo drone (new)var. 19 - stereo sonar (new)var. 20 - bell carol (new)

Nature Sounds. Listen and download for free The Rational Keyboard The Rational Keyboard is a browser app to play with harmony on the rational number line. Imagine a piano with infinitely many keys, one for each rational number, and the keys move around and resize based on what sounds good, using some really cool math. Audio is synthesized in background Web Workers and played with HTML5 Audio objects, and the interactive visualizations use a 2D HTML5 Canvas. Check out the source at github, or just grab the audio encoder for your own apps. Audio seems to work best in recent Firefox and Chrome releases, but HTML5 audio is still a young technology. -fritz obermeyer Learning Center | The EDU Photography Content Collection Video: Exposure and MeteringTools & Techniques for Photographing the Passage of Time Photography is magical. You can use your camera to capture a fleeting moment and the passage of time in a single photograph. Video: Business PracticesStrictly Business 3: Reality: The New Negotiation Is Sales Blake Discher offers guidance on how not to waste time on folks who base decisions on price. Article: FilmmakingLighthill on Light: A Conversation with the Cinematographer Stephen Lighthill, ASC, chair of the American Film Institute Conservatory’s cinematography program, talks about what his students know about light that the rest of us don’t, how lighting a set is like playing pool, and why a light meter is the primary too

Répercussions : un simulateur musical pédagogique. Superbe réalisation. Comprenez et appliquez directement rythmes, vitesses, durées, intensités, stéréophonie, tons et accords avec élégance et efficacité. Carla Diana est une designer et créatrice multidisiplinaire, qui propose une démarche participative et didactique par les technologies. Répercussion, une installation interactive déclinée en ligne, possède plusieurs qualités recherchées : Accessibilité : sans aucune instruction, vous découvrez graduellement les simulateurs et pouvez y passer une heure ou deux à les explorer sans trop vous en rendre compte.Simplicité : vous comprenez à partir des formes et des analogies et découvrez intuitivement. Bref, on sent que l’on est considéré comme des personnes intelligentes et sensibles. Cinq stations nous sont proposées : Bref, un outil de simulation que tous les professeurs de solfège gagneraient à utiliser avec les jeunes et moins jeunes. Répercussion - simulateur musical
