Bernard Stiegler : « Le marketing détruit tous les outils du savoir » - Société de consommation Texte publié intégralement dans la revue Soldes [1], que vous pouvez vous procurer dans l’une de ces librairies ou lors de l’événement organisé au Point éphémère à Paris le 24 mars (voir à la fin de l’article). Peut-on sortir de l’ère industrielle ? J’ai la conviction profonde que ce qu’on appelle humain, c’est la vie technicisée. Quand on appréhende les questions dans leur globalité, il est inconcevable de faire face à cette poussée démographique avec des moyens non industriels. D’où vient cette hégémonie du capitalisme financier ? En 1977, au moment du mouvement punk, c’est l’enclenchement d’une catastrophe annoncée. Comment s’opère cette destruction des savoirs ? Aujourd’hui, 180 millions de Chinois sont dépressifs et partout ailleurs les gens sont dépressifs. Le marketing triomphant… ? Ce qui s’est mis en place dans les années 1950 avec le développement des médias de masse, c’est le projet d’Edward Bernays, le neveu de Sigmund Freud. Le web, c’est l’ère industrielle de l’écriture.
Product management best practices This video is only for employees of GV portfolio companies. Sign in The most requested topic for a Startup Lab workshop this year is product management. Several of you asked that we dive into best practices for defining a product, clearly communicating with engineering, balancing feature requests with bug reports, and measuring success (or failure) individual features. Google Drive PM Scott Johnston is going to join us in what promises to be a highly engaging workshop.
Embedded Marketing What are you revealing online? Much more than you think What can be guessed about you from your online behavior? Two computer privacy experts — economist Alessandro Acquisti and computer scientist Jennifer Golbeck — on how little we know about how much others know. The best indicator of high intelligence on Facebook is apparently liking a page for curly fries. I hear so much conflicting information about what I should and shouldn’t be posting online. Alessandro Acquisti: My personal view is that individual responsibility is important, but we are at a stage where it is not sufficient. Jennifer Golbeck: I agree with that. Take language analysis, a really powerful tool where we look at the kinds of words that you use — not even necessarily obvious things like curse words, but things like function words: how often you use “I” versus “we,” how often you use “the” versus “a,” these little words that are natural in the way that you develop language and inherent to your personality. What would a policy solution look like? AA: Indeed.
Award Winning Animator Just Released His New Short Film 'Happiness' & It's Absolutely Brilliant Once again, Award Winning Animator Steve Cutts hit the nail on the head about our crazy society, this time with his newly released short film, ‘Happiness’… Below the video clip I did a write up of my personal analysis, for anyone that may be interested. Enjoy… My Analysis The video begins with the proverbial Rat Race, where the rodents are clearly presented in the context of human beings and their society a representation of our own. At the train station, they crowd in uncomfortable numbers to embark on their destination to “NOWHERE.” Countless billboards and advertisements can be seen throughout the rat’s society, all of them claiming to sell happiness, which is what’s behind most marketing strategies — Manipulate people’s associative memory, and emotions, so that they will buy things they don’t really need because they think it will bring them happiness. There is also a can of Soma being advertised in different parts of the film. Sadly, the rat still cannot find happiness. One Love.
Product manager meetup in San Francisco Google Ventures and Greylock Partners invited more than 250 product managers to the top floor of Google’s San Francisco office to meet and learn from one another. We also held a conversation with a panel of founders, CEOs, VCs, and execs who started their careers in product management: Josh Elman (General Partner, Greylock), Adam Nash (COO, Wealthfront), Johanna Wright (VP Product Management, Google) and Craig Walker (CEO & Founder, Firespotter Labs). Steve Jobs: how to live before you die Charming talks for a boost on a bad day | Playlist Now playing All under the age of 16, brothers Jonny, Robbie and Tommy Mizzone are from New Jersey, a US state that's better known for the rock of Bruce Springsteen than the bluegrass of Earl Scruggs. Nonetheless, the siblings began performing bluegrass covers, as well as their own compositions, at a young age. Here, they play three dazzling songs in three different keys, passing the lead back and forth from fiddle to banjo to guitar.