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This Dream Home Only Cost Them $22,000. Just Wait Til You Go Inside...Wow!

This Dream Home Only Cost Them $22,000. Just Wait Til You Go Inside...Wow!
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Acorn House A 119 square feet tiny house built on a trailer in British Columbia. Built by Nelson Tiny Houses. Precios y fabricantes de casas prefabricadas en España y Portugal Esta claro que las casas prefabricadas están cogiendo mucha fuerza como una opción de futuro para la vivienda, todos estamos ya poco a poco concienciados con la ecología y queremos vivir de una forma ética, económica y de calidad. Si bien hace unos años era algo raro vivir en alquiler, pues se consideraba que lo más normal era pagar una hipoteca a varias decenas de años y pagarla poco a poco a fin de tener una vivienda “digna” en propiedad, las comillas las pongo porque no siempre se podía comprar lo que se quería y había que conformarse con casas con un nivel de vida aceptable con lo que soñamos y vemos en la televisión todos los días, como la casa moderna que publiqué recientemente de New york. Precios desde 79.000 € Equipo formado por diseñadores y arquitectos desde hace más de 15 años, su ideal construir viviendas modernas y ecológicas a precios ajustados de forma innovadora. Amplia cobertura de países Web: Web:

.facebook_199044236 The Emerald Cut (Part 2) A 156 square feet tiny house on wheels in Morrision, Colorado. Built by Tiny Diamond Homes. More info. here. How to do intermittent fasting » The Fast Diet If we were to distill the Fast Diet into a single sound-bite, it would all come down to 5:2. That’s five days of normal eating, with little thought to calorie control and a slice of pie for pudding if that’s what you want. Then, on the other two days, you just eat a quarter of your recommended daily calorie quota. That works out at 500 calories for women and 600 for men. In The Fast Diet book, we outline exactly how to go about the process in order to achieve the greatest effect. Should you be sceptical? Since you are only fasting for two days of your choice each week, and eating normally on the other five days, there is always something new and tasty on the near horizon.

Most Affordable & Effective Deworming Method for your Dog - Precious Paws Puppies "Most Affordable & Effective Deworming Method for Your Dog." b I have recently become aware of a very disturbing matter regarding our beloved pets and the dewormers we use to protect them. It seems as though not all dewormers perform the jobs they are described to do. Meaning we are buying and using deworming products that are just not killing the worms they are said to kill. b b b ~ Let's start out with the 5 different types of internal parasites (worms) that our dogs most commonly fall prey to. Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina) There are two types of Roundworms: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. These worms can have a spaghetti-like appearance and grow to around 7 inches in length. For roundworms, puppies should be dewormed starting at 2 weeks of age and every 2 weeks thereafter up to 12 weeks old. Keep in mind that roundworms can be transmitted to humans and it is very important to promote good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly. Tapeworms: (Dpylidium caninum)

Another Couple Living in a Debt-free Tiny House: Meet Shaye & Tom Shaye and Tom are a young couple who decided to design and build their own tiny house in West Auckland, New Zealand. It measures 7.2 meters long by 2.4 meters wide which translates to approximately 24′ x 8′. Or a total of 15 square meters (or 161 square feet). They’ve only been living in it for two weeks as of the filming of the video tour and interview you can watch below thanks to the folks at Living Big in a Tiny House. What’s really inspiring is that the couple had never built anything like this before. What might be even more inspiring is that they’re only going to spend a total of about $20,000 to build it themselves. Images: Living Big in a Tiny House / YouTube I encourage you to enjoy the rest of the tour (and interview) below: Kitchen and Staircase with Storage to the Loft Kitchen (Still Unfinished) Living Area Nice open living space and notice the built in storage drawers under the built in seating. Staircase Storage with Closet Sleeping Loft Bathroom (Unfinished)

Pet friendly holiday accommodation in UK - Pet friendly days out : Pet-related information : Travelling with Pets on the Train Our pet Info Guides are there to help you understand better your pets and pet-related issues, from advice about dogs and hotels to vets and pet insurance. If there's a topic we've not covered and you'd like to see, please contact us. Since the 'good old days' of British Rail, it seems there are more train companies than ever. Except Eurostar, all train companies are subject to the National Rail Conditions of Carriage. These set out your minimum rights when travelling on trains. The Train Companies may give you more extensive rights but they may not give you less. If you have any problems taking your pets on a train in the UK, please let us know. This table summarizes what the National Rail Conditions of Carriage say about travelling with pets: If you want specifics, these are the National Rail Conditions of Carriage rules on travelling with pets: You may take dogs and small animals with you into the passenger accommodation of trains. « Back to info guides

Amazingly Functional 136 Sq. Ft. Molecule Tiny Home on Wheels on November 4, 2013 If you already haven’t seen this 136 sq. ft. Molecule Tiny Home you’re in for a treat. To me, it’s one of the best designed and best built little houses on wheels out there. And it’s their 5th design and build. At 8’x17′ it’s one of their smallest, too. But they were still able to add a lot of functionality, comfort and beauty to the home as you’ll see. One of the most notable features is the fold up deck but there’s a lot more that will stand out once you go inside. Images: Molecule Tiny Homes I encourage you to enjoy the rest of the tour as this one has lots of unique features you’ll probably like and want to implement in your future design: ..or better yet, you can have Molecule Tiny Homes do it for you. I think you’ll be surprised as to how many great features they were able to pack into this tiny 8’x17′ structure. Let me take you inside.. It’s a REAL staircase in a TINY house! Video Tour Lots of Storage in this Tiny House Extra Storage/Sleeping Loft Closet Anyway.. Related

Where to find the best custom tailors in Ho Chi Minh City - Saigon If you haven’t already heard, Vietnam is a superstar manufacturing country. In the last several years, many multinational companies have created manufacturing facilities in Vietnam, solidifying the country’s superstar status. The direct consequence of this is a huge reservoir of skilled and knowledgeable workers who can do everything from shoemaking, jewelry making, dress tailoring, suit craftsmanship, and more. The most unique thing to come of this is that custom made things for normal folk is readily available! So down to business… We bring you one of the most important (and fun!) Vietnam travel tips. How much does it cost? Well, this is tricky. The Proper Strategy It’s very important to have the right knowledge and strategy before even walking into a tailor shop. For clothes, in most cases it is best to buy the fabric before going to the tailor. Fabric shopping is important for suit making. Shoes and Jewelry There are certain things to watch out for when getting custom shoes made.

I Like Tiny Houses But I'm Not Tiny, What Do I Do? The other day we got this comment on one of the new Tumbleweed tiny houses that just came out. How well can someone over 6 feet tall and over 300 pounds live in this? And the best answer I could think of, was this: If you’re asking that, you may want to look at this instead, will probably be better for anyone who likes the idea but needs more space: Then I thought, “I better write about this really quick while the ideas are in my mind.” Let me show you the interior below: Bathroom Kitchen and Living Area Sleeping Loft Entrance and Staircase For more photos of this Park Model tiny home click here. This might not be the best design for you but if you’ve been wondering about more space, maybe a park model is a better option for you than a tiny house? The main difference is that you have to pay a professional driver to move it for you because it exceeds the 8’6″ width and road height requirements for most areas. Which would you prefer and why?
