10 outils web à connaitre pour booster vos présentations Colourlovers : – Cette communauté vous propose des palettes de couleurs et des motifs dont vous pouvez vous inspirer afin de garantir la cohérence graphique de votre présentation. Easel.ly : – Vous souhaitez créer facilement une infographie, afin de par exemple présenter de manière plus visuelle les résultats d’une enquête ? Cet outil est idéal pour cela. N’hésitez pas à intégrer des morceaux de vos infographies dans vos PowerPoint ou vos Prezi (vos Prezi ? Patience, on y vient dans la suite de cet article). Moqups : – Un dessin vaut parfois mieux que de longs discours, surtout s’il s’agit d’expliquer à quoi pourrait ressembler une interface graphique. Pixl.r : – Pixl est un éditeur de photo en ligne extrêmement intuitif. Prezi : Vous en avez assez des présentations monotones sur PowerPoint ? Rebus-o-matic : – Générez des rébus grâce à cet outil.
ISSUU - Digital Publishing Platform for Magazines, Catalogs, and more Reputation Tracker - Bookmark Finder Find your Page's WuzzRank & Track your Social Media Reputation The Reputation Tracker will measure the Popularity of your page or website in Social Media. With the help of the Reputation Tracker and by submitting your page's URL, you will be able to evaluate your WuzzRank and discover the total number of bookmarks in Delicious, Stumbleupon and Digg. Additionally you will be able to see the total number of shares, comments and mentions of your page on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google Buzz and on other Blogs. What is WuzzRank? The WuzzRank is a special rank that measures the popularity of a particular web page or article on the various Social Media Websites using a logarithmic scale from 0-10. The effects of WuzzRank on SEO Having a high WuzzRank indicates that your website or page is highly appealing to social media users. Social Bookmarking is a great help for users since they are able to store, exchange, comment or recommend links to other users.
docexplore BFR_ABD 2013 - Google : trucs et astuces pour les professionnels de... 3050+ Free Powerpoint Templates PPT and Free PowerPoint Backgrounds The "Attention Method" for Effective PowerPoint Presentations - Ted Curran.net This is a method of constructing effective PowerPoint presentations in a way that helps your audience pay attention to you and understand your ideas more fully. With Attention Method, the slides are designed to add power, emphasis, and deeper understanding to your well-scripted speech. You flip slides often so that, at any given time, your slides always support only what you’re saying and contain no distracting information. I developed this method while working at City Arts and Technology high school in San Francisco in 2008 and have continued to develop it over the years since. You can see an example of an Attention Method presentation here: Assessing with Outcomes from Samuel Merritt U Academic Tech on Vimeo. Notice that while the visuals are more elaborate, the slides flip quickly so they always support the words being spoken, and each slide contains only simple images and text. Before we talk about how to do it, let’s talk about the characteristics of a bad presentation. Write a Script
The Art of the Slideshow Images help us tell our stories — and engage our audience. We recently highlighted post sliders and gallery styles as features that add visual punch to our sites, and talked about how the juxtaposition of images can create powerful narratives. Some bloggers take the idea of visual storytelling to a whole new level. We recently discovered the work of Barbara, the New York-based artist-blogger behind continuousdrawing. Barbara’s elevated the slideshow into a medium for her art. She draws on her iPhone and iPad, then uploads her images to her blog, where she transforms them into slideshows. Image by Barbara at continuousdrawing Featured in Art of the Slideshow, this image is part of 140309 sequence, on continuousdrawing. 140309 sequence, from Barbara’s site, continuousdrawing. We recently caught up with Barbara to chat about her innovative use of slideshows. You have an MFA in painting and drawing. What made you think of using slideshows as a vehicle for your art? Like this: Like Loading...
Remue-méninges et pense-bête en ligne Le remue-méninge (ou brainstorming en anglais) est un exercice qui consiste à rassembler le plus grand nombre d'idées ou de suggestions dans un temps limité, avec le plus faible degré de contrôle possible. C'est un exercice de créativité, facilitant la recherche d'alternatives ou d'initiatives originales, hors des sentiers battus. Le meilleur équipement pour pratiquer le remue-méninge est sans aucun doute composé d'un mur au fond uni et de papiers adhésifs repositionnables, de manière à organiser les suggestions après la phase de production spontanée. Il est possible de pratiquer le remue-méninge en ligne, sans installation sur machine, grâce à des applications prévues à cet effet. Globalement, ces applications proposent toutes le même service de base : sur une page vierge, les utilisateurs autorisés déposent des notes qui ressemblent plus ou moins aux célèbres penses-bêtes autocollants jaunes que nous utilisons régulièrement. Linoit. Glogster.