The Ego and the Universe: Alan Watts on Becoming Who You Really Are
by Maria Popova The cause of and cure for the illusion of separateness that keeps us from embracing the richness of life. During the 1950s and 1960s, British philosopher and writer Alan Watts began popularizing Eastern philosophy in the West, offering a wholly different perspective on inner wholeness in the age of anxiety and what it really means to live a life of purpose. We owe much of today’s mainstream adoption of practices like yoga and meditation to Watts’s influence. Alan Watts, early 1970s (Image courtesy of Everett Collection) Though strictly nonreligious, the book explores many of the core inquiries which religions have historically tried to address — the problems of life and love, death and sorrow, the universe and our place in it, what it means to have an “I” at the center of our experience, and what the meaning of existence might be. Watts considers the singular anxiety of the age, perhaps even more resonant today, half a century and a manic increase of pace later:
Finding Your Passions Through Sacred Geometry
Written by Can Bolel, Hello you amazing people!! First of all I’m super exited about meeting these souls who address the beauty of consciousness. Every aspect of communication with you, is giving me enormous teachings.. Thank you for being what you really are.. One more indigo on board and ready to fly! … Essence. Fortunately, I opened my eyes not to long ago.. The goal is.., if we can, to resonance with ourselves, with life, and with this universe.. Meanwhile I found myself into the center of my passions. One day, I made a wooden seed of life necklace and shared it with some people… I was thinking that if they like it, I can make more for them. I am building an almost non-profit organization and taking a role for the shift. For starting point, I started to doing some basic shapes for personal usage. And i thought who knows, maybe if someone sees a person who is wearing a flower of life earrings, a conscious conversation will spiral into existence. Candle Sets Shadows Puzzles Reflections Fire Water
Aurélien Pumayana Floret - Sacred Visual Alchemist
People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way. Members of Professor Dr. Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. “When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well,” stated Bader-Lee. Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bio-energy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. Stay centered and grounded. Be in a state of non-resistance.
SBaGen -- Binaural Beat Brain Wave Experimenter's Lab
Intro | Mailing lists | Downloads | FAQ | TODO Intro Welcome to the world of Binaural Beats! The theory behind binaural beats is that if you apply slightly different frequency sine waves to each ear, a beating affect is created in the brain itself, due to the brain's internal wiring. If, in the presence of these tones, you relax and let your mind go, your mind will naturally synchronize with the beat frequency. Here is a table from Calleman on how brain-wave frequencies relate to Earth layer boundary resonant frequencies: It is also possible to produce mixtures of brain waves of different frequencies by mixing binaural tones, and in this way, with practice and experimentation, it is reportedly possible to achieve rather unusual states, such as out-of-body stuff, and more. I should add that I have only read about the more advanced and unusual uses (OOBEs and so on). Downloads Available to download are: Full documentation, plus a ChangeLog, FAQ and TODO list. Additional information: Community
Numerology – Lucky Numbers And Lucky Dates
Table of Lucky Numbers And Lucky Days To fulfill your thirst for Numerology, we give you a ready reckoner here, for your Lucky Numbers, Lucky Days and Unlucky Days. If you do any thing on the Lucky Days, you will succeed. For your own sake, kindly avoid doing important activities on your unlucky days. This will strengthen the evil power of these unlucky days. Why Traditional Nameology Fails? Prepare Your List To make numerology calculation easy, note down your lucky days for an entire month. Please Note This table on Numerology Calculation is given to awaken your thirst for more knowledge in this sacred science of Vedic Wisdom. Alphabets and Numbers Planets & Numbers & Alphabets Day Number & Life Number & Name Number Day Numbers & Compound Numbers Numerology Basics Name-Numerology For No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Why Choose Lucky Baby Names Lucky Tips For Business Success!
Virtual Reality Shifts are a Doorway into Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
It is possible at any time to visualize and begin aligning with the version of your reality that allows you to exist along fifth-dimensional timelines. As you gradually shift to higher-vibrational realities, struggle falls away from you; your response to the realities you encounter becomes one of acceptance and gratitude because you are able to see the blessings and higher order contained within every situation. From this perspective, there is never a reason to allow yourself to be pulled into negative energies because love-filled alternatives exist adjacent to every moment and can be accessed in the blink of an eye. Each time we choose love over lower alternatives, we activate new timelines and potentials that hold the power to carry us seamlessly into fifth-dimensional life tracks. In fact, it is possible to go a step further and incubate an entire fifth-dimensional life track and begin the process of shifting to this new reality thread. Creating the World of your Highest Visions
What Divides Us And Them | Science Of Spirituality Article on Speakingtree
The ‘other’, across cultures, has been seen variously as a friend – an extension of oneself – or as a foe posing a threat to one’s freedom. The other has been seen by some as deserving our concern or respect, by some as an opportunity for solidarity or mutual transformation, and by some typically as an unwelcome practical, political or cultural limitation. The other can be the ethnic other, the cultural other, the religious other, the national other or simply the other gender. Sartre sees the other as obstruction to an individual’s freedom. So much so that he considers the other as hell.Some authors in the Indic tradition (Manu and Kautilaya, for example) prescribe different awards and punishments both in terms of quality and quantity for identical action to different classes. It is hard to see how such a differential treatment could be justified in the present day world, which lays great emphasis on equality. The possibility of amalgamation is there in a bad person but not in an alien.