Une association de propriétaires de chiens voit le jour | CLAUDE PLANTE | Sherbrooke Lors de l'événement tenu le 25 février dernier, on a pu composer un conseil d'administration et des dossiers prioritaires ont été mis de l'avant. Évidemment, l'association a comme revendication première la mise en place de parcs canins sur le territoire de la Ville de Sherbrooke. «Nous aurions aimé accueillir plus de monde, mais peut-être que nous sommes tombés sur un mauvais jeudi soir. Il y avait Joannie Rochette à la télé ce soir-là...», lance Réal Viens, l'un des instigateurs du projet. «Trente personnes sur 10 000 propriétaires de chien, c'est un peu décevant. Il y aura une autre assemblée à la mi-avril. La volonté de réclamer de nouveaux parcs canins à Sherbrooke demeure central, ajoute M. «Nous aimerions avoir un parc canin par arrondissement ou un pour deux arrondissements, ajoute-t-il. En 2008, un nouveau parc canin a été créé au parc du barrage Paré. L'association souhaite aussi rencontrer la direction de la SPA pour en savoir plus sur ses politiques d'intervention. Promenade
Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 12x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 3.0-Inch LCD (Blue): Camera & Photo www.globalone PositivityBlog.com “The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. “Who was Dale Carnegie?” He wrote a little book called “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Carnegie then continued to write more books and to create courses on how to interact with people, on how to make friends and on how to gain influence. Here are 10 of my favourite tips from Dale Carnegie. 1. “If you want to be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic.” Emotions work backwards too. “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” This is so key. The body language and the voice tonality is a bit like the rest of the iceberg, the great mass below the tip of the words we use. “Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.” Now these things may not be easy to avoid all together. You will also be broadcasting and receiving negative emotions. 6.
Pour en finir avec la punition - Le blogue de Johanne Parent Depuis quelques années, le mot punition est mal vu en éducation canine, particulièrement parmi les amoureux des chiens prônant le renforcement positif. Pourquoi le mot punition est-il si mal vu? Qu’est-ce qu’une punition? La punition est-elle nécessairement négative? Tout d’abord, faisons l’étymologie du mot punition. Sévir, condamner, châtier, sanctionner, corriger… Tous ces mots vous apportent certainement des images négatives en tête. WOW! Revenons à la punition. En déséquilibre, on se retrouve dans l’abus. Une punition peut être physique. La punition peut aussi être psychologique. Un mot (non, à terre, laisse, descend, tais-toi, chutt…) est punitif, ou du moins ce mot est dit pour aviser le chien que son comportement est inacceptable. En fait, la punition idéale dans un contexte d’éducation canine est tout simplement issue du langage corporel et verbal du propriétaire et sert uniquement à aviser le chien qu’il est sur la mauvaise voie. Une punition peut être positive ou négative.
Live WWDC 2010 keynote coverage - gdgt live is almost over. But there are sure to be plenty of untold details about the next iPhone, and we wouldn’t be surprised if Steve’s also got another trick or two up his unwavering black sleeve. This is the place to be for live coverage! 6:55PM - Huge thanks to the always awesome team at the Rackspace Cloud for powering today’s live coverage! If you haven’t already registered as gdgt user, head on over and add the iPhone 4 to your list! Thanks for reading, everybody! 6:55PM - “Thank you very much for coming. 6:54PM - “All the rest of the Apple family that supports us in a thousand ways, I’m really proud of all you guys. 6:54PM - “Jony Ive and the design team… the A4 team… Scott Forstall and our remarkable iOS software team… all of this wouldn’t make any difference if we couldn’t build a ton of them. 6:53PM - “I am so proud of the team that created this product. 6:52PM - “It’s the hardware and software working together. 6:44PM - “A real nice dock.” $29.
advice ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. THREE. This came around anonamously, identified as from a "Chinese Tantra Totem" - One definition of a tantra being a statement of principle or religious practice and collections of such principles and practices.
(54) Timeline Photos - Conscious Life News How to Care for Cast Iron Cookware Penned by the effervescent Leigh, Veggie Might is a weekly Thursday column about the wide world of Vegetarianism. Yesterday, Kris floored us with her Top 10 Kitchen Items list. So much good stuff—I use 6 of the 10 (pepper grinder, kitchen scale, food processor, bulk storage containers, tongs, and slow cooker) weekly, if not daily. My choice of skillet, however, is cast iron all the way, and if I keep treating them properly, the two I have will be my nonstick pan of choice forever and ever, amen. Growing up Southern, every kitchen I knew had a cast iron skillet for frying chicken and baking cornbread. Seasoning a Cast Iron Pan If you’re starting out with a new cast iron pan, you’ll need to “season” it. The InterWeb is rich with tips for seasoning your cast iron pan. 1) Clean the pan with a mild soap and hot water. 2) Pre-heat the oven to 350°. 3) Coat the entire pan, inside and out (Thanks, WCA!) 4) Turn the pan upside-down and place it in the oven. 7) Again, wipe off the excess oil.
5 Smart-Ass Answers to Stupid Pet Questions Let me just start by saying that these smart-ass answers to dumb question only run through my mind -- they don’t come out of my mouth. Negativity doesn’t help dispel misconceptions and sarcasm doesn’t cure stupid. But sometimes it is nice to let these things out (most of the cartoons below are from me, too), just so my head doesn’t explode. Here are five smart-ass answers to dumb questions people ask me concerning my dog: 1. "Why is your dog so skinny?" I blame Santa’s Little Helper on The Simpsons. But seriously: Obesity seems to have become the norm in many people’s eyes. I would encourage anyone to consider that a dog who looks lean might be this kind of individual or type, older and dropping a little condition in their advanced years, or struggling with illness under the care of a conscientious owner. 2. I’m actually casing your house, but now you're on to me I guess I won’t rob you after all. But walks are more than that. 3. 4. 5. Which is probably enough ranting for me for one day.
Bloggiesta is Coming Up FAST! Mark Your Calendars for June 11-13th. | Maw Books My apologies for what is a very short notice announcement. I lay blame on my recent camping trip, Book Expo America and Book Blogger Convention in regards to not getting the date publicized earlier. Totally my fault. The third (can it really be the third time already?!) Bloggiesta is scheduled for June 11th, 12th, and 13th. The timing of the January Bloggiesta was very well received. Some of you may be asking what is Bloggiesta? What to do during the Bloggiesta? How to play: The date is Friday, June 11th, Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th. *Sign up (Name and Blog url):* Who can play? Anybody! Will there be prizes? Yes! What can you do to help? Spread the word!