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The Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada

+972 Magazine: Independent commentary from Israel & the Palestinian territories Le cobaye international Israel/Palestine « settler colonial studies blog reports of a poster campaign that has been up and running in New York subways for the last month. ‘This operation is promoted by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), a pro-Israel organization that attempts by various means to stoke fear of Islam’. On her blog, the AFDI’s executive director insists this is ‘FANTASTIC!’ […] Adam S. Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict (2011-12). Arena Journal 37/38 (2012). Hummus is to Palestine as wild rice is to Native America. Sibille Merz, ‘”Missionaries of the new era”: neoliberalism and NGOs in Palestine’, Race & Class 54, 1 (2012). This is not merely racial profiling but the construction of particular racial, sexual and gendered hierarchies that enable Israel to be seen as ‘normal’ and ‘exceptional’ within Western governance practices. Havatzelet Yahel, Ruth Kark, and Seth J.

Des vidéos remarquables à voir absolument Les mots tapés dans les champs TITRE et/ou COMMENTAIRE, et qui doivent être séparés par des espaces, représentent des mots clés qui peuvent ainsi être contigus ou disjoints dans le texte. Lorsqu'une présentation du résultat "En Liste" est demandée, ces deux champs doivent impérativement être constitués d'au moins 3 caractères pour permettre une recherche.Pour en savoir plus sur les possibilités offertes par cette section, affichez l'aide ci-dessus. NumVideo : Titre : Commentaire : Tri : Catégorie : Présentation du résultat : Normale En LISTE Un total de 7078 vidéos sélectionnées et présentées par groupes de 4 répartis sur 1770 pages de la page actuelle',event,HauteurPopup);" onmouseout="BulleOff();" color="#FFFF00" face="Arial">1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 1770 >>>>> +1000 >>>> +500 >>> +100 >> +50 > +20 +10 Suiv

Intro | Access, 2011 (left to right): Israeli ID, West Bank ID, Gaza ID, stateless Palestinian refugee With the continued absence of a credible political process, it has become evermore crucial to view the dominant structures of spatial power in Israel-Palestine as an entrenched reality rather than a passing aberration. This website was born from the pressing need to expose and confront the long-term spatio-political implications of these structures and, more broadly, to engage in forms of agency with the potential to counter them, and to establish paths towards possible alternatives. The term ‘arena of speculation’ was coined by Decolonizing Architecture , referring to an intellectual space of critical debate on the spatial futures of Israel-Palestine. Whilst their work aims to challenge and subvert the contours of spatial power through a creative application of the tools of spatial analysis and architectural conjecture, the implications of such endeavours are also much wider.

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