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8 Ideas That Will Permanently Break Education As We Know It

8 Ideas That Will Permanently Break Education As We Know It
9 Ideas Education Is Having Trouble Responding To by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated from a post we published this summer. As education changes, it depends primarily on internal catalysts for that change. That is, the “things” that change it are on the “inside” of that system itself, most notably data, assessment, PLCs, and running a distant fourth, technology. At some point, this will change. 1. Or rather usurping it in terms of sheer credibility. Businesses, education institutes, groups, organizations, people—everyone wants visibility and access. What do I know, and what should I do with what I know? How can I use those things I am connected to and with to live the kind of life I want to live? Knowledge will always matter, but in an economic sense of supply and demand, information is boundless. 2. 3. 4. Whether because of social elements, gamification, curation possibilities, or the lights, colors, and sounds, digital media has the attention of our children. 5. 6. 7. 8. Related:  Inglés

How Teaching Is Changing: 15 Examples How Teaching Is Changing: 15 New Realities Every Educator Faces by Terry Heick It’s tempting to say that no matter how much technology pushes on education, every teacher will always need to know iconic teacher practices like assessment, curriculum design, classroom management, and cognitive coaching. This may end up being true–how education changes in the next 20 years is a choice rather than the inevitable tidal wave of social and technological change it’s easy to sit back and wait for. But it’s probably going to be a bit different than that. We’ve written before about the kinds of “things” modern teachers must be able to do. (Hint: It’s no longer about classroom management, testing, and content delivery.) 1. The Old: Administer assessment, evaluate performance, report performance, then–maybe–make crude adjustments the best you can The New: Identifying, prioritizing, and evaluating data for each student individually–in real time The Difference: Precision 2. Summary Incredible, no? 3. 4. 5.

6 Emerging Trends in Education and Mobile Learning Steve Vosloo At the UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2014 I sat on a panel titled Emerging Trends and New Technology – considered in the context of mobile learning. Below are the notes of the key points that I made. Note: The issue of Emerging Trends and New Technology begs the question: for who? For students in California, or for those in Kolkata? Developed country trends are very different from developing country trends. Overlapping of education trends and mobile-enabled opportunities The brief for the panel stated: We keep being told that technology is going to transform centuries-old teaching paradigms, but traditional approaches seem to have real resilience and staying-power. I don’t believe that technology is the single driver of education transformation, although it is certainly a key influencing factor. Mobile learning itself is a trend It is on the one-year horizon for the NMC Horizon Report (along with cloud computing). Social media bigger than ever, and growing Education response:

So, why we are focusing on Blended Learning at HPSS? For many years now I have been championing the need for all schools and all students to engage in e-learning, and whilst I definitely sense there is a ground swell of support for this notion I am still patently aware that it is important to be clear about why this should be a priority. I initially trialed e-learning because I suspected it would engage learners and would provide an opportunity for students to continue learning and engaging in the work I set, anytime, anywhere. These continue to be compelling arguments for blended learning, however it is becoming increasing clear that this is in fact just the tip of the pedagogical iceberg. Firstly let's talk about the term e-learning. There are a number of reasons as to why we have decided to make blended learning a non-negotiable at Hobsonville Point Secondary School. World Trends Core Education explore a wide range of world trends to bring together an annual summary of trends pertaining to ICT use in education. Research Findings

7 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2014 Technology trends in both higher ed and K-12 classrooms continue to evolve and transform traditional learning environments. New learning analytics, mobile devices, open online learning, and 3D printers are some of the many Educational technology trends to be on the lookout for in 2014. Here’s a detailed discussion. 1) 3D Printing 3D Printers which enable makers to create whatever they can imagine and design have exploded into mainstream culture over the past year. The Poland and Hong Kong based GADGETS3D has launched an initiative called the “3D Printer in Every School” project in which they have designed a low cost, small 3D printer specifically created for the classroom. Click for full infographic 2) MOOCs MOOCs or massively open online courses have exploded in popularity over the past two years and will continue to grow over the next several. Click for full infographic 3) Big Data Click for full infographic 4) Digital Textbooks Click for full infographic 5) Gamification 7) Mobile learning

What Every Student Needs What Every Student Needs by Terry Heick There is no perfect lesson, unit, or school any more than their can be a perfect song, flavor, or shade of blue. Every student is different. Every single intelligent, forgetful, smiling, moody, enthusiastic, apathetic, reflective, short-sighted little (or big) human being that walks into your classroom on a daily basis has their own story–one full of promise, heart-break, and complexity. And this isn’t hippie nonsense. So when we talk about student-centered classrooms, that too is a kind of generalization–more of an approach than a strategy. But what is universal? That can be added to everything–curriculum, frameworks, school design, instructional strategies, and anything else that touches the mind of students? What does every single student need–absolutely, positively have to have–to succeed inside and outside of the classroom? 14 Things Every Student Needs 1. Who am I, and how do I relate to the world around me? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. See #1. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How to Be More Open to Learning New Technology: 8 Steps Edit Article Sometimes it can be hard to accept that you're behind the times. But it can become frustrating to maintain a stubbornness in the face of changing technology, as you'll soon be left at the mercy of those who do know. Whether you've stopped keeping current or you've just never been particularly interested in technology until now, if you've decided that the time has come to embrace the constant upgrades pay your bills online bill and keep up with friends living afar by internet, then you'll be glad to know it's always possible to learn new technology. Ad Steps <img alt="Be More Open to Learning New Technology Step 1.jpg" src=" width="670" height="503">1Think about the perks of learning more about new technology. We could really use your help! Can you tell us aboutinternet sleuthing? internet sleuthing Maintenance and Repair Origami

Into the Future - Teaching and learning: Under the influence of Big Picture Education Last week I spent three days with my team at the Big Picture Conference in Wellington. To sum up, it was amazing, affirming, inspiring and challenging. Some big questions being asked were: Can we shift? - Shift what? – Practice, mindset, pedagogy? The easiest way to sum up the Big Picture Education Model is that it is student centred rather than teacher centred, with a strong focus on relationships and building on learners’ interests and passions. The time at the conference made me feel immensely proud to be part of the team at Hobsonville Point Secondary School. “The 'plan' that was very firmly in place at the start of this term was the vision and values of our new school, Hobsonville Point Secondary, and all the supporting structures (or 'enabling constraints') that were so carefully built by the foundation staff last year; the learning hub model, the specialised learning modules and the big projects as well as our emphasis on blended learning. Tuesdays are ‘cool’ too. Can we shift?

Top 10 Tips To Create Effective eLearning Presentations and Slideshows In this article I'll share the top 10 tips that will help you to effectively create eLearning presentations and slideshows. The following simple and straightforward tips will offer you advice on how to take your eLearning presentations and slideshows to the next level, even if you haven't had much experience working with eLearning presentations in the past. Each eLearning deliverable, regardless of the learning objective, in order to be effective has to be as interactive, immersive, and engaging as possible. Map out your strategy in advance. Finding the slideshow and presentation creation tool that is just right for you and your instructional design needs is key.

Realising the Future of NZ Education - an open letter to all NZ educators (and Minister Parata) On Saturday I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at The Festival of Education as a supposed 'mover and shaker'. Here is an overview of my presentation on 'Realising the Future of Education' which endeavored to look at why, how, what, when we need to change education and what the government could do (IMHO) to support it. Okay, so not so humble...more righteous really. Why must we change education? As Ludwig Lachman stated, "the future is unknowable, but not unimaginable" and whilst we can't see into the future, we can look to a strong body of research to try and divine our present and future learners' needs. Put simply, we need to change education, because the world is changing...and changing rapidly. How do we need to change education? Firstly we need to change our focus. We also need to address our models of teaching practice. I would actually argue that self-direction and developing student agency and efficacy is the fundamental shift. How can we lead change in our schools

Amazon launches AWS Educate to promote cloud learning Amazon has announced AWS Educate in order to accelerate cloud technology learning in the classroom. Announced on Thursday, the program is designed for teachers and students involved or interested in the cloud technology field. Cloud computing is rapidly transforming the modern business landscape. Cloud computing can be used for data storage, disaster recovery, information analytics and as a means to outsource IT services and functions or utilize infrastructure as a service (IaaS), which can help corporations keep the cost of IT down. In addition, cloud computing is becoming an essential component in research and development, and is now a hot area for application development. However, a field can only progress if it has skilled staff behind it -- and Amazon plans to be involved in training the next generation of cloud developers. Following Amazon's approval of applications to use the software, AWS Educate is free for educational institutions. Dr. Read on: In the world of ed-tech

50 Crazy Ideas To Change Education 50 Crazy Ideas To Change Education by Terry Heick Below are 50 ideas for a new education. Note, most of these are about education as a system rather than learning itself, but that’s okay. Few of them may work; even fewer would work together, and that’s okay too. Make connectivity and interdependence the catalyst for all learning.Stop claiming every child will be proficient. Image attribution flickr user daveparker; 50 Crazy Ideas To Change Education; 50 Radical Ideas In Education The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class by Suzy Pepper Rollins Students file into class. “Your warm-up is on the board,” we announce. Two students fish for pencils in backpacks, one begs to get water, another needs to see the nurse, and attendance needs to be entered into the computer. “Ok, so let’s go over the warm-up now,” we call, “and then we’ll look at last night’s homework.” More minutes pass, as students dump out backpacks and empty pockets in a panicked search for a scrap of paper they swear was secured last night. But the opening minutes are also the time when students’ brains are their freshest and they tend to remember more of what’s been taught during this period than any other time of the learning episode. These precious minutes can quickly establish a prior knowledge connection, vital to maximizing learning. Rather than begin class with a passive warm-up, success starters have the power to get every student motivated about the lesson and successful right from the bell. 1. 2.

6 Tips for Getting Started with Genius Hour Posted 05/22/2014 2:36PM | Last Commented 02/02/2015 11:36AM Genius hour is a great way to allow students to drive their own personalized instruction but where to begin such a big project? How to Get Started There are a lot of resources out there already, and most of the teachers that are embarking on this process are willing to share what they have or help you problem solve. The following all have something to offer: Practical Tips Face to Face time is invaluable: While the students are working independently you are still there helping them focus and problem solve.

Take aim at innovation, with students in the center In September 2012, I packed up my Prius, left my patient wife, and drove around the United States for 89 days and 10,000 miles visiting 64 schools of every flavor and size to find out how they are preparing students for a rapidly changing world. I asked questions and recorded learning with more than 600 teachers, administrators and students. In setting up the complex matrix of this trip, many of my hosts asked, “What would you like to see when you are here?” As others have said, technology in learning should be as ubiquitous as air, and there is nothing innovative about students and teachers breathing. Technology is not innovation Nearly every school I visited was doing something dramatically different than they were just a few years ago. What would Dewey do? During my TEDx talk in February 2013, I defined innovation as “preparing students for their futures, not for our past.” Flipping the classroom is not enough But what if we really flipped learning? Passion, engagement, experience
