13-year-old inventor cracks the secret of trees to revolutionize solar energy A 13-year-old boy named Aidan Dwyer has an idea that can vastly improve solar energy technology. His idea is so revolutionary that it might make flat panel solar designs extinct. Aidan discovered a spiral mathematical formula in trees based on the Fibonacci sequence. When he recognized this design in the placement of tree branches, he began applying the secret knowledge to solar panel designs. His discovery could maximize solar panel sunlight collection in new, efficient ways. Discovering a pattern in tree trunks On a winter hiking trip, Aidan noticed something unique about tree branches. Using the Fibonacci sequence to maximize sunlight collection Upon investigating, Aidan discovered a pattern based on a number sequence invented by medieval mathematician Fibonacci. This Fibonacci sequence and its ratios appear in nature, in many forms of life. Aidan found that tree trunks contain similar patterns based on the Fibonacci sequence. Sources for this article include:
Jeep Compass 2014: Little Red Riding Hood Jump to navigation mediabistro network : AotW | BotW | Graphics | GDF | StockLogos NewerOlder Previous Jeep: I bought a Jeep - Wish I bought a Jeep Jeep: I bought a Jeep - Bigger Boat Jeep: I bought a Jeep - Portrait Jeep: I bought a Jeep - Fortune Cookie Jeep: I bought a Jeep - Clifftop Jeep Grand Cherokee: Deserts Jeep Grand Cherokee: Forests Jeep Grand Cherokee: Mountains Jeep: Cyclist Jeep: Tree Jeep: Old Lady Jeep: Summer Fans Jeep: Lovers of the Game Jeep: Call of Summer Jeep: Safe Next Jeep Compass 2014: Little Red Riding Hood No more danger on the road. Advertising Agency: DDB, La Paz, Bolivia Creative Director / Illustrator: Henry Medina Art Director: Crash Christian Morales Copywriter: Bernardo Molina Account Manager: Mariana Calvo Published: February 2013 Average: 6 (24 votes) Related videos by Shutterstock 3 comments damnson 3390 pencils Feb 24, 2014 - 3:57 Art is basic, idea is basic as well. +1 pencil abbott 367 pencils Feb 24, 2014 - 3:58 This is idiotic. Elpanda 80 pencils Feb 24, 2014 - 10:11 buena pieza
Stunning, psychedelic images where art and science collide In his TEDGlobal 2013 talk, Fabian Oefner shares breathtaking images at the nexus of art and science, which beautifully capture unique moments of physical and chemical drama. Formally trained in art and design, Oefner says that he has always been interested in science. Though he can’t pinpoint the exact moment when he became interested in pairing his two loves, he views both pursuits as inextricably linked by a crucial bond: “The most important quality of science or art is curiosity,” Oefner tells TED. “That’s what keeps me going and always finding something new.” On the TED stage, Oefner demonstrates the science at work behind three of his photographs. As he explains his process, the mystical quality of the images gives way to understanding. For an imagination-friendly, explanation-free viewing of Oefner’s work, watch the first 45 seconds of his talk. Morton Bast is TED’s Community Mentor and Editorial Assistant.
Bobcat: Perspective, 1 Jump to navigation mediabistro network : AotW | BotW | Graphics | GDF | StockLogos NewerOlder Novafrota / Bobcat: Tougher Bobcat: Perspective, 3 Bobcat: Perspective, 2 Bobcat: Perspective, 1 Change work's perspective. Advertising Agency: Verbal Communication, Curitiba, Brazil Creative Director: Cláudio Erwin Creatives: Vinícius Natel de Camargo, Leandro Bonfim Art Director: Vinícius Natel de Camargo Copywriter: Leandro Bonfim Published: July 2013 Average: 5 (10 votes) Related videos by Shutterstock 1 comment Siddarth Basavaraj 1673 pencils Jul 16, 2013 - 3:34 +1 pencil Love creating ads.. Post new comment Thank you for commenting. Log in or register to post comments A division of Prometheus Global Media home | site map | advertising/sponsorships | careers | contact us | help courses | browse jobs | freelancers | content | member benefits | reprints & permissions terms of use | privacy policy
Ciência e Tecnologia da Borracha (por Mário Caetano) Audi: Back an Forth, Child Jump to navigation mediabistro network : AotW | BotW | Graphics | GDF | StockLogos NewerOlder Previous Audi: Barely Legal Pawn, feat. Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul and Julia Louis-Dreyfus Audi: Lights Audi E-Tron: What Does The Fox Say? Audi: Monkey Audi: Chameleon Audi: Lemur Audi: Child Audi: Deer Audi: Ipanema Beach Audi: Hyde Park Audi: Central Park Audi: Desert Audi: River Audi: Mountain Audi: Personal invitation Next Audi: Back an Forth, Child Look back and forth at the same time. Advertising Agency: thjnk AG, Hamburg, Germany Creative Directors: Torben Otten, Georg Baur, Gerrit Zinke, Tobias Ahrens Art Director: Niko Auf dem Berge Copywriter: Karl Wolfgang Epple Account manager: Gilles Scheuren Published: January 2014 Average: 3 (4 votes) Related videos by Shutterstock 2 comments damnson 3390 pencils May 03, 2014 - 3:52 Art direction is horrific. +1 pencil maper 128 pencils May 03, 2014 - 5:03 I like it Post new comment Thank you for commenting. Log in or register to post comments terms of use | privacy policy
Cimática Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Cimática é o estudo das ondas. Está associado aos padrões físicos produzidos pela interação de ondas sonoras em um meio. Um experimento simples demonstrando a visualização da cimática pode ser feito espalhando areia sobre um disco de metal e fazendo-o vibrar. História[editar | editar código-fonte] O estudo dos padrões produzidos por corpos em vibração são antigos. Em 8 de julho de 1680 Robert Hooke conseguiu ver os padrões nodais associados aos modos de vibração de discos de vidro. A cimática foi explorada por Jenny em seu livro de 1967, Kymatik.[3] Inspirado pela teoria dos sistemas e pelo trabalho de Ernst Chladni, Jenny iniciou uma investigação sobre fenômenos periódicos, especialmente a observação visual do som. Influências na arte[editar | editar código-fonte] O livro de Jenny influenciou Alvin Lucier e, em conjunto com Chladni, conduziu à composição de Lucier Queen of the South. Em 2007 Thomas J. Ver também[editar | editar código-fonte]
This Is How We Date Now We don’t commit now. We don’t see the point. They’ve always said there are so many fish in the sea, but never before has that sea of fish been right at our fingertips on OkCupid, Tinder, Grindr, Dattch, take your pick. We can order up a human being in the same way we can order up pad thai on Seamless. We think intimacy lies in a perfectly-executed string of emoji. When we choose—if we commit—we are still one eye wandering at the options. We soothe ourselves and distract ourselves and, if we can’t even face the demons inside our own brain, how can we be expected to stick something out, to love someone even when it’s not easy to love them? And, even if we find it. Then, we see these other happy, shiny couples and we compare. So, we break up. On to the next. We realize that this more we want is a lie. Yet, this is not how we date now.
Darwin e a prática da 'Salami Science' Em 1985, ouvi pela primeira vez no Laboratório de Biologia Molecular a expressão "Salami Science". Um de nós estava com uma pilha de trabalhos científicos quando Max Perutz se aproximou. Um jovem disse que estava lendo trabalhos de um famoso cientista dos EUA. Perutz olhou a pilha e murmurou: "Salami Science, espero que não chegue aqui". Mas a praga se espalhou pelo mundo e agora assola a comunidade científica brasileira. "Salami Science" é a prática de fatiar uma única descoberta, como um salame, para publicá-la no maior número possível de artigos científicos. No Laboratório de Biologia Molecular, nossos ídolos eram os cinco prêmios Nobel do prédio. Hoje, nas melhores universidade do Brasil, a conversa entre pós-graduandos e cientistas é outra. Mas o que Darwin tem a ver com isso?
Wilder - Flat One Page Responsive WordPress Theme on Behance Wilder is the ultimate and professional way for you to present your portfolio or the very best starting point for your own corporate website. If you are searching something different and out of the line, please check out the Wilder – Flat One Page Responsive WordPress Theme! Wilder is fully responsive – resize your browser window to see it in action. All the layouts are built with responsive design in mind. It works well on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Wilder is a fully configurable and easy to use WordPress theme with a lot of great features. Ciência brasileira é tema da principal matéria da prestigiosa Science por Conceição Lemes Ter trabalho mencionado ou publicado na Science é o sonho de todo cientista. Pudera. Publicada pela Associação Americana pelo Avanço da Ciência (www.aaas.org), é a mais prestigiosa revista de ciência do mundo, ao lado da Nature , inglesa. A triagem é rigorosíssima. Imaginem ser o tema de uma reportagem de seis páginas. Pois a edição 331 da Science, que começou a circular nessa tarde, dedica seis páginas à ciência brasileira. A reportagem começa e termina por Natal (RN). A reportagem destaca também, entre outras, as pesquisas da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), da Petrobras e da Amazônia. 1) Lá fora, estão de olho no que se faz aqui. 2) É preciso mudar o modo de gestão científica no Brasil. 3) A Universidade de São Paulo, apesar de ter grande produção científica, está perdendo espaço. 4) O que o Brasil está fazendo em termos de ciência tem sentido. A propósito, todos os aspectos da Ciência Tropical estão no artigo da Science. Confira você mesmo.