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27 Apps that have changed my Teaching and Learning Practice - Updated -

27 Apps that have changed my Teaching and Learning Practice - Updated -
Related:  Personal Learning Environment & PL Network

Personal Learning Networks, CoPs Connectivism: Creatively Explained | User Generated Education As part of a graduate course in Social Network Learning, I ask students to create a non-linguistical representation. Here is the description of this assignment: The intent of this module is to assist you in developing a personalized and deep understanding of the concepts of this unit – the concepts that are core to using social networking as a learning venue. Communities of Practice, Connectivism, Personal Learning Networks, create one or a combination of the following to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts: a slide show or Glog of images, an audio cast of sounds, a video of sights, a series of hand drawn and scanned pictures, a mindmap of images, a mathematical formula, a periodic chart of concepts, or another form of nonlinguistic symbols. Your product should contain the major elements discussed in this module: CoPs, Connectivism, and Personal Learning Networks. These are connected yet different concepts. Here are some samples from this term. A Powtoons Animation Like this:

Svenska språkappar för barn | Språkträning Sammanställning över populära språkappar med svensk text och/eller tal – appar för att lära sig svenska. För barn, utlandssvenskar, nyanlända, invandrare, SVA/SFI. På denna sida hittar du tips på språkappar med svensk text och/eller tal. Vi har testat och recenserat dessa appar utifrån ett barnperspektiv men apparna kan givetvis även kan användas av vuxna. Tänkt målgrupp är barn, utlandssvenskar, nyanlända, SVA/SFI. Apparna är uppdelade på områden och sorterade så att de mest populära ligger först. Är du intresserad av andra språk än svenska har vi även en sammanställning över appar som utvecklar barns modersmål. Visa fler (10+) appar › Gratis iOS Permanent och tillfälligt gratis svenska språkappar. Bolibompa · 0 kr · TV-programmet i app med barnvänlig spelare och bokstavsträning Läs mer! Minilobes Ordkronan · 0 kr · Para ihop ord med rätt bild och samla kristaller Läs mer! Guldlock och de tre björnarna · 0 kr · Interaktiv bokapp på rim Läs mer! Minilobes Bildlådan Läs mer! Boli Kamera Läs mer! Rim

PersonalizED :: A Guide to Personalizing Learning in the Classroom By Dr. Mary Ellen Beaty O’Ferrall, Sara Henschell, Margaret Roth Personalized learning is an instructional philosophy intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, and cultural backgrounds of individual students to create an environment and experience that best facilitates their learning (Glossary of Ed Reform, 2014). The aim of this paper is to provide educators teaching students of any grade level, content area, ability level, or school format, with an immediate access point, resource guide, and evidence necessary to initiate the transition to personalizing their classroom environments and experiences. As former and current high-needs classroom educators and teacher educators, we have sought ways of using the structure of education as a means of getting past the pain points of skill level disparities, disengagement, poor attendance and low family involvement. Roles of People in the Classroom CommunicationContent DecentralizationFeedback Data and Evaluation

Kunskapsplattan Bridge to Learning - Educational Research Consultation Diana Laurillard, Chair of ALT, has invited contributions to a consultation on education technology to provide input to ETAG, the Education Technology Action Group, which was set up in England in February 2014 by three ministers: Michael Gove, Matthew Hancock and David Willetts. The deadline for contributions is 23 June at Social Tech Guide The Nominet Trust have announced their new look Social Tech Guide. The Social Tech Guide first launched last year, initially as a home to the 2013 Nominet Trust 100 – which they describe as a list of 100 inspiring digital projects tackling the world’s most pressing social issues. In a press relase they say: “With so many social tech ventures out there supporting people and enforcing positive change on a daily basis, we wanted to create a comprehensive resource that allows us to celebrate and learn from the pioneers using digital technology to make a real difference to millions of lives. Code Academy expands

Nio appar för att träna stavning, uttal och ordinlärning Nio appar för att lära sig svenskaPinned: 23 Feb 2015 Sfichatt: ett nytt och annorlunda lärarrum!Pinned: 15 Feb 2015 behöver din hjälp!Pinned: 6 Oct 2014 Sfipodd: gratis poddradiotjänst för sfi-studerande + intervju med projektledaren Olga Carlberg.Pinned: 14 Sep 2014 I detta inlägg presenterar jag ett urplock av de sfi-bloggar som finns ute på nätet (de flesta har jag hittat i olika Facebook-grupper). Det har blivit populärt att ha en klassblogg för att publicera all möjlig information till sina elever. Har du planer på att starta en egen blogg för er klass? Då kan detta inlägg vara bra, för att se hur andra byggt upp sina bloggar för att få idéer eller inspiration.Pinned: 4 Sep 2014 Två gratisverktyg för skärmdumpar och filmerPinned: 13 Aug 2014 I det femte avsnittet av Sfi-podden med livshistorier berättar Moe Asraei sin historia.

Bridge to Learning - Educational Research Ten days ago I had an email from Alexander Mikroyannidis from the UK Open University. “Together with some colleagues from the EU project ROLE ( he said, “I’m preparing a book to be published by Springer. It will be entitled “Personal Learning Environments in Practice” and it will present the results of applying PLEs in different test-beds in the project. For each chapter, we have invited an external expert to provide a 2-page commentary that will also be published in the book. Would you be available to write such a commentary for the chapter that describes the vision of the project?” How could I refuse? Research and development in learning technologies is a fast moving field. Even when Learning Management Systems were in their prime, there was evidence of serious issues in their use. At the same time, the ongoing rapid developments in technologies are changing forms of knowledge development and leading to pressures for lifelong learning. Reference Vygotsky, L.

PLE - einfach (Beschreibung siehe Kommentar) Sometimes You Just Need to Meet Your PLN Face-to-Face I’m back! Did you miss me? After a 5 week holiday with my husband @TigerTex1 we are now back home, over the jet lag and begrudgingly settled into our routine of work and home. We did a Trafalgar guided tour of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland. We saw beautiful countryside and rugged coastlines. However one of the most memorable highlights of our time in the UK was not actually on tour, it was meeting my Personal Learning Network (PLN) in London. Lesley Price (@LesleyPrice) from the Learning Performance Institute was kind enough to organise a tweetup (#LPITweetUp) when she found out I was going to the UK. So my long “Would Like to Meet” list for Lesley became a handful of those who lived and worked in or near London. But all was not lost. The Twittersphere was abuzz. I was giving updates on our holiday and had just left Scotland (a country I fell in love with) and I posted the Proclaimers Song, “500 Miles” as I saw myself returning here one day. “So do you!” “OMG.

My #LearningStyles Awakening Let’s get this out of the way quickly. I don’t believe there’s value in designing learning experiences to cater to individual learning styles. Please keep reading anyway, especially if you disagree with that statement. This post is less about my conclusion and more about the journey I took to reach it. I’ve heard about learning styles a number of times since I entered the field. And in that was my first mistake. Let’s start with the concept of ‘everything I read’. I don’t think I’m a unique learning and performance professional in making that mistake, and it’s a mistake we make in plenty of areas outside of Learning Styles. As time went on, I read more things about learning styles, seeing different models and assessment tools that I could leverage. I never went so far as to intentionally design a course to accommodate a learning style, but the acceptance of learning styles as having impact no doubt shaped many of the design decisions I did make. Learning Styles Don’t Exist.

Establishing Your Professional Learning Network (PLN) One reason I became a librarian is that I’ve always loved learning anything and everything and I realized I really wanted to learn new things every day for the rest of my life. I figured the best way to maximize my time would be to make sure I worked in a field committed to continued learning. I’ve never been happier with my choice and I’ve never had so much to learn! But how does one establish their PLN? Below I’ve listed 5 online tools that help me build my PLN and inspire me on a daily basis. Twitter Even if you’re not sure how to use it yet or you don’t know how often you would post something, set up a Twitter account. Pinterest Ah Pinterest. Webinars/Slideshare/Prezi/etc. I don’t know about you but I love professional development. YouTube You can learn a lot of things on YouTube. Blogs Blogs are probably my favorite way to learn from other professionals near and far. So those are the online tools that have helped me build my professional (and personal) learning networks.
