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CER MitosisMeiosis Final Draft

CER MitosisMeiosis Final Draft
Related:  Genetics

What makes me tick...tock? Circadian rhythms, genetics, and health | Project NEURON | University of Illinois Following the introduction of basic principles and key terminology of circadian rhythmicity in Lesson 1, this lesson begins with students discussing model organisms and how scientists use them; Drosophila melanogaster is used as a model for the study of circadian rhythms. Students use several NetLogo simulations to examine how light, temperature, and genetic mutations can affect a fly’s behavior. Students make connections between these simulations and their own circadian rhythms, developing models throughout the lesson of how three different factors (light, temperature, and genetic mutations) can affect both the flies’ activity levels and their own throughout the day. A possible extension to using these NetLogo models is to have students design and carry out their own fly experiment looking at how light affects fly activity.

Printable Graphic Organizers and Brainstorming Charts On this page you will find a collection of printable graphic organizers and brainstorming charts. These organizers have a wide range of uses, and may be useful for creative projects. These charts are especially useful for writers .I personally use these charts to brainstorm ideas, plan websites, come up with characters for stories, and the plots for the stories I write. Click on the template you wish to download in order to save the PDF to your computer. Printable Graphic Organizers Ways a Writer May Use a Graphic Organizer You can use these graphic organizers to: 1. Chronological Graphic Organizer Here is one more graphic organizer. Personal & Educational Use License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. About Dutch Renaissance Press LLC In 2010, Tim van de Vall started Dutch Renaissance Press LLC. Terms of Use All information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

1 – 2 – 3 – Word Cloud! – Updated Word Clouds (wordle to most) can be a dynamic tool for visualizing text and for presenting a group’s thinking. They are AMAZING! While planning for the Future of Learning conference at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, I wanted to capture and share our participants’ views on “What are the key features of 21st Century Learning”. At first, word clouds didn’t cross my mind because in past experiences I had entered a historical speech, lecture notes or asynchronously generated google docs. Here’s the system. 1. What 3 words best describe your summer? * have students answer in all lower case so there is consistency in the word cloud. ** Import the quiz that includes these questions using SOC-337830 2. A Short Answer question’s responses will populate your teacher screen. 3. Short Answer – highlight and copy the responses on the teacher screen.Quiz – highlight and copy the column of the question you want to visualize. 4. Wordle – The most well-known word cloud tool. Share your ideas!

Antibiotic Overuse May Increase Superbug Evolution Rate Multiple drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria seen under an electron microscope. Photo: CDC By flooding our environment with antibiotics, people may alter a little-appreciated but profound aspect of bacterial evolution: the very pace at which it occurs. Bacteria may evolve more rapidly and more radically than just a few decades ago. This proposition is still a hypothesis, but it’s an intriguing one. “Human activities might be altering the fundamental tempo of bacterial evolution,” write geneticists Michael Gillings of Australia’s Macquarie University and Hatch Stokes of the University of Technology in a June Trends in Ecology and Evolution paper. Gillings and Stokes start by describing what’s widely known: The world is inundated by antibiotics. 'Baseline bacterial evolution is a bell-shaped curve, and we are pushing that curve.' That much is obvious. “Rates of evolution are themselves selected for higher evolvability,” said Gillings. Not everyone is convinced.

Blackett Family Pedigree Create a Blackett Family Pedigree Blackett Family Members The Blackett Family DNA Activity is largely a genetic study of the inheritance of alleles in an extended family. Bob Blackett has tested DNA samples from himself and 13 other relatives. Would you like to check your answer? We have prepared a sample pedigree chart of the Blackett family that you can use to check your answer, or to skip this activity if time is limiting. View the Pedigree in a new web page Download the pdf version. Introduction : Overview | STR P | CODIS | Analysis | Inheritance | Frequency Calc. Activities : Pedigree | Collect data | Paternity testing | Missing person | RCMP freq. calc. The Biology Project University of Arizona October 27, 2000 All contents copyright © 1996-2000.

Free Graphic Organizers for Teaching Writing Introduction As you know, free graphic organizers are readily available on the Internet. However, access to quality organizers often requires either a monthly or an annual fee. Here you will find, what I think, are quality organizers WITHOUT monthly or annual fees. I dug into my own archives that I've accumulated over my 33 year career in search of organizers that focus on writing. With that in mind, I searched thoroughly for graphic organizer ideas wherever I could find them. The result is what you will see on this page--a collection of 50 graphic organizers designed specifically for teaching writing. Quick Links for THIS Page You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page. Webs for Preparing to Write Flow Charts for SequencingPersuasive and Expository Essay MapsConcept WheelsOrganizers for Journalism StudentsPoetry FramesAdditional WebsCustomizable Graphic OrganizersFree DownloadConclusion Webs for Preparing to Write Return to Top of Page Poetry Frames

Double Blasted In early August of 1945, Tsutomu Yamaguchi had a run of the worst luck imaginable. A double blast of radiation left his future, and the future of his descendants, in doubt. In this short: an utterly amazing survival story that spans ... well, 4 billion years when you get down to it. On the morning of August 6th, 1945, Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a work trip. He was walking to the office when the first atomic bomb was dropped about a mile away.

Free Graphic Organizers for Teaching Writing Introduction As you know, free graphic organizers are readily available on the Internet. However, access to quality organizers often requires either a monthly or an annual fee. Here you will find, what I think, are quality organizers WITHOUT monthly or annual fees. I dug into my own archives that I've accumulated over my 33 year career in search of organizers that focus on writing. With that in mind, I searched thoroughly for graphic organizer ideas wherever I could find them. The result is what you will see on this page--a collection of 50 graphic organizers designed specifically for teaching writing. And, if you like these, I’ve got a strong feeling that you’ll also like 50 More WRITERizers—the newer sibling of this collection. Quick Links for THIS Page You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page. Webs for Preparing to Write Return to Top of Page Flow Charts for Sequencing Return to Top of Page Persuasive and Expository Essay Maps Concept Wheels

Epigenetics II: DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis Jermel Watking, Bruce Nash, and David Micklos DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Although DNA is the blueprint of life, not all genes are actively expressed in every cell within a multicellular organism. As discussed in our Carolina Tips® article, "Epigenetics I: Using Carolina Corn Ears to Teach Genetic Imprinting," phenotypic differences between cells occur because genes are turned on or off in a cell-specific way. Many changes in gene expression are mediated by chemical modifications, such as the addition to DNA of methyl groups (CH3), which block the binding of transcription factors to promoter sequences. These changes are "above" or "over" (epi) a gene. Arabidopsis, FWA, and DNA methylation One very important step in plant development is the switch from vegetative growth to flowering for sexual reproduction. FWA is normally expressed in endosperm, a tissue that feeds the seedling but does not contribute to the structure of the adult. Classroom application

Interactive Graphic Organizer Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers "Graphic organizers are tools that help your brain think." - Kylene Beers Graphic organizers are an illustration of your thoughts on paper. They can help you brainstorm, organize, and visualize your ideas. Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Each graphic organizer below includes Teaching Notes with lessons and tips on how to use graphic organizers in the classroom. Help with PDF Files Generating, Identifying, and Organizing Details Determining Main Idea and Drawing Conclusions Order and Sequence Comparison-Contrast and Cause and Effect Process and Cycle Diagrams Evaluating and Making Decisions Persuasive and Supporting a Position Vocabulary Miscellaneous Organizers Graphic Organizer Teaching Notes
