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For XAMPP Application Modules

For XAMPP Application Modules

webdesign.tutsplus In this tutorial I'll guide you through the process of creating a simple and clean Instagram-based portfolio. We'll use some striking imagery, a clean color palette and smooth typefaces. We'll start off by creating a web version and then I'll show you how to quickly adapt it for mobile view. In order to follow along you will need the following (freely available) assets: Mountains photo from UnsplashKaushan Script font from Font SquirrelLato font from Font SquirrelSocial media icons from IconfinderStock photos from UnsplashStock photos from Refe Begin by creating a new Photoshop document (File > New…) using the settings shown below. Let’s set some guides so our layout has enough space and looks balanced. Note: Guidelines used for this tutorial: vertical at 100px, 600px and 1100px. Tip: You could also use the GuideGuide Photoshop plugin to make this process even quicker. Sticking to Photoshop etiquette we'll keep things organized and easy to navigate and edit. Great! That's it.

Club Open Source Carts (mainly osCommerce) | Showcasing osC…the good, the bad and the ugly! Flat Icon Maker - FlatIcons Способы организации CSS-кода Разработчик Бен Фрейн (Ben Frain) однажды заметил: «Писать CSS-код легко. Масшабировать и поддерживать его — нет». К счастью, на просторах интернета можно найти множество решений этой проблемы. В данной статье рассмотрены основные киты структуры CSS-кода, а также интересные рыбы/млекопитающие поменьше. Статья служит лишь памяткой или кратким справочником — для подробного ознакомления с методологиями настоятельно рекомендуется изучать оригинальную документацию. Итак, начнем. Содержание Автор: ЯндексДокументация Пожалуй, самая популярная сейчас методология в мире. Эти категории играют следующие роли в коде: блоки могут использоваться в нескольких местах сайта;элементы являются частью блока и не имеют функционального смысла вне блока;модификаторы представляют собой свойства блока или элемента, которые меняют его внешний вид или поведение. Такой подход позволяет избавиться от непредсказуемых последствий каскада и изолирует отдельные модули друг от друга. Пример кода в стиле БЭМ: Atomic CSS Шрек

CSS: centering things See also the index of all tips. Centering lines of text The most common and (therefore) easiest type of centering is that of lines of text in a paragraph or in a heading. CSS has the property 'text-align' for that: renders each line in a P or in a H2 centered between its margins, like this: The lines in this paragraph are all centered between the paragraph's margins, thanks to the value 'center' of the CSS property 'text-align'. Centering a block or image Sometimes it is not the text that needs to be centered, but the block as a whole. This rather narrow block of text is centered. This is also the way to center an image: make it into block of its own and apply the margin properties to it. The following image is centered: Centering vertically CSS level 2 doesn't have a property for centering things vertically. The example below centers a paragraph inside a block that has a certain given height. This small paragraph is vertically centered. Centering vertically in CSS level 3

Abbreviations Abbreviations are the heart of the Emmet toolkit: these special expressions are parsed in runtime and transformed into structured code block, HTML for example. The abbreviation’s syntax looks like CSS selectors with a few extensions specific to code generation. So every web-developer already knows how to use it. Here’s an example: this abbreviation #page>div.logo+ul#navigation>li*5>a{Item $} ...can be transformed into <div id="page"><div class="logo"></div><ul id="navigation"><li><a href="">Item 1</a></li><li><a href="">Item 2</a></li><li><a href="">Item 3</a></li><li><a href="">Item 4</a></li><li><a href="">Item 5</a></li></ul></div> ...with just a single key stroke. Abbreviations are optimised for, but not limited to, HTML and XML generation, and make writing tedious markup code a breeze.
