Tecnologie Educative e regia Didattica Tecnologie Educative e Regia Didattica Do It YourselfTecnologie dell'Apprendimento e della Conoscenza Lezioni realizzatedal docente NietzscheIntroduzione al pensiero Lezioni realizzatedagli studenti La Rivoluzione Astronomica Il pessimismo di Schopenhauer Sviluppo industrialein Italia Lezioni di filosofia moderna Strumenti per realizzare video lezioni Lezioni degli StudentiRegistrate Video delle Lezionitenute in aula Cartesioil problema del Metodo Cartesioil Dubbio e il Cogito CartesioMorale e Passioni dell'anima Presentazioni degli studentirealizzate per condurre la lezione Cartesiobiografia e metodo Cartesiodio garante verità Cartesiomorale e passioni Utilizzare i video On Line Raccolte diGianfranco Marini raccolte realizzatedagli studenti Video LezioniFilosofia Platonica PearltreesLezioni di filosofia Creare e gestire discussionia partire dai video Creare Video Quizzese video lezioni EdPuzzleVideoturial italianoJessica Redeghieri EducanonVideotutorial italianoAngela Maria Sugliano Verifica Formativae Sommativa
Eight ways to make science education more appealing to girls To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March, we have eight gifts to empower girls and women around the world: a collection of resources for any educators wanting to get both boys and girls involved in science. Read, browse and get inspired! Did you find these tools useful? Watch this inspiring talk Where are we now and how can we move? Show your pupils what can be done with a science degree On the Science: It's a girl thing! Create inviting school environments for student exposure to STEM Read the Five ways to get girls into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) article on Edutopia (the George Lucas Educational Foundation). Find the right science-related pins for you! Ever thought about how a snack-bag assembly could inspire industrial engineering? Experiment in the classroom: Xperimania activities for your pupils Run under the theme of “Equality”, the Xperimania competition received over 350 entries from schools throughout Europe.
Next di Repubblica.it A Pescara il mondo dell'innovazione abruzzese nell'anteprima di RepIdee. Dalla ricerca ai droni, le storie degli startupper di G. CEDRONEStartup e rinascita di borghi dimenticati di R. LUNA Dal food ai droni, la regione si scopre sempre più tech di GIAMPAOLO COLLETTILe storie di innovazione degli abruzzesi in giro per il mondo di G. Nella città la prima emittente comunitaria d'Europa. A RNext Pescara Paolo Gorla, ricercatore dell'Istituto di Fisica Nucleare di G. Il progetto Helios si aggiudica lo startup contest del web show condotto da Riccardo Luna di GIOVANNI CEDRONELa fabbrica dell'innovazione di R. L'idea - Businnes plan - FOTO - VIDEO Da Bluewago, piattaforma per le vacanze in barca, a Sceglieresalute.it, per trovare medici e ospedali con un click di GIAMPAOLO COLLETTI Sarà il web, con le condivisioni social degli articoli, a decidere chi mandare alla finalissima dell'8 luglio di G. Il vicepresidente Google ospite nella 10a puntata di Innovation Game Serve un pezzo di ricambio?
When will they understand that open software could cut school spending costs? The love story between Italian schools and open software has still not blossomed though the prerequisites exist. They are definitely soul mates, as the saying goes, with a vocation for the diffusion of knowledge. But, alas, love is blind, and, in this case, the school system just can’t seem to see the possibilities. With just a few concrete examples every school should be convinced of adopting open source. So what is it that keeps Italian schools from embracing open source software? Possibly a move to truly open source operating systems, based on Linux, foresees a minimum of extra knowledge and study of basic functions, but, in the end, the benefits are undoubtedly greater: no costs, regularly updated system, fast even on obsolete PC’s; pre-installed software that responds to 90% of needs, even for the most able of users. But there are many powerful types of software that are totally free, and that allow teachers to renew and innovate lessons.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The Best Augmented Reality Apps for Teachers May , 2014 Augmented reality is a new technology with some promising potential for education. The basic premise behind augmented reality is the extension of the physical world to include components of the digitally virtual world. According to Drew Minock, Co-Author of Two Guys and Some iPads , augmented reality is : ability to bring the digital world into our physical world. There are actually several iPad apps that teachers can use to improve students learning through the concept augmented reality. 1- Aurasma Aurasma is an augmented reality app that’s changing the way millions of people see and interact with the world. Aurasma allows you to: Aurasma for iPadAurasma for Android Watch this video to learn more how to use Aurasma 2- Layar Scan print materials enhanced with Layar to view rich digital experiences right on top! Some of the features Layar provides to users: See magazines come alive with videos right on the page!
Role models leading girls into careers in science In terms of pursuing academic careers within STEM fields, women are significantly under-represented throughout Europe. Women represent 59% of new graduates, but make up 46% of PhD degree holders, 33% of researchers and only 20% of upper-level academic staff and 11% of heads of universities or similar institutions. This gap becomes even wider in fields like engineering and ICT, with only 29 of every 1,000 female graduates holding a computing-related degree, and - out of these 29 - only four going on to work directly in ICT. Women represent just 27% of all graduates in manufacturing and engineering. Although families play a central role in influencing and shaping the identities and choices of children and youngsters, there is a great deal that schools and teachers, particularly STEM teachers, can do to challenge gender stereotypes and to provide girls and boys with more freedom of choice regarding their future.
animatoredigitale.wordpress What's in it for you? A paid traineeship of 5 months with the European Commission (or some executive bodies and agencies of the European Institutions like, for instance, the European External Action Service or Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation), starting on either 1st March or 1st October. You will receive a monthly grant of some €1,120 and reimbursement of travel expenses. Accident and health insurance can also be provided. Every year, there are about 1.300 places available. If you are one of the selected candidates you get hands-on experience in the international and multicultural environment. What's the work like? Trainees work all over the European Commission. attending and organising meetings, working groups, forums, public hearings, researching and compiling documentation, reports, consultations; answering queries, running projects.
Religione e superstizione: un punto di vista non umano Ha fatto di recente il giro dei social media la notizia di uno strano comportamento degli scimpanzé, mai osservato prima e che, secondo alcuni, potrebbe spiegare la nascita della religione negli esseri umani. Ma è proprio cosi? La strana scoperta è stata opera di un team di 80 ricercatori dell’Istituto di antropologia evoluzionistica del Max Plank di Lipsia, in Germania, nell’ambito di un progetto sulla cultura degli scimpanzé. La storia è questa, raccontata nel blog della ricercatrice Laura Kehoe: mentre il gruppo si addentrava nell’intricata e poco esplorata foresta della Guinea Bissau, la guida locale ha puntato ai ricercatori dei segni lasciati su un albero, attribuendone le cause agli scimpanzé. Una fototrappola fu quindi posta sul luogo per due settimane, producendo risultati inaspettati. È la prima volta che si osserva un comportamento simile, e sinora due possibili spiegazioni sono state fornite dai ricercatori.