Simple animation to explain complex principles - Electronics 1, aircraft radial engine 2, oval Regulation 3, sewing machines 4, Malta Cross movement - second hand movement used to control the clock 5, auto change file mechanism 6, auto constant velocity universal joint 6.gif 7, gun ammunition loading system 8 rotary engine - an internal combustion engine, the heat rather than the piston movement into rotary movement # Via World Of Technology. 1, inline engine - it's cylinders lined up side by side 2, V-type engine - cylinder arranged at an angle of two plane 3, boxer engine - cylinder engine arranged in two planes relative PEBKAC : Erreur informatique d'interface Chaise-Clavier
Простые аналоговые проекционные часы / DIY или Сделай Сам Очень простые проекционные часы с теплым ламповым аналоговым стрелочным индикатором в проекции. Ни одной линзы! Для начала нам понадобятся кварцевые часы. Т.к. для формирования изображения будет использоваться зеркало, то для получения актуального времени часы должны идти в обратную сторону. О таких часах я писал. Вынем из корпуса, снимем стрелки: Вскроем корпус (он на защелках, выключатель звонка повернуть влево). Следующий этап — создание зеркального циферблата. Размечаем зеркало и алмазной коронкой по стеклу высверливаем отверстие. Часовые риски можно нарисовать маркером. В итоге получается циферблат: В качестве источника света используется светодиод. Создаем постамент. (расчет резистора: ток через стандартный светодиод 20 мА = 0,02А. Крепим сами часы: Угол падения равен углу отражения. Смотрим на проекцию. При больших углах изображение стрелки начинает двоиться (отражение от поверхности стекла + отражение от металлизации).
Rader's NUMBERNUT.COM Работа и создание моделей для EagleUP Что это и зачем? При проектировании печатной платы иной раз полезно взглянуть на нее не только в виде плоской картинки, но и в виде 3D модели. Особенно если подразумевается хитрый конструктив, с замороченным корпусом и важно, чтобы все правильно вписалось. Далеко не всегда это нужно, но вот как порой встрянешь и начинаешь сильно хотеть. В принципе, все современные CAD системы это умеют из коробки. Но сия штука исключительно для джедаев. Например вот такая простая кнопочка: Кодируется вот таким вот небольшим скриптом: Показать » #macro PSW_3(value) #local leg = object { box {<-0.2,-3,-0.325>,<0.2,1,0.325> texture{col_silver}} } union { object { leg translate <0,0,2.54>} object { leg translate <0,0,-2.54>} object { leg translate <-1.96,0,2.54>} object { leg translate <-1.96,0,-2.54>} object { leg translate <1.96,0,2.54>} object { leg translate <1.96,0,-2.54>} box{<-3.36,0,-3.8>,<3.36,3,3.8> pigment {Gray10} finish { metallic 0.8 } } box{<-2,6,-2>,<2,8,2> pigment {Blue} finish { metallic 1 } }
7 Mad Science Experiments You Can Do At Home But Probably Shouldn't By the time you finish reading this article, you will undoubtedly think of Theo Gray when you hear someone say "mad scientist." Theo, a columnist for the magazine Popular Science, recently published a book titled Theo Gray's Mad Science: Experiments You Can Do At Home - But Probably Shouldn't . The book is full of experiments so outrageous (Ignite your own phosphorus sun in a globe filled with pure oxygen! Make your own shotgun ammo by pouring molten lead off the roof! Heat a hot tub with 500 pounds of quicklime!) Behind the gorgeous photos of each experiment, there is solid science explained in clear, accessible language with a little dash of humor that made Theo's monthly PopSci column so popular. 1. DISAPPEARING ACT - A steaming cup of water liquefies the spoon in about 15 seconds - notice the puddle at the bottom of the cup. With the right mix of metals, you can make an alloy that turns to liquid at nearly any temperature. and Uncle Tungsten ). How To Create a Melting Spoon 2. 3.
OpenROV — подводный робот (open source) 3 июля 2012 в 15:28 Всего один день понадобился разработчикам подводного робота OpenROV, чтобы собрать через Kickstarter необходимые им $20 тыс. для начала производства конструктора. В этом нет ничего удивительного: проект действительно уникальный. Только представьте: любой желающий может купить набор комплектующих и собрать собственную подводную лодку. Маленькая подводная лодка OpenROV имеет размер 30 х 20 х 15 см, весит примерно 2,5 кг и способна опускаться на глубину до 100 метров. Вся электроника упрятана во влагостойкий корпус в центре робота. OpenROV на Kickstarter Набор для сборки со всей электроникой и моторами можно предварительно заказать за $725, готового робота в сборе — за $1200. Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут оставлять комментарии.
How to make a beta cell divide An ETH Zurich research team-in collaboration with Roche Pharmaceuticals- has discovered a hitherto unknown mechanism by which the insulin producing beta cells are negatively affected. This raises new hopes for pharmacologically stimulating these cells to divide and thus combating diabetes. Bace1 is by no means an unknown enzyme. It is the protease cleaving the amyloid protein in the brain and is thereby significantly contributing to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. About its close relative Bace2, however, we for a long time merely knew that it is not involved in this disease, as it is barely present in neurons. But now a research group led by Markus Stoffel, professor for Metabolic Diseases at The Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich, has found both a “home” and a function for this orphan: The enzyme is primarily present in pancreatic beta cells and regulates the proliferation of this cell type. Beta cells prosper without the protease Literature: Esterhazy D et al.
Confirmed by ETH Zurich study: nuclear energy phase-out is possible Restructuring the energy system without nuclear power by 2050 is in principle technologically possible and economically manageable. However, it will demand a concerted effort by the whole of society. This is the conclusion reached by ETH Zurich researchers in a study they presented at the Energy Talks 2011. Over the past few months, a group of researchers at the Energy Science Center (ESC) of ETH Zurich have carried out an intensive examination of whether the available options will enable Switzerland to scope out a medium-term energy future without nuclear power, as decided by the Swiss Federal Council in May. However, a step-by step restructuring of Switzerland’s energy systems during the coming years and decades will require great efforts by all areas of society. No relaxations in climate targets Hydroelectric power and new renewable energy sources Higher efficiency for system components Seizing the opportunity for re-industrialisation Background information to the ETH Zurich study
Singapore scientists create world's smallest gear | Video A bright idea to help bike riders be seen and not harmed Designer Wouter Walmink:"One of the things we wanted to do was to make a helmet that was more exciting to look at". WOUTER Walmink never considered wearing a bicycle helmet until he moved to Melbourne a year ago. But after pedalling through the city's hectic streets, the Dutch designer realised he was going to need a helmet - so he set about making a better one. The result is the LumaHelm, a flashing headpiece with 104 multicoloured LED lights that illuminate like indicators when a cyclist tilts the head left or right. ''One of the things we wanted to do was make a helmet that was more exciting to look at,'' the 28-year-old says. ''We saw an opportunity where we thought no one had seen it before.'' Advertisement The LumaHelm is based on a standard helmet fitted with lights powered by AA batteries and a sensor that measures movement of the cyclist's head. An Arduino microcontroller placed in the cyclist's pocket translates those movements into light patterns.
Epoxy Gel Coat Gelcoats are special resins that are designed to form the first surface of a composite mould or part. Gelcoats are generally applied as a thickness of 0.3-0.7mm and are specially formulated to provide the part or mould surface with properties such as resistance to UV (ultraviolet) degradation, hydrolysis or osmosis (where water is absorbed into a composite over considerable time). Gelcoats also include thixotropic additives to make them thicker and more able to stick to inclined surfaces of moulds. Epoxy gelcoats are based on epoxide resin and polyamine hardener (just like epoxy resin) and should be used when making parts using epoxy resin , if a gelcoat surface is required. Gelcoats are applied to a mould surface and allowed to cure to a certain point before the first layer of laminate is applied. Tooling Gel Coats Tooling gel coats are specially designed to provide a highly polish-able and durable surface to epoxy based moulds.